Social Media Advertising & The Sales Funnel: Right Place, Right Time

Подкаст «Taking CTRL! The IT & Digital Marketing Podcast»

Making social media advertising easy to understand is CJ Bachman’s thing. In this episode, she helps you increase your business’ online visibility with a few tips on applying the sales funnel to social media advertising. 00:06 – How the traditional sales funnel model applies to Social Media advertising 00:21 – Top of the funnel: connecting with people 00:33 – Middle of the funnel: get a commitment 00:50 – Bottom of the funnel: getting a purchase/conversion 00:58 – Creating ads for people based on where they are in the funnel 01:11 – Why you shouldn’t do one ad for everyone 01:22 – Provide the right information at the right time 01:33 – Fine tune your audience Need a little more help? Let us know here.

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