Выпусков: 20

Opening the vault of comedy from SF Porductions

SF Classiques - SFPPN Sf Productions Podcast Network

    • Юмор

Opening the vault of comedy from SF Porductions

    SF Classiques 020

    SF Classiques 020

    Well, I'm sure I have more SF ephemera to go over, but frankly, I'm running
    out of decent audio clips to play. So, this will be the last entry for this

    SF Classiques 019

    SF Classiques 019

    Let's go over some of the groups our team gravitated to in high school.
    When we last met electronically, I mentioned the word "Semanon". While it
    sounds like a cult of some kind, it was just the backstage crew for the
    high school theater.

    SF Classiques 018

    SF Classiques 018

    On previous blogs, I promised I would return to extraneous points, so here
    we are... In Episode 5, I mentioned that SF wasn't the only production
    company in town. Must have been something in the water. I'm sure I'll get
    some of this material wrong, as I was a bystander. If the parties involved
    read this, let me know what I screwed up.

    SF Classiques 017

    SF Classiques 017

    OK, let's wrap things up. The SF team began to break up in the late 80's,
    and it became harder and harder to "get the band back together". It's
    natural for this to happen--people have lives after all. I had found a
    creative outlet in public access cable TV in Columbus, OH. I was involved
    in two comedy shows, one of which resulted in an arrest (more on that
    soon), then began ten years of the "Vast Wasteland" TV show, the ancestor
    of one of our current podcasts.

    SF Classiques 016

    SF Classiques 016

    We now move into the late 80's, and a bit of a hiatus for SF as people went
    off into the world to get actual jobs, get married, get more degrees (I'm
    looking at you, Beth), etc. In 1988, Mike and I created a 10th anniversary
    set (just a set of clips, kind of like what I'm doing here) and the "Is It
    Love" dance remix played in episode one. This took quite a lot of work
    since Eric was unavailable, so we sampled his voice track line by line to
    match the new tempo. Eric was quite surprised to later hear his voice on
    something he wasn't directly involved in.

    SF Classiques 015

    SF Classiques 015

    During college breaks, I would try to visit SF members at their schools.
    Bill was attending University of Cincinnati, and I went to see him a few
    times. He was hanging around with a girl named Janet, and they were
    becoming quite the couple. One night, Bill and I were driving around, and
    he said "how do you feel about an SF wedding?". After discussing logistics
    of such an event, I gave him my "blessing" as SF President. Thus the SF
    weddings began. Janet and Bill have been together since then, moving around
    the country for work, and have ended back up in Ohio, so we can see them

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