What is happening in automation?

Подкаст «Fastener Talk»

In this episode of Fastener Talk we have a  special interview with Stefan Reuss and Helmut Eisenkolb from Würth Industrie Service, where we focus on the role of automation within the company, as well as the fastener industry as a whole.

Stefan Reuss is head of digital solutions and IT at  Würth Industrie Service, having joined the Würth Group over twenty years ago. Helmut Eisenkolb has been within the Würth Group for over 12 years, with various positions in Germany and Asia, before taking over the role of head logisitics for Würth Industrie Service in Germany back in 2017. 

Both Stefan and Helmut provide some great insight into the steps Würth Industrie Service has taken regarding automation and why it believes it is such a key topic both now and will continue to be so in the future. 

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