Recalibrate with Milton

Recalibrate with Milton Podcast

Recalibrate is a mindset podcast designed to help you break free from the old and press on to the new.

  1. 25 JUL

    THINKING FOR A CHANGE - Healing for your whole body

    In this episode of "Thinking for a Change," recorded live at TFC McAllen on July 24, we delve deeply into the transformative power of neuroplasticity and the timeless wisdom found in Psalm 23. We explore how our thoughts shape our reality and the vital importance of aligning them with God's Word to achieve true healing and transformation. By examining Psalm 23, we uncover profound insights into God's role as our Shepherd, providing guidance, peace, and restoration in every season of life. We start by understanding the impact of our thoughts and the concept of synaptic plasticity, which is the brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections. This episode illustrates how, through repeated meditation on scripture, we can rewire our minds, leading to lasting spiritual and emotional change. The story of the woman with the issue of blood is highlighted, demonstrating the power of persistent, faith-filled self-talk and its impact on our mental and spiritual well-being. Further, we draw lessons from David's life and his profound relationship with God as depicted in Psalm 23. This psalm not only reflects David's personal experiences but also offers us a framework for understanding God's multifaceted nature as our Shepherd, Provider, Healer, and constant Presence. By delving into the Hebrew names of God revealed in Psalm 23, we gain a deeper appreciation of His character and His promises to us. Through this exploration, we are reminded of the importance of guarding our hearts and aligning our thoughts with God's Word. By doing so, we can experience the peace and assurance that comes from trusting in God's provision and guidance. Join me as we uncover the layers of Psalm 23, discovering its relevance to our daily lives and the profound peace it offers to those who embrace its truths. This episode is a journey into the heart of spiritual transformation, encouraging us to renew our minds and live out the wisdom of Psalm 23 each day.

    50 min
  2. 12 JUN

    CONTRACORRIENTE: Navegando la Fe en la Cultura Secular

    En el episodio de hoy de nuestro podcast, exploramos cómo nos relacionamos con la cultura y nuestro papel como creyentes en ella. Discutimos la creencia común de que para influir en la cultura, debemos parecernos a ella, sumergiéndonos en su lenguaje, música y estilos. Esta idea es especialmente popular entre los jóvenes que consideran que, para tener un impacto significativo, necesitan ganar aceptación en los sectores más influyentes de la sociedad. Sin embargo, reflexionamos sobre el desafío de interactuar con la cultura de manera consciente y deliberada, asegurándonos de que nuestra fe influya en la cultura en lugar de permitir que la cultura diluya nuestra fe. El debate se profundiza al considerar la propuesta de algunos de que, mientras estamos inmersos en la cultura, deberíamos evitar ser abiertamente cristianos para no alejar a otros. Esta perspectiva sugiere mantener la fe en secreto, revelándola solo cuando las circunstancias sean adecuadas, promoviendo una presencia cristiana discreta. Contrastamos esta visión con la enseñanza bíblica de que, como seguidores de Cristo, estamos llamados a ser sal y luz del mundo, no a ocultar nuestra fe. Analizamos cómo este enfoque de "esperar el momento adecuado" puede ser tanto deshonesto como infiel, y cómo debemos, en cambio, presentar con valentía la metanarrativa de nuestra fe: Creación, Caída, Redención y Restauración. Finalmente, abordamos la importancia de no conformarnos a los patrones del mundo no creyente, sino de atraer a otros a nuestra cosmovisión. Citamos a 1 Corintios 1:27-31, donde se nos recuerda que Dios usa lo débil del mundo para avergonzar a lo fuerte, y que nuestra devoción debe centrarse en conocer a Dios más profundamente, no en ganar popularidad o estatus para luego usarlos para Dios. Reflexionamos sobre cómo la exposición excesiva y no crítica a la cultura puede diluir nuestra fe, destacando la necesidad de una vigilancia espiritual continua para no ser consumidos por la cultura, sino transformarla mediante la renovación de nuestra mente, según Romanos 12:2.

    49 min
  3. 4 JUN

    CULTURAL OUTLIERS: Engaging Faith in a Transformative Way

    Welcome to today’s episode, where we dive deep into the crucial challenge of engaging with our culture thoughtfully and intentionally. How can we ensure that our faith influences the culture rather than allowing the culture to dilute our faith? This question lies at the heart of our discussion. There's a prevalent belief, especially among younger generations, that to impact and transform culture significantly, we must fully assimilate into it, gaining acceptance and recognition in the most influential sectors of society. Some even argue that while embedded in the culture, we should avoid being overtly Christian to prevent alienating others. They suggest keeping one's Christianity subdued and revealing it only when deemed appropriate. However, for a born-again believer, intentionally withholding the gospel to achieve status before sharing the message is both dishonest and faithless. As followers of Christ, we are called to be salt and light in the world, not to conceal our faith in hopes of gaining acceptance or influence. We’ll explore the idea of being discerning observers of culture versus becoming indiscriminate consumers. We'll discuss the significant difference between these two approaches and the importance of maintaining a biblical worldview. Today’s episode will also cover the power of the subconscious mind, with insights from Bill Buckner's story and the analogy of the Chinese Bamboo Tree, illustrating the importance of patience, persistence, and consistent effort in our spiritual growth. Join us as we unpack Romans 12:2 and discuss the call to be countercultural, the dangers of spiritual drift, and the importance of taking a stand for our faith with biblical examples. We’ll also delve into the current state of the church, the cultural war for minds, and the four greatest influencers on the next generation. Finally, we’ll conclude with practical steps to avoid neutrality and stand firm in our faith. Get ready for an enlightening and empowering discussion that will challenge you to live out your faith boldly and authentically in today’s culture. Let's dive in!

    46 min
  4. 5 JAN

    Transformación y Renovación: MENTE, CUERPO, Y ESPIRITU

    En el episodio de hoy, exploramos el poder transformador de la mente y el viaje espiritual hacia la realización, basándonos en el último sermón que prediqué este año en The Family Church en McAllen, Texas. Profundizamos en el mensaje de Romanos 12:2, que nos insta a no conformarnos con este mundo, sino a transformarnos mediante la renovación de nuestra mente. Esta escritura es la piedra angular de nuestra discusión, iluminando el camino para discernir la voluntad de Dios. Además, nos adentramos en el fascinante mundo de la neuroplasticidad y su relación con nuestras prácticas espirituales. Descubrirás cómo el escribir en un diario, una herramienta simple pero poderosa, activa el ganglio basal y la corteza motora, integrando los aspectos emocionales y lógicos de nuestro cerebro. Este proceso no solo ayuda a procesar nuestras emociones sino también a alinearnos con nuestro verdadero propósito. Nuestro viaje no se detiene ahí. Reflexionamos sobre la sabiduría de Salomón en cuanto a la mente, comprendiendo cómo las percepciones bíblicas se cruzan con los conceptos psicológicos modernos. Y en un mundo donde la turbulencia emocional a menudo se manifiesta como dolencias físicas, recurrimos a Proverbios 17:22 para comprender el poder curativo de un corazón alegre. Únete a nosotros mientras desentrañamos estas verdades bíblicas, ofreciendo perspectivas prácticas para aprovechar el poder de tu mente y espíritu para una vida más plena. Ya sea que busques crecimiento espiritual, claridad mental o sanación emocional, este episodio es un faro de esperanza y orientación.

    54 min
  5. 06/08/2023

    UNTETHERED: Embracing Forgiveness for True Freedom

    In this empowering episode on Forgiveness", we embark on a profound exploration of the liberating power of forgiveness from a biblical worldview. Throughout this transformative journey, we delve deep into the extraordinary benefits that forgiveness bestows upon our mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual dimensions, urging us to make the conscious choice of embracing forgiveness. Within this episode, we unveil five life-changing revelations that grace our lives when we choose the path of forgiveness: • Mental Liberation: Forgiveness liberates our minds from the heavy burden of resentment, granting us clarity and peace within. • Emotional Healing: The act of forgiveness brings profound healing to our emotional wounds, nurturing compassion and empathy while dissolving bitterness and animosity. • Physical Well-Being: Embracing forgiveness triggers a relaxation response, reducing stress and enhancing our overall physical well-being. • Spiritual Renewal: Forgiveness aligns us with divine principles, nurturing spiritual growth and deepening our connection with our Creator. • Restoration of Relationships: Through forgiveness, we open the doors to reconciliation, fostering harmonious relationships and building a sense of community. As we journey further into this episode, we also explore the dangers of choosing not to forgive: • Emotional Imprisonment: Refusing to forgive traps us in a cycle of emotional imprisonment, hindering personal growth and emotional freedom. • Spiritual Stagnation: Unforgiveness obstructs our spiritual journey, limiting the flow of divine grace and hindering spiritual growth. • Physical Impact: The weight of unforgiveness can manifest in physical health issues, impacting our overall well-being. Discover the profound transformation that awaits when we choose the path of forgiveness, setting ourselves free and unshackled. Welcome to this enlightening journey of forgiveness, leading us to a life of true liberation and profound peace.

    45 min
  6. 21/06/2023

    FATHERS: Building Strong Foundations for Godly Legacies

    In this impactful Father's Day sermon titled "Sharpening Arrows: A Father's Call to Equip His Children for God's Kingdom," the speaker emphasizes the vital role of fathers in raising their children to follow God's path. The sermon begins with personal anecdotes, highlighting fathers' profound influence on their children's lives. Gratitude and thankfulness are emphasized as essential attributes for believers, reminding fathers to approach their role with a thankful heart and recognize the blessings their children are. The message urges fathers to prioritize their children's salvation above all else, seeking God's guidance and interceding on their behalf. The sermon draws from scriptural references to outline the responsibilities of fathers: teaching, exemplifying Christ's love, providing for the family, spending quality time, showing compassion, and praying ceaselessly for their children. The speaker emphasizes that children are precious blessings from God, regardless of their ease of upbringing or challenges they may present. The significant impact of a father's love and presence is explored, surpassing even the influence of a mother. The sermon underscores the unique emotional connection a father's embrace brings, shaping a child's identity and emotional landscape. Furthermore, it highlights the unparalleled role of fathers in shaping their children's future destiny. Addressing the distinction between fathers and mothers, the sermon asserts that men and women are equal in Christ but have different roles and capabilities. Three core responsibilities of fathers—presiding, protecting, and providing—are highlighted, stressing their importance in maintaining family security and well-being. The sermon raises awareness about the growing issue of fatherlessness, citing alarming statistics and its profound impact on children. It discusses the increased risks children face in areas such as poverty, substance abuse, mental health disorders, crime, and teen pregnancy when they lack a father figure. Drawing from the priestly blessing in Numbers 6:24-26, the sermon encourages fathers to bless their children and choose a path of life, offering guidance and nurturing their potential. The speaker emphasizes the need for fathers to prioritize their families and lead by example, as their influence shapes their children's perception of God the Father. The sermon underscores the importance of connecting with children's hearts, earning their trust, and providing a safe and loving environment. It urges fathers to speak words of affirmation, offer physical touch, and demonstrate active love to their children. The impact of a father's relationship with God is highlighted as a frame of reference for children's perception of their Heavenly Father. The speaker challenges fathers to become skilled warriors, equipping their children for their God-given destinies. They are urged to be authentic, knowledgeable, and willing to guide their children to places they have never been. The power of words and the prophetic nature of a father's affirmation are emphasized, encouraging fathers to speak life and potential over their children. Four ways of parenting are discussed: rules without a relationship lead to rebellion, relationship without rules lead to aggression, absence leads to desperation, and the combination of rules and relationship brings blessings. The sermon stresses that fathers should embody qualities such as faithfulness, affection, teaching, humility, empathy, and resilience. Addressing fathers who may have experienced their own traumas, the sermon encourages them to seek healing and restoration, preventing their pain from negatively affecting their children's lives. It concludes by challenging fathers to repent, seek God's healing, and commit to their most important ministry—being a father.

    49 min


Recalibrate is a mindset podcast designed to help you break free from the old and press on to the new.

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