Unstuck Your Life

Pamela Hughes
Unstuck Your Life Podcast

Unstuck Your Life is a podcast for people who just feel stuck. Whether it's stuck in life, in your career or in the balancing act of it all, you'll learn from someone who knows what it's like to be pulled in every direction. Pamela Hughes is a Certified Life Coach and former talk show host who knows what you're going through because she lived it; a mom with a demanding career, a husband with an equally demanding career and all the stress of life to go with it. She is now sharing the tools and concepts she used to wiggle loose so you can create the life you've always wanted for yourself.

  1. 1 DAY AGO

    114. The Uncomfortable Truth About Getting Unstuck

    Have you ever found yourself avoiding a task, conversation, or opportunity simply because it made you uncomfortable? You're not alone. Many of us instinctively shy away from discomfort, viewing it as something to be avoided at all costs. But what if that very discomfort you're dodging is actually the key to unlocking your potential? In this thought-provoking episode, Pamela Hughes challenges the common perception of discomfort, revealing how it can be a powerful catalyst for personal growth and transformation. Drawing from cutting-edge research in psychology and neuroscience, Pamela explores why stepping out of our comfort zones is essential for developing resilience, creativity, and overall life satisfaction. But this isn't just about theory. Pamela gets personal, sharing her own humbling (and often hilarious) journey of embracing discomfort through learning to swim as an adult. Her story illustrates how facing our fears and insecurities head-on can lead to unexpected breakthroughs and a renewed sense of self-confidence. Throughout the episode, Pamela offers practical strategies for incorporating beneficial discomfort into your daily life, including: How to reframe nervousness as excitement The power of setting weekly 'discomfort' goals Techniques for building your "uncomfortable muscle" Why celebrating effort, not just outcomes, is crucial for growth Whether you're looking to advance in your career, improve your relationships, or simply break free from a rut, this episode provides a roadmap for harnessing the power of discomfort to propel your personal growth. Don't miss this opportunity to transform your relationship with discomfort and unlock new possibilities in your life. Tune in and discover why the path to getting unstuck might be a little uncomfortable - in the best way possible! How to Connect With Pamela: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Website⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Facebook ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Instagram⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠TikTok⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ About the host: Hi, friend! My name is Pamela Hughes and I’m a former talk show host turned life coach. After 20 years in the news business, I walked away from what people thought I should do and I did what I wanted to do … coach people who are stuck like I was and help them find relief, awareness and control within themselves. This was no easy task and I’m not here telling you it was. I had to take full responsibility for where my life was and then decide where I wanted it to go. It was time to stop complaining about my situation and do something about it. I had to stop looking for others to validate me and start having my own back. This required looking inside myself for the answers instead of looking outside myself. I told you it wasn’t easy … but I wouldn’t change one thing about my journey because it led me right here to you reading about it, maybe identifying with aspects of it and hopefully being inspired to get UNSTUCK.

    17 min
  2. 18 SEPT

    113. Spilling The T.E.A. on Your Actions: T.E.A. Series Part #3

    Have you ever found yourself stuck in a cycle of planning and dreaming, but never quite making the leap into action? Or perhaps you've felt paralyzed by indecision, unsure of which step to take first? If so, you're not alone. The gap between our intentions and our actions can often feel like a vast, uncrossable chasm. In this inspiring episode, Pamela Hughes explores the final and crucial component of her T.E.A. Framework - Action. She uncovers how our thoughts and emotions, discussed in previous episodes, ultimately manifest in the real world through our actions (or lack thereof). Pamela delves into the powerful connection between our inner world and outer reality, revealing how even small, intentional actions can create ripple effects of positive change in our lives. Through relatable stories and practical examples, she illustrates how action is the key that unlocks the door to transformation. But this isn't just about motivational pep talks. Pamela equips listeners with concrete strategies to bridge the gap between intention and action, including: How to break down overwhelming goals into manageable, actionable steps Techniques for overcoming fear and resistance when taking bold actions The power of consistent, small actions in creating lasting change How to align your actions with your thoughts and emotions for maximum impact Throughout the episode, Pamela offers insights and tools that listeners can immediately apply to their own lives, whether they're looking to advance their career, improve their relationships, or simply cultivate a more fulfilling daily routine. Don't miss this empowering conclusion to the T.E.A. Framework series. Tune in and discover how to transform your aspirations into reality, one intentional action at a time. It's time to stop dreaming and start doing - your unstuck life awaits! How to Connect With Pamela: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Website⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Facebook ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Instagram⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠TikTok⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ About the host: Hi, friend! My name is Pamela Hughes and I’m a former talk show host turned life coach. After 20 years in the news business, I walked away from what people thought I should do and I did what I wanted to do … coach people who are stuck like I was and help them find relief, awareness and control within themselves. This was no easy task and I’m not here telling you it was. I had to take full responsibility for where my life was and then decide where I wanted it to go. It was time to stop complaining about my situation and do something about it. I had to stop looking for others to validate me and start having my own back. This required looking inside myself for the answers instead of looking outside myself. I told you it wasn’t easy … but I wouldn’t change one thing about my journey because it led me right here to you reading about it, maybe identifying with aspects of it and hopefully being inspired to get UNSTUCK.

    24 min
  3. 11 SEPT

    112. Spilling the T.E.A. on Emotions: T.E.A. Series Part 2

    Have you ever felt like your emotions were running the show, leaving you as a mere passenger in your own life? You're not alone. In this compelling episode, Pamela Hughes pulls back the curtain on the mysterious world of emotions, revealing how they can either empower us or hold us back. We've all been there - heart racing before a big presentation, fuming after a frustrating conversation, or riding high on unexpected good news. But what if you could understand and harness these emotional currents instead of being swept away by them? That's exactly what Pamela explores in this deep dive into the "E" of her transformative T.E.A. Framework. She uncovers the hidden link between our thoughts and emotions, showing how this connection shapes every aspect of our lives - from our relationships and career decisions to our day-to-day happiness. But this isn't just about understanding emotions - it's about mastering them. Pamela equips listeners with practical, easy-to-use tools that can turn emotional turmoil into emotional intelligence. Imagine being able to: Instantly recognize and defuse emotional triggers Transform anxiety into focused energy Use negative emotions as catalysts for positive change Cultivate emotional resilience in the face of life's challenges Throughout the episode, Pamela breaks down complex concepts into bite-sized, actionable insights, including: A four-step process to navigate emotional storms with grace The "pause and question" technique for emotional clarity How to reframe negative situations for a more balanced perspective Whether you're a busy professional trying to keep cool under pressure, a parent navigating the emotional rollercoaster of family life, or anyone seeking greater emotional balance, this episode offers a roadmap to emotional mastery. Don't miss this opportunity to unlock the power of your emotions and take a crucial step towards unsticking your life. Tune in and discover how to transform your emotions from silent saboteurs into your secret superpower! How to Connect With Pamela: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Website⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Facebook ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Instagram⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠TikTok⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ About the host: Hi, friend! My name is Pamela Hughes and I’m a former talk show host turned life coach. After 20 years in the news business, I walked away from what people thought I should do and I did what I wanted to do … coach people who are stuck like I was and help them find relief, awareness and control within themselves. This was no easy task and I’m not here telling you it was. I had to take full responsibility for where my life was and then decide where I wanted it to go. It was time to stop complaining about my situation and do something about it. I had to stop looking for others to validate me and start having my own back. This required looking inside myself for the answers instead of looking outside myself. I told you it wasn’t easy … but I wouldn’t change one thing about my journey because it led me right here to you reading about it, maybe identifying with aspects of it and hopefully being inspired to get UNSTUCK.

    28 min
  4. 4 SEPT

    111 Spilling the T.E.A on Your Thoughts: T.E.A. Series Part 1

    Have you ever found yourself lying awake at night, mind racing with worries about things that haven't even happened? Or perhaps you've talked yourself out of an amazing opportunity because you convinced yourself you weren't good enough? If so, you're not alone. Our thoughts, often operating behind the scenes, have an incredible power to shape our lives - for better or worse. In this eye-opening episode, Pamela Hughes delves into the "T" of her revolutionary Spilling the T.E.A. Framework, unveiling the hidden influence our thoughts have on every aspect of our existence. She explores how these silent narrators in our minds can turn a simple misunderstanding into a full-blown crisis, or transform a mundane moment into an opportunity for growth. But this isn't just about exposing the mind's tricks. Pamela provides listeners with practical, easy-to-implement tools to recognize and reshape their thought patterns. You'll learn how to: Identify common thought traps that keep you stuck Transform negative self-talk into empowering internal dialogue Use the "Thought Catcher" technique to gain clarity and control Harness the power of your thoughts to create positive change in your life Throughout the episode, Pamela breaks down complex concepts into relatable, actionable insights. Whether you're a busy professional trying to manage stress, a creative person battling self-doubt, or anyone looking to cultivate a more positive mindset, this episode offers a roadmap to mastering your thoughts. Don't miss this chance to peek behind the curtain of your own mind and discover how to turn your thoughts from potential saboteurs into powerful allies. Tune in and take the first step towards unsticking your life and creating the reality you truly desire! How to Connect With Pamela: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Website⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Facebook ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Instagram⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠TikTok⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ About the host: Hi, friend! My name is Pamela Hughes and I’m a former talk show host turned life coach. After 20 years in the news business, I walked away from what people thought I should do and I did what I wanted to do … coach people who are stuck like I was and help them find relief, awareness and control within themselves. This was no easy task and I’m not here telling you it was. I had to take full responsibility for where my life was and then decide where I wanted it to go. It was time to stop complaining about my situation and do something about it. I had to stop looking for others to validate me and start having my own back. This required looking inside myself for the answers instead of looking outside myself. I told you it wasn’t easy … but I wouldn’t change one thing about my journey because it led me right here to you reading about it, maybe identifying with aspects of it and hopefully being inspired to get UNSTUCK.

    18 min
  5. 28 AUG

    110. Stop Asking Why: The Surprising Secret to Moving Forward

    Ever feel like you're stuck in a mental maze, constantly asking "why" but never finding your way out? You're not alone. In this eye-opening episode, we dive into: The hidden cost of always seeking answers How your brain's need for closure might be holding you back The liberating power of acceptance (and why it's not giving up) A simple mindset shift that can change everything Plus, discover the research-backed strategy that's helping people break free from overthinking and start living their best lives. Whether you're dealing with a past heartbreak, a career setback, or just feeling stuck in general, this episode offers a fresh perspective that could be the game-changer you've been looking for. Ready to stop spinning your wheels and start moving forward? This is the episode for you. Key takeaways: The difference between helpful and harmful "whys" How to recognize when you're trapped in unproductive thinking Practical tips for shifting from "why" to "what's next" The unexpected benefits of surrendering to "what is" Don't miss the powerful exercise that's helping people transform their approach to life's challenges. Tune in now and take the first step towards unsticking your life! Remember to subscribe, rate, and review if you found this episode helpful. Your feedback helps us reach more people who could benefit from these insights. Resources mentioned: "Start with Why" by Simon Sinek Journal of Personality and Social Psychology study on cognitive closure 2010 Emotion study on accepting negative emotions Want to dive deeper? Check out our website for additional resources and information on one-on-one coaching. How to Connect With Pamela: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Website⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Facebook ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Instagram⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠TikTok⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ About the host: Hi, friend! My name is Pamela Hughes and I’m a former talk show host turned life coach. After 20 years in the news business, I walked away from what people thought I should do and I did what I wanted to do … coach people who are stuck like I was and help them find relief, awareness and control within themselves. This was no easy task and I’m not here telling you it was. I had to take full responsibility for where my life was and then decide where I wanted it to go. It was time to stop complaining about my situation and do something about it. I had to stop looking for others to validate me and start having my own back. This required looking inside myself for the answers instead of looking outside myself. I told you it wasn’t easy … but I wouldn’t change one thing about my journey because it led me right here to you reading about it, maybe identifying with aspects of it and hopefully being inspired to get UNSTUCK.

    17 min
  6. 21 AUG

    109. The Truth About Imposter Syndrome: You're Not Alone and You're Not Faking It

    Ever feel like you're wearing a mask at work, in relationships, or just... life? Welcome to the wild world of imposter syndrome, folks! In this episode, we're diving headfirst into that pesky feeling that has us all wondering, "How did I end up here, and when will they figure out I don't belong?" Here's what we're unpacking: The "Oh crap, they're onto me" moment: We've all had it, and it's about time we talk about it! Why your brain is basically a drama queen (thanks, evolution!) The shocking truth about success and self-doubt (spoiler: they're often BFFs) How to build your very own "I'm Actually Awesome" evidence locker The day I almost chickened out of a major opportunity (and why I'm glad I didn't) Plus, we'll explore some mind-bending facts that'll make you go "Whoa!" Did you know that some of the world's most successful people feel like frauds too? It's like a secret club, but with less cool jackets and more anxiety. By the end of this episode, you'll have practical tools to quiet that annoying inner critic, boost your confidence, and strut your stuff like the badass you are. Because let's face it, the only thing you're an imposter at is being an imposter! So pop in those earbuds and get ready to laugh and learn. Your future confident self will thank you! How to Connect With Pamela: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Website⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Facebook ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Instagram⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠TikTok⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ About the host: Hi, friend! My name is Pamela Hughes and I’m a former talk show host turned life coach. After 20 years in the news business, I walked away from what people thought I should do and I did what I wanted to do … coach people who are stuck like I was and help them find relief, awareness and control within themselves. This was no easy task and I’m not here telling you it was. I had to take full responsibility for where my life was and then decide where I wanted it to go. It was time to stop complaining about my situation and do something about it. I had to stop looking for others to validate me and start having my own back. This required looking inside myself for the answers instead of looking outside myself. I told you it wasn’t easy … but I wouldn’t change one thing about my journey because it led me right here to you reading about it, maybe identifying with aspects of it and hopefully being inspired to get UNSTUCK.

    16 min
  7. 14 AUG

    108. The People Pleasing Paradox: Why Being Nice Is Making You Miserable

    Ever feel like your calendar is a game of Tetris, but instead of blocks, it's filled with other people's needs? Welcome to the wild world of people-pleasing, where "no" is a four-letter word and your own desires are buried deeper than that gym membership you swore you'd use. In this episode, we're diving headfirst into the people-pleasing pool (hope you brought your floaties!): Discover why saying "yes" is the emotional equivalent of eating an entire pizza by yourself. Feels great at first, but oh boy, do you pay for it later. Learn how being a pushover can actually make people respect you less. Plot twist: saying "no" might make you more likable! Master the art of declining requests faster than you can say "I'd love to, but..." One simple question that'll make you feel less guilty than eating the last slice of cake at a party. Why doing absolutely nothing might be the most rebellious (and healthy) thing you do all week. Whether you're a black belt in people-pleasing or just a yellow belt in setting boundaries, this episode is your chance to level up your self-care game. Tune in to learn how to go from a "yes" puppet to a "no" ninja, all without turning into a total jerk. Because let's face it, the world needs your kindness - just not at the expense of your sanity. Remember, you're not a smartphone. Stop letting everyone else drain your battery! How to Connect With Pamela: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Website⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Facebook ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Instagram⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠TikTok⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ About the host: Hi, friend! My name is Pamela Hughes and I’m a former talk show host turned life coach. After 20 years in the news business, I walked away from what people thought I should do and I did what I wanted to do … coach people who are stuck like I was and help them find relief, awareness and control within themselves. This was no easy task and I’m not here telling you it was. I had to take full responsibility for where my life was and then decide where I wanted it to go. It was time to stop complaining about my situation and do something about it. I had to stop looking for others to validate me and start having my own back. This required looking inside myself for the answers instead of looking outside myself. I told you it wasn’t easy … but I wouldn’t change one thing about my journey because it led me right here to you reading about it, maybe identifying with aspects of it and hopefully being inspired to get UNSTUCK.

    23 min
  8. 7 AUG

    107. Perfectionism: The Sneakiest Form of Self-Sabotage

    Ever feel like you're stuck in a never-ending loop of trying to get everything just right? In this eye-opening episode, we dive deep into the world of perfectionism and why it might be your biggest obstacle to success and happiness. Key points covered: The surprising link between perfectionism and procrastination Why B- work could be your ticket to faster growth and success The science behind perfectionism and its impact on stress and creativity A personal story involving website design and color swatch madness Discover why "done is better than perfect" isn't just a catchy phrase, but a powerful mindset shift that could transform your productivity and well-being. Learn practical strategies to break free from the perfectionism trap and embrace the beauty of imperfection. Plus, get ready for a challenge that will push you out of your comfort zone and into a world of gloriously imperfect action! Whether you're a self-proclaimed perfectionist or simply someone who struggles with the occasional bout of "not good enough" syndrome, this episode is packed with insights and actionable advice to help you kick perfectionism to the curb. Tune in to learn how to: Identify perfectionist tendencies in your daily life Reframe your thinking around "good enough" Boost your creativity and innovation by embracing imperfection Overcome the fear of looking stupid when trying new things Get ready to laugh, learn, and liberate yourself from the shackles of perfectionism. Your imperfectly awesome life is waiting! Don't forget to subscribe and leave a review if you enjoyed the episode. Your feedback helps the show grow and reach more recovering perfectionists like you! Next week: We're tackling the close cousin of perfectionism - people-pleasing. You won't want to miss it! How to Connect With Pamela: ⁠⁠⁠⁠Website⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠Facebook ⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠Instagram⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠TikTok⁠⁠⁠⁠ About the host: Hi, friend! My name is Pamela Hughes and I’m a former talk show host turned life coach. After 20 years in the news business, I walked away from what people thought I should do and I did what I wanted to do … coach people who are stuck like I was and help them find relief, awareness and control within themselves. This was no easy task and I’m not here telling you it was. I had to take full responsibility for where my life was and then decide where I wanted it to go. It was time to stop complaining about my situation and do something about it. I had to stop looking for others to validate me and start having my own back. This required looking inside myself for the answers instead of looking outside myself. I told you it wasn’t easy … but I wouldn’t change one thing about my journey because it led me right here to you reading about it, maybe identifying with aspects of it and hopefully being inspired to get UNSTUCK.

    15 min


Unstuck Your Life is a podcast for people who just feel stuck. Whether it's stuck in life, in your career or in the balancing act of it all, you'll learn from someone who knows what it's like to be pulled in every direction. Pamela Hughes is a Certified Life Coach and former talk show host who knows what you're going through because she lived it; a mom with a demanding career, a husband with an equally demanding career and all the stress of life to go with it. She is now sharing the tools and concepts she used to wiggle loose so you can create the life you've always wanted for yourself.

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