The What If Scenario

Подкаст «Financial Control Freak»

Brent talks about the Perfect Storm that is brewing. He discusses how a Super Freak stands to weather the storm better than a pseudo freak or one of the herd.


  • Kids going back to school - 1:00
  • Being a money freak - 1:28
  • Types of freaks - 2:32
  • Who is the super freak? - 3:27
  • Figuring out how to manage assets - 7:19
  • Spending time on rates of returns - 8:25
  • You have to be prepared - 14:02
  • What to do if you want to be a super freak - 17:39
  • Having a window of opportunity - 21:40

Links and Resources from this Episode

  • Connect with Brent Turner

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