The Unsettled Garden

Alison Ralph
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This series explores the politics of gardening in Canada. Hosted by Alison Ralph, a writer and native plant gardener, you'll hear from leading experts like Dancing Water Sandy, Dr. Wendy Makoons Geniusz, Jacqueline L. Scott, and Lorraine Johnson, about our colonized landscape, and how gardens have a role to play in climate change, community building, and decolonization.


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This series explores the politics of gardening in Canada. Hosted by Alison Ralph, a writer and native plant gardener, you'll hear from leading experts like Dancing Water Sandy, Dr. Wendy Makoons Geniusz, Jacqueline L. Scott, and Lorraine Johnson, about our colonized landscape, and how gardens have a role to play in climate change, community building, and decolonization.

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