The Walk Ons Pod

Clay Cunningham
Подкаст «The Walk Ons Pod»

Welcome to the Walk Ons Pod! This podcast is hosted by Clay Cunningham and Jeremy Jones. Here we talk about all things NBA and college basketball. We both have extensive knowledge when it comes to the game of basketball and so sitting and talking about it is something that is second nature to us. The only thing that's different for us is to actually record our conversations. This podcast is available on pretty much any podcast outlet you could imagine, but also feel free to check us out on our YouTube channel as well!

Об этом подкасте

Welcome to the Walk Ons Pod! This podcast is hosted by Clay Cunningham and Jeremy Jones. Here we talk about all things NBA and college basketball. We both have extensive knowledge when it comes to the game of basketball and so sitting and talking about it is something that is second nature to us. The only thing that's different for us is to actually record our conversations. This podcast is available on pretty much any podcast outlet you could imagine, but also feel free to check us out on our YouTube channel as well!

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