TBC: Why Every Founder Needs Third-Party Feedback (TBC76)

Подкаст «Funded - How They Raised Millions»

In this episode of The Backchannel, the host emphasizes the critical role of third-party feedback in the fundraising process for entrepreneurs.

Reflecting on a recent interaction with a founder, the host describes how an initially chaotic business pitch was clarified and refined through his outsider's perspective. 

This episode underscores the unique advantage of third-party insights, which strip away emotional biases and unnecessary details to highlight the core message that resonates. 

The takeaway is clear: seeking external opinions on fundraising materials isn't just helpful; it's essential for success.


If you're looking for more fundraising content, grab our weekly newsletter packed full of strategies and insights around how to raise money: fundedpod.com/newsletter

If you're looking to learn how Adamant is helping founders prepare for their fundraise, head here: admnt.com

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