The Happy Leader

Amy Sanchez
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Hear stories and leadership tips from coaching some of the most innovative leaders and teams in Silicon Valley. Executive Coach Amy Sanchez will help you navigate the most common leadership challenges so you can amplify what matters most- happiness.

  1. How to Foster Better Team Collaboration

    17 СЕНТ.

    How to Foster Better Team Collaboration

    Getting the most beneficial collaboration out of your team isn’t just good for the team—it’s good for you and your company as well. Effective collaboration helps team members share diverse ideas, pool knowledge, and work toward common goals, which leads to better problem-solving and improved outcomes. As a manager, fostering this collaboration creates a more efficient and harmonious environment, reducing the need for constant intervention. For your company, collaborative teams are more innovative, resilient, and productive, making the business stronger and more competitive in the long run. Collaboration can be undermined when a scarcity mindset and competition rear up. When resources like time, budget, or recognition feel limited, team members may become more competitive, holding back information to get ahead. This creates silos rather than fostering cooperation. In addition, when leaders or team members don’t show vulnerability or create a safe space for open dialogue, trust is eroded, making collaboration even more difficult. To build a truly collaborative team, leaders must model transparency and focus on creating an abundance mindset, where the emphasis is on what’s possible rather than what’s lacking. Key Questions Discussed In the Podcast How can leaders foster a more collaborative and high-performing team?What role does scarcity mindset play in undermining collaboration, and how can it be overcome?How can showing vulnerability as a leader improve team communication and trust? Resources: Why Collaboration Yields Improved Productivity (And The Science Behind It) - by Kate Vitasek, Forbes March 8th, 2022Why Collaboration Is Critical in Uncertain Times - by Jenny Fernandez, Kathryn Landis, and Julie Lee, Harvard Business Review February 13th, 2024New Study Finds That Collaboration Drives Workplace Performance - by Adi Gaskell, Forbes December 10th, 2021Cues of working together fuel intrinsic motivation - by Priyanka B. Carr, Gregory M. Walton, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology July 2014

    13 мин.
  2. Mastering the One-on-One Meeting

    3 СЕНТ.

    Mastering the One-on-One Meeting

    One-on-one meetings between leaders and their direct reports are essential for the success of both the team and the manager. These meetings create a dedicated space for meaningful communication, allowing managers to understand their employees' challenges, aspirations, and motivations. By investing time in these regular check-ins, leaders can build trust, foster engagement, and create a supportive environment where employees feel valued. This connection not only boosts team morale but also directly contributes to the overall effectiveness of the manager, as it enables them to stay in tune with the needs and progress of their team. To make the most out of one-on-one meetings, it's important to approach them with intention and structure. Best practices include setting a consistent schedule, allowing employees to build the agenda, and focusing on topics beyond just project updates. These meetings should be a time to check in on well-being, explore team dynamics, discuss professional development goals, and provide constructive feedback. They shouldn’t be a meeting to merely get updated on projects and deliverables.  When done right, one-on-one meetings can be uplifting for employees, giving them a sense of purpose and direction while reinforcing their connection to the organization. By creating a safe space for open dialogue, managers can inspire greater initiative and commitment from their team members. Key Questions Discussed In the Podcast How can one-on-one meetings improve employee engagement and overall team success?What are the best practices for conducting effective one-on-one meetings with your direct reportsHow can leaders use one-on-one meetings to uncover and address potential issues before they escalate? Resources:   HBR Article: Make the Most of Your One-On-One Meetings  Research: Reach out to Amy for the 1:1 Meeting Template:

    24 мин.
  3. Improve Leadership Team Performance

    20 АВГ.

    Improve Leadership Team Performance

    In any organization, leadership behavior significantly influences the overall culture and effectiveness of the organization. But oftentimes, this predominant style can go unrecognized for years until the organization decides to tune in. When an organization is ready to take a hard and honest look at the strengths and weaknesses of the leadership team in an effort to improve the entire organization, levering a diagnostic tool can be helpful. One of the most effective tools for identifying and understanding leadership traits is the DiSC framework. DiSC categorizes leadership styles into four primary types: Dominance (D), Influence (I), Steadiness (S), and Conscientiousness (C). By learning the predominant DiSC style of the leadership team, organizations can gain valuable insights into the motivations and behaviors of their top leaders whose impact is trickling down throughout the company. This knowledge helps to identify strengths- which can then be amplified- and also blind spots—areas where a leadership team's predominant style may hinder progress or create challenges. Once these blind spots are recognized, strategies can be implemented to address them, leading to a more efficient and effective organization. This episode dives into exactly how to do that. Key Questions Discussed In the Podcast How can understanding different leadership styles improve team dynamics and overall organizational performance?What are the key traits of each DISC style, and how do they influence decision-making and team management?How can identifying and addressing leadership blind spots through the DISC framework lead to more effective management and increased organizational success? Resources: What is Affinity Bias, and Why Does it Matter, Forbes, 2/21/2024Everything DiSCSwim Against The Current

    20 мин.
  4. Boomer to Gen Z- Clashing Leadership Styles

    8 ИЮЛ.

    Boomer to Gen Z- Clashing Leadership Styles

    In today's diverse workplace, managing multiple generations effectively is crucial. Each generation brings unique experiences, values, and work styles, which can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts if not properly addressed. By recognizing and adapting to these differences, managers can foster a more inclusive and productive environment. Understanding that one-size-fits-all management approaches are outdated, and that flexibility and empathy can bridge generational gaps, is essential for modern leadership. This week I share my story of a personal encounter with a generational clash that highlights the importance of adapting management styles. After delivering a management training session on the importance of catering to different generational needs, I faced criticism from a senior leader on LinkedIn. His traditional view clashed with the modern, flexible approach I advocated for. This interaction reminded me of my own experiences in the corporate world, where rigid management styles stifled innovation and marginalized those who thought differently. It was a pivotal moment that reaffirmed my commitment to fostering inclusive leadership and ultimately led me to become an executive coach. Key Questions Discussed In the Podcast How can managers adapt their management styles to meet the needs of different generations in the workplace?What are the common challenges faced by employees when their generational preferences clash with traditional management styles?What strategies can managers use to create a more inclusive and collaborative work environment that respects generational differences? Resources: Swim Against the Current

    10 мин.
  5. Empower Your Team to Take Initiative

    18 ИЮН.

    Empower Your Team to Take Initiative

    Transitioning from an individual contributor to a manager requires a significant behavioral shift. As individual contributors, we are used to solving problems and handling tasks independently. However, as managers, our role shifts to empowering our team members to take initiative and perform effectively. This transition is crucial because it not only alleviates our own workload but also fosters a sense of ownership and growth within the team. By enabling our direct reports to contribute meaningfully, we create a more efficient and motivated team, which ultimately leads to better organizational outcomes. This week I share a story about Oscar, a rapidly promoted leader in Silicon Valley who faced a common challenge. Despite his success as an individual contributor, Oscar struggled with micromanaging his team, which stifled their growth and initiative. He realized that his hands-on approach was causing his team to rely too heavily on him. Through coaching, Oscar learned to set collaborative goals, use a coaching approach to problem-solving, and apply situational leadership techniques. These changes transformed his team dynamics, increased their ownership and efficiency, and allowed Oscar to focus on strategic planning. Key Questions Discussed In the Podcast How can setting collaborative goals with your team members foster better engagement and initiative?What are some effective coaching methods managers can use to empower their teams?How does situational leadership help in addressing the diverse needs of team members and improving overall performance? Resources Mentioned In the Podcast SMART GoalsThe Happy Leader Episode 13: How to Set Goals That Inspire Your TeamThe Four Leadership Styles of Situational LeadershipTake the Free Values Assessment Executive Coaching Discovery Session

    17 мин.
  6. When Work Defines Your Worth

    4 ИЮН.

    When Work Defines Your Worth

    From a young age, we are conditioned to seek external validation through grades, accolades, and praise. This continues into our professional lives with performance reviews and feedback from bosses. While curiosity and self-reflection are essential for growth, linking our self-worth to external validation can lead to significant emotional distress and debunk progress. It's important to ensure self-worth comes from within.  It should be an internal sense of knowing you’re talented and worthy of love and belonging, regardless of external feedback or events. By understanding this, we can prevent ourselves from spiraling into negativity when faced with criticism or setbacks at work. This week I share a story about Sarah, an executive who experienced a dramatic emotional journey at work. She was a high achiever recruited by a top tech company and faced a significant setback when her first major campaign failed. Despite external factors beyond her control, she internalized the failure, leading to a severe drop in confidence and self-worth. Through coaching, Sarah realized her self-worth was too closely tied to her job performance. By unraveling her sense of worth from her career and developing practices to maintain a positive self-view, she not only recovered but also thrived, mentoring others on the importance of separating self-worth from job performance. Key Questions Discussed In the Podcast How can I separate my self-worth from my job performance?What are the dangers of tying self-worth to external validation at work?What practical steps can I take to maintain a healthy sense of self-worth regardless of my professional achievements?  Free values assessment:

    15 мин.
  7. How to Set Goals that Inspire Your Team

    28 МАЯ

    How to Set Goals that Inspire Your Team

    Goal setting is a critical component for both personal and team success. It not only helps individuals understand why their work matters but also fosters a sense of accomplishment when goals are achieved. Setting goals provides a clear direction, aligning daily tasks with broader strategic objectives and values. This alignment ensures that everyone is working towards the same end goal, creating a cohesive and motivated team. Regularly revisiting these goals and providing feedback based on them reduces confusion and surprises, helping maintain focus and drive. I recently worked with a growing Silicon Valley-based company that traditionally only focused on customers, products, and processes. For the first time, they were investing in their people's growth and development. During a leadership workshop, as we were exploring the value of goal-setting, one VP highlighted that knowing the goals in advance made goal attainment more satisfying, providing a clear beginning and end to their efforts. After successfully getting in the habit of annual goal setting at the C-suite level, they began to see greater alignment and success in achieving their goals. Our next step is to cascade these goals down through the ranks, ensuring everyone is aligned and building goals that ladder up, to amplify the overall impact. By incorporating collaborative goal-setting practices, creating SMART goals, and fostering an emotional connection to these goals, leaders can inspire their teams and achieve significant results. Regular check-ins and supportive coaching further enhance this process, ensuring that everyone remains aligned and motivated. If you need assistance facilitating these conversations at a senior level, reach out to for expert support. Remember to celebrate your achievements and let happiness reign when you reach your goals. Key Questions Discussed In the Podcast How can leaders effectively set goals that align and motivate the organization?What strategies can be used to ensure goal setting is seen as a valuable exercise rather than a burden?How can regular check-ins and feedback enhance the goal-setting process and ensure continuous progress? Resources:  How to Set SMART Goals: Swim Against the Current

    12 мин.
  8. How to Protect Your Time (And Calendar)

    21 МАЯ

    How to Protect Your Time (And Calendar)

    As an executive and leader, safeguarding your time is paramount. Your days are inundated with emails, meetings, and constant demands, making it easy to lose sight of your strategic goals. By intentionally protecting your calendar, you can ensure that your time is spent on activities that align with your priorities and values. This proactive approach not only boosts productivity but also fosters innovation and maintains a healthy work-life balance, crucial for long-term success and well-being. This week, I share the story of a remarkable group of female senior leaders. About two years ago, we began meeting consistently every 4-6 weeks. These women dedicated this time to building connections, solving problems collaboratively, and reflecting on their intentions and goals.  The results were transformative, enabling them to live more intentional and fulfilling lives. Gain access to the tools that helped them transform how they spent their time so you can benefit from the same positive impact. Key Questions Discussed In the Podcast How to identify and prioritize activities that align with your top values and priorities.How to audit your calendar and reallocate time to high-impact activities.Practical tips for managing email and communication to reduce distractions and focus on meaningful work. Resources: · ·

    20 мин.

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Hear stories and leadership tips from coaching some of the most innovative leaders and teams in Silicon Valley. Executive Coach Amy Sanchez will help you navigate the most common leadership challenges so you can amplify what matters most- happiness.

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