God's Pure Word of Faith

Richard Hardin
God's Pure Word of Faith Podcast

The God of the Bible is getting a bum rap. The Christian community is so mixed up, 200+ denominations and groups teaching opposite "words from God." There are many very important subjects which are not being discussed in the Christian community, there are many that are being discussed incorrectly based on false beliefs, and there are some popular beliefs that are completely made up and have no mention whatsoever in the Bible. There should be one Christian group according to Eph 4:4-12 teaching and believing one gospel. God is not backing up the Christian community in our country because our ministers have not been to school to learn God's Pure Word, but to learn how to twist it to their denominational belief. So you as an individual better start seeking the Scriptures for yourself to prepare for the future.

  1. 11 SEPT

    Richard Hardin' GPWF: Christ Our Rock of Salvation!! Not Peter!

    Christ(God and Jesus''s Word)! IsThe Rock of Our Salvation! Not Peter! My 8 Books: Amazon.com/Richard-A-Hardin/e/B09J2YHCVB (Approx- 5$ ea) ****I will show that God was the Rock of the Old Testament salvation and Christ(God's Living Word) is the Rock of our New Testament salvation. Jesus did not say in Matthew 16:16-17 that Peter would be the Rock of His, Jesus’, Church. Christ, the living, creating power of God, Rhema, not Peter is the Rock of our salvation. Christ is our hope of Glory, Col 1:27, not Peter. I want to clear up the confusion which you might have about whether or not Jesus said He would build His Church on Peter? No! Jesus was referring to the Living Word of God, Christ, Who had taught Peter that Jesus was the Christ, the son of God. Jesus goes on to say that we all, you and I, must be personally taught by God's Living Word, Christ, as Peter was in, John 6:45, "It is written in the prophets, 'And they shall be all taught of God. Every man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father, cometh unto me." Each of us must be taught by the Living Spirit of God, Christ, to come to Jesus for salvation, in the same manner Peter was taught by Jesus’ Father through His Spoken Word, Christ, in Matt 16:16. Christ, the Living Word, in our new heart is the Rock of our salvation, not Peter. We call out to Jesus, God, for salvation, He in return sends His Living Creating Word, Christ, into our hearts to create in us our new hearts, Ezekiel 36:26, "A new heart also will I give you, and a new Spirit(Christ) will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you and heart of flesh. (27) And I will put My Spirit(Christ) within you,.." That is how you receive the new "Born Again heart by His Spirit of Christ creating in you the new heart and putting His Spirit(Christ) into the new heart." Wed @KLRNRadio.com;  NOTICE: SUPREME COURT DECISION: CHURCH OF HOLY TRINITY vs UNITED STATES, FEB 29,1892. "These and many other matters which might be noticed, add a volume of unofficial declarations to the mass of organic utterances that this is a Christian Nation." 143 U.S. 457;  12 S. Ct 511;  36 L. Ed 226;  Feb 29, 1892.

    2h 6m
  2. 9 SEPT

    Richard Hardin's--- Jehoshaphat

    Jehoshaphat went from doubt & fear> to seeking God >to accepting/obeying God's Word >to receive God's Victory! It took three days for them to pick up the rewards! God may be ready to fight your battle, but there are some things you must do to be the person that He will defend, protect or bless! The story is in 2 Chronicles 20:1-26. A good example of how hope, fear, doubt, seeking, belief, trust, unbelief, faith, walking by faith, receiving the victory are related. These are the circumstances we find ourselves in when a serious problem comes on us. I pray this message will help you in facing your problems because you will know you have the ability to make the correct choices that will have to be made when you are faced with any problem, regardless how big. There is enough mercy and grace for any situation if we turn to Jesus with all our heart and ask for help, Hebrews 4:16, “Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.” **Understanding the relationships between these words will give you confidence when you are seeking God about your problems or concerns. **When King Jehoshaphat heard he was surrounded by three armies, He didn't know what to do and feared, then set himself and all Judah to seek the Lord. Obeying the Scripture promises, they fasted and prayed three days before the Temple, then God spoke through one of the priests and said, "Hearken ye, all Judah, and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem, and thou King Jehoshaphat, 'Thus saith the Lord unto you, Be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude;for the battle is not yours, but God’s. Tomorrow go ye down against them:...Ye shall not need to fight in this battle: set yourselves, stand ye still, and see the salvation of the Lord with you, O Judah and Jerusalem: set yourselves, stand ye still, and see the salvation of the Lord with you, O Judah and Jerusalem: fear not, nor be dismayed; tomorrow go out against them: for the Lord will be with you." ”Jehoshaphat accepted God's Word,(Christ). He and all Judah bowed their heads and thanked God for His answer. The next morning they marched out the gates of the city singing and praising God. God performed the victory as they watched. It took three days for Israel to gather all the spoils of the fight.  SPECIAL: SUPREME COURT DECISION: Church of Holy Trinity vs United States, Feb 291892! "These and many other matters which might be noticed, add a volume of unofficial declarations to the mass of organic utterances that this is a Christian Nation.                      "Feb 29,1892,143 U.S. 457; 12 S.Ct 511; 36 L. Ed 226; Feb 29, 1892. We are a Christian Nation!        Pass it on!

    1h 0m
  3. 7 SEPT

    Richard Hardin's: Jesus Not In OT Prior To HIS Birth, Deut 18:15!

    Jesus Was Not God and In the Old Testament Prior To His Birth and Exaltation To The Godhead After His Death On The Cross!  Deut 18:15-19!                 My 8 Books: Amazon.com/Richard-A-Hardin/e/B09J2YHCVB Email: rhardin77@yahoo.com rahardin.com -Bio, 18 Videos, Podcasts ***** I will discuss mercy, then the relationship of mercy and truth in the Old Testament (OT) which shows that Jesus did not live or serve in the OT, except for the days He walked on Earth. Jesus became exalted to the fullness of Godhead, Trinity, after His death and then He became the third part of the Trinity after His resurrection. I will show from Scripture there was no grace in the OT: Grace and Truth came by Jesus. God and His Spoken Word, Christ, was the full expression of the Godhead in the OT, look at Psalms 25:10, "ALL the paths of the Lord are Mercy and Truth unto such as keep His Covenant and His Testimonies." and Isaiah 59:21, "As for Me, this is My Covenant with them, saith the Lord; My Spirit (Mercy) that is upon thee, and My Words(Truth) which I have put in thy mouth,..". When Jesus was exalted to the fullness of the Godhead, the Trinity of God came into existence: God the Father, Jesus the Son and Their Living Words, Christ! This is very different than what is being presently taught as the "Christian World View." Jesus, the man, died on the cross for our sin sacrifice because the Spirit of Christ left Him when He cried out, "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken me? Jesus the man then died and paid the sin sacrifice for us! That is why God was so pleased with the man Jesus and exalted Him through just being our mediator, to being fully God in the fullness of the Godhead! on @KLRNRadio.com 6AM CST Sat #GPWF #Christian & on rahardin.com anytime speak to Alexa say, "Play God's Pure Word of Faith." SUPREME COURT DECISION: CHURCH OF HOLY TRINITY vs UNITED STATES;   FEB 29, 1892. "These and many other matters which might be noticed, add a volume of unofficial declarations to the mass of organic utterances that this is a Christian Nation" 143 U.S. 457; 12 S. Ct. 511; 36 L.Ed 226; Feb, 1892.  (Pass It On Please)

    2h 6m
  4. 6 SEPT

    Richard Hardin's GPWF: You Have No Set Day/Time To Die! So Pray About It!

    *** PS: A lot of people have even been raised from the dead and died twice as recorded in the Bible! on @KLRNRadio.com 7AM Fri #GPWF #Christian or at rahardin.com We Have No Set Fixed Day or Time To Die! So Pray! Talk To God and See What He Will Do!      My Books: Amazon.com/Richard-A-Hardin/e/B09J2YHCVB Weekly: M-F,7-8AM; Sat-Sun, 6-8AM (CST) E-mail: rhardin77@yahoo.com **Most ministers in our society teach we have a set time and place to die. That is not so for the children of God; those who have received the born again changed heart, Spirit. And it is easy to become a born again child of God: Ask God to forgive you of your sin, invite Him to come into your heart and commit your life to Him. There are so many examples in the Bible of the change in people’s time for their death, and many of them had a voice with God when it will be. You might can too if you talk to God about it! Our ministers are so afraid to address any Scriptures that might cause them to have to stand on Scriptures instead of their denominational buddies’ beliefs. Listen to the Scriptures and to what God will say to you! ****Our ministers do not go to Seminaries and other Bible schools to learn God’s Pure Word. They go to their Seminaries(schools) of choice to learn how to preach and teach the Scriptures according to their denomination beliefs of choice which causes most of them to be preaching errors. ! Listen to the Scriptures and to what God will say to you! SPECIAL SUPREME COURT DECISION: CHURCH OF HOLY TRINITY vs UNITED STATES;  "These and many other matters which might be noticed, add a volume of unofficial declarations to the mass of organic utterances that this is a Christian nation." Feb 29, 1892 143 U.S. 457;  12 S. Ct 511;  36 L.Ed 226;  Feb 29, 1892. The USA is a Christian Nation!!

    1h 6m
  5. 6 SEPT

    Richard Hardin's---You Have No Set Day/Time To Die! So Pray!

    We Have No Set Fixed Day or Time To Die! So Pray! Talk To God and See What He Will Do!      My Books: Amazon.com/Richard-A-Hardin/e/B09J2YHCVB Weekly: M-F,7-8AM; Sat-Sun, 6-8AM (CST) E-mail: rhardin77@yahoo.com **Most ministers in our society teach we have a set time and place to die. That is not so for the children of God; those who have received the born again changed heart, Spirit. And it is easy to become a born again child of God: Ask God to forgive you of your sin, invite Him to come into your heart and commit your life to Him. There are so many examples in the Bible of the change in people’s time for their death, and many of them had a voice with God when it will be. You might can too if you talk to God about it! Our ministers are so afraid to address any Scriptures that might cause them to have to stand on Scriptures instead of their denominational buddies’ beliefs. Listen to the Scriptures and to what God will say to you! ****Our ministers do not go to Seminaries and other Bible schools to learn God’s Pure Word. They go to their Seminaries(schools) of choice to learn how to preach and teach the Scriptures according to their denomination beliefs of choice which causes most of them to be preaching errors. ! Listen to the Scriptures and to what God will say to you! *** PS: A lot of people have even been raised from the dead and died twice as recorded in the Bible! on @KLRNRadio.com 7AM Fri #GPWF #Christian or at rahardin.com SPECIAL SUPREME COURT DECISION: CHURCH OF HOLY TRINITY vs UNITED STATES;  "These and many other matters which might be noticed, add a volume of unofficial declarations to the mass of organic utterances that this is a Christian nation." Feb 29, 1892 143 U.S. 457;  12 S. Ct 511;  36 L.Ed 226;  Feb 29, 1892. The USA is a Christian Nation!!

    1h 6m
  6. 5 SEPT

    RIchard Hardin's GPWF: Faith, Grace, Election, Predestination!

    Faith, Grace, Election, & Predestination - -----rahardin.com; Bio, Videos, Radio My Books: Amazon.com/Richard-A-Hardin/e/B09J2YHCVB (Check them out! Approx-$5) Weekly: M-F, 7-8AM, Sat-Sun, 6-8AM (CST); Richard Hardin, POBox 45684, OKC, OK 73145; **Changes must start in the "House of God." Christianity must clean up its confused, mixed-up beliefs to be Ambassadors of God's Pure Word, for God will only back up His Pure Word, Proverbs 30:5-6, "Every Word of God is Pure: He is a shield unto them that put their trust in Him. (6) Add thou not unto His Words, lest He reprove thee, and thou be found a Liar!" ****Teachings of faith and grace are filled with error and confusion. And, calvinism's (Reformed Theology) election and predestination is a lie of the devil to deny the work of Jesus on the cross. Ephesians 4:4 states that we should have one Spirit, one Body, one faith..." Mathew 25:41, Jesus states, "Then shall He (the King) say unto them on the left hand, 'Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels..." People go to hell and the lake of fire because they personally reject Jesus, not because God has predestined them to go to hell before their birth. And 1 Timothy 2:4, "Who (God) will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth." We must each make a personal choice to receive the Spirit of Jesus(Christ) into our hearts! And after we do we will be held accountable to our Lord and Savior to share with others about the great Grace He has paid for on the cross for each of us! The Apostle Paul says for us to not receive the Grace of God in vain, or don't keep it to ourself as a secret! Share with others and especially with each family member. Get each to share their changed heart salvation experience, don't just hope they are saved just because they are nice and go to church, that is deadly. on @KLRNRadio.com 7AM Tue #GPWF #Christian or rahardin.com (Pods) SPECIAL NOTICE: The Supreme Court Decision of the Church of Holy Trinity vs United States, Feb 29, 1892.        "These and many other matters which might be noticed, add a volume of unofficial declarations to the mass of organic utterances that this is a Christian nation." 143 U.S. 457;  12 S. Ct 511;  36 L.Ed 226;  Feb 29, 1892.    Pass it on, Please!

    1h 6m
  7. 4 SEPT

    Richard Hardin's GPWF: All Sickness Is A Curse From The devil! So Pray!

    All Sickness Are Curses Of The devil! So Pray,(Talk) To God About Your Situation! My Books: Amazon.com/Richard-A-Hardin/e/B09J2YHCVB *****Search the Scriptures & find doors you have opened to the devil, then pray correctly to close the doors you have opened that allow the devil to come in. God will not allow the devil to come into you unless you have personally opened a door yourself to the devil, like unforgiveness. That is a wide open door to the devil! AND you can close the door anytime you choose, so pray(talk to God), read His promises and find our what you have been overlooking or disregarding! AND even if you think you have forgiven them, if you have bad feelings when you are reminded and think of them, then you probably have not totally forgiven them---SO this is what you should do!! Every time you think of them, pray for them and ask /God to help you make sure you have forgiven them. KEEP doing this everytime you think of them until you truly want to see God bless them. Then keep on praying for them. God will help you forgive them and He will be blessing you in many other ways as you are praying for them. You will become so blessed that you will be glad to think of them and rejoice to see how God is blessing them too--because they probably were your friend or associate at one time. Each promise comes with a condition or situation we must meet, and that is always to accept, receive and obey some of God's Word! The main common condition is that we must seek Him for our specific situation until we hear from Him about it, accept what He says, then confess and obey what He says. If for some reason you cannot find the door open to the devil in your situation, just pray everytime you think of them and God will bless you and will send you the WORD you need somehow!! SPECIAL NOTICE: Supreme Court Decision , Church of Holy Trinity vs United States;  Feb 29, 1892. "These and many other matters which might be noticed, add a volume of unofficial declarations to the mass of organic utterances that this is a Christian Nation." 143 U.S. 457;  12 S.Ct 511;  36 L. Ed 226; Feb 29, 1892.  (Pls pass it on.)

    1h 8m
  8. 2 SEPT

    Richard Hardin "s GPWF: Why "Bad" Happens To "Good" People !

    Why "Bad" Happens to "Good" People? ---Fri---rahardin.com-- Bio, Pods My Books: Amazon.com/Richard-A-Hardin/e/B09J2YHCVB    Approx: 5$-10$ ea.  ****Richard Hardin, POBox 45684, OKC, OK 73145. ****There are many very important subjects which are not being taught in the Christian community or Christian World View, and there are many that are being taught incorrectly on false beliefs, and some popular beliefs that are made up and have no mention whatsoever in the Bible .   Why do such bad things happen to "good" people? AND why do such "good" things happen to "bad" people??? ****There are 5 kind of people in the world for this message: (First) Children or anyone who has not come to the age, time, or mental accountability to God. There are (2 kind) of non-Christians: Some who are right now seeking God, and others who are rejecting God!  And there are (2 kind) of Christians: Some who are being lazy, carnal, babes in Christ who are not really seeking a closer fellowship with God, but are maybe going to church doing things which look good outwardly, 2 Chronicles 12:14, says Rehoboam, “Did evil because he prepared not his heart to seek the Lord.” And, the Fifth group are Christians who are seeking their holy calling of 2 Tim 1:9, “Who hath saved us, and called us with an Holy Calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began.” It is not our position to judge what happens to others, but Active Christians will be sharing their changed heart born again experience and the gospel with others as much as they can because they know the seriousness for those who will suffer eternity without Christ! ***Which of the 5 groups are you? on @KLRNRadio.com CST 7 AM Tue #GPWF #Christian & at rahardin.com SPECIAL NOTICE!!  SUPREME COURT DECISION!!  FEB 29; 1892!!! "These and many other matters which might be noticed, add a volume of unofficial declarations to the mass of organic utterances that this is a Christian Nation." 143 U.S. 457;  12 S. Ct 511;   36 L. Ed  226;         Feb 29, 1892.     PASS IT ON!!!!!

    1h 6m


The God of the Bible is getting a bum rap. The Christian community is so mixed up, 200+ denominations and groups teaching opposite "words from God." There are many very important subjects which are not being discussed in the Christian community, there are many that are being discussed incorrectly based on false beliefs, and there are some popular beliefs that are completely made up and have no mention whatsoever in the Bible. There should be one Christian group according to Eph 4:4-12 teaching and believing one gospel. God is not backing up the Christian community in our country because our ministers have not been to school to learn God's Pure Word, but to learn how to twist it to their denominational belief. So you as an individual better start seeking the Scriptures for yourself to prepare for the future.

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