The Art of Spiritual Memoir with Richard Lischer

Подкаст «Rector’s Cupboard Podcast»

Do you have a testimony?
If you are familiar with the culture of evangelical church, you will know what is being asked. Maybe you heard someone give their testimony at church, or at camp.

In this context, testimony meant a personal account of your life or background with an emphasis on your conversion to evangelical faith. It was communicated, largely, with the intent and hope that those listening, who had not experienced such a conversion, may, themselves, make a declaration of faith.

Spiritual memoir is different than testimony.

Richard Lischer’s book, Our Hearts are Restless, introduces us to the spiritual memoir of some interesting people. In describing spiritual memoir, Lischer says, “some lives are construed as if lived in the presence of God.”

We found the book wonderful and thoughtful. Lischer skillfully and compassionately (for subject and reader) opens the accounts of the people to whom he introduces us in a way that helps to ask meaningful questions about life and faith.

Enjoy the episode and if you are so inclined, read the book – it really is good.

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