Vocalizing Villains

Juvel Joseph
Подкаст «Vocalizing Villains»

We think that only the protagonists in a movie or a series are justified for their actions, we think that the antagonists are the bad people and they need to be defeated. However, did you ever think about the reason behind why they are bad in the first place, the villains are never given the opportunity to justify their actions and lift up their voice about why they are villains. This podcast is based exactly on this. Here, we give voice to the villains to express their feelings and speak up the hidden truth behind them being the bad person.

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We think that only the protagonists in a movie or a series are justified for their actions, we think that the antagonists are the bad people and they need to be defeated. However, did you ever think about the reason behind why they are bad in the first place, the villains are never given the opportunity to justify their actions and lift up their voice about why they are villains. This podcast is based exactly on this. Here, we give voice to the villains to express their feelings and speak up the hidden truth behind them being the bad person.

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