94 avsnitt

This podcast aims to fill in the critical gaps left after a traditional education has been completed.

Listen in on how to find out ‘where to look’ to ask the right questions. Discovering, as you grow and gain life experience, that success and fulfilment are far from being the same thing. Begin to question everything: you are a powerful, multi-dimensional being and you are living in a time of significant awakening.

As your increasing interest in personal development leads you to explore new concepts and theories, examining how science and spirituality are combining to reinforce ancient wisdom and redefine human possibility.
Why listen? because this information from me, your host, is easily absorbed, possibly not well known, and when applied, it improves lives dramatically!

How to listen?- By subscribing to the show to get solo talks and interviews with likeminded guests full of wisdoms and tips on how everyone has the ability to take control and live a better life than they had thought possible.



Anne originally trained as a maths and science teacher and later chose to qualify as an accountant. She worked in practice for nearly 10 years, then in business for another 10. At length, recognising that there was more to life than having a successful career – and specifically that working long hours to make money for other people was at the expense of her own health – she quit the rat race and returned to her first love: teaching. This time it was on a part time basis, initially coaching schoolchildren but later coaching and mentoring adults.  Fascinated by psychology, philosophy and theology, she is now a successful trainer, speaker and author, who enjoys sharing her passion, purpose and knowledge with a growing audience.


Contact Details

Schedule a call:  calendly.com/mbsconnect
email: hello@themind-body-spiritconnection.com

Quantum Growth & Connection Anne Corbin

    • Hälsa och motion

This podcast aims to fill in the critical gaps left after a traditional education has been completed.

Listen in on how to find out ‘where to look’ to ask the right questions. Discovering, as you grow and gain life experience, that success and fulfilment are far from being the same thing. Begin to question everything: you are a powerful, multi-dimensional being and you are living in a time of significant awakening.

As your increasing interest in personal development leads you to explore new concepts and theories, examining how science and spirituality are combining to reinforce ancient wisdom and redefine human possibility.
Why listen? because this information from me, your host, is easily absorbed, possibly not well known, and when applied, it improves lives dramatically!

How to listen?- By subscribing to the show to get solo talks and interviews with likeminded guests full of wisdoms and tips on how everyone has the ability to take control and live a better life than they had thought possible.



Anne originally trained as a maths and science teacher and later chose to qualify as an accountant. She worked in practice for nearly 10 years, then in business for another 10. At length, recognising that there was more to life than having a successful career – and specifically that working long hours to make money for other people was at the expense of her own health – she quit the rat race and returned to her first love: teaching. This time it was on a part time basis, initially coaching schoolchildren but later coaching and mentoring adults.  Fascinated by psychology, philosophy and theology, she is now a successful trainer, speaker and author, who enjoys sharing her passion, purpose and knowledge with a growing audience.


Contact Details

Schedule a call:  calendly.com/mbsconnect
email: hello@themind-body-spiritconnection.com

    What is the Value of Having a Mentor?

    What is the Value of Having a Mentor?

    In this episode, Anne introduces Moneke Fields, a certified business coach, speaker, and mentor. Moneke shares her journey from being a school teacher to transitioning into coaching and mentoring entrepreneurs and leaders. She discusses the importance of personal growth and finding balance in professional and personal life. Moneke's own podcast, "Remarkably Simple," focuses on achieving success in various aspects of life through simplified strategies. She emphasizes the value of mentorship and group coaching in helping individuals reach their goals. 
    Personal growth can lead to fulfillment in various aspects of life, including professional and financial goals.
    Transitioning from teaching to coaching and mentoring was prompted by the desire to have a bigger impact and address personal challenges.
    Group coaching can be more beneficial for entrepreneurs and leaders as it allows for shared experiences and feedback.
    Applying strategies from coaching can lead to significant improvements in business within 90 days.
    High Yield Coaching offers free strategy sessions for both business and personal goals, showcasing generosity and expertise.
    "I was an educator for a total of 24 years... I moved into administration... I encountered some challenges and was missing some competencies."
    "I decided to transition into helping other leaders balance this need to accomplish their professional aspirations with the success of their personal and financial lives."
    "It's usually not something that we can work out for ourselves... the whole point of a mentor, to take you down a path that the mentor has already followed."
    "I think there is a difference between knowing and doing... one of the very best ways to learn yourself is to teach it to other people."
    "I do have one-on-one clients... my preference is to work with individuals in groups... it benefits us to be in proximity to someone who is at a particular transition point."
    Moneke Fields offers FREE business and podcast strategy sessions for business owners and leaders. It’s simple to book a FREE SESSION with her at https://highyieldcoaching.podcastlaunch.ai/highyield448590 
    You can also reach her on https://www.highyieldcoaching.com
    Moneke would love to connect and discuss how she can help you amplify your reach, revenue, and/or results!
    Annes YouTube Channel.
    To access the Mind Body Spirit Mentor Book go to:
    Email anne@themind-body-spiritmentor.comLinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/anne-corbin/
    Anne originally trained as a maths and science teacher but then chose to qualify as an accountant and worked in business for 12 years. Having recognised that there was more to life than a successful career – specifically working long hours to make money for other people at the expense of her own health – she quit the rat race and returned to her first love: teaching, but on a part-time basis. Fascinated by psychology, philosophy and theology, she is now a successful trainer, speaker and author, who enjoys sharing her passion, purpose and knowledge with a growing audience.
    , Journey, Growth, Awakening, Transition, Personal to Spiritual, Self expression, mastery, Meditation, guide, Spirit guide, Energy, Balance, Healing, confidence, self, oneness, stillness: https://linktr.ee/mindbodyspiritconnection

    • 21 min
    An Equine Growth Opportunity

    An Equine Growth Opportunity

    In this episode, Anne shares a transformative experience from a two-day retreat in the Netherlands focused on personal development and consciousness. The retreat involved working with horses to improve life skills and relationships. Anne delves into the concept of "passive" in the context of herd dynamics and leadership, contrasting its meaning in the horse world versus the management world. 
    Personal growth leads to fulfillment
    Language use and interpretation can vary based on context
    Effective leadership involves clear communication beyond just words
    Being passive in herd dynamics can be beneficial for preserving energy
    Understanding audience and choosing words wisely can lead to successful communication
    "When you are not understood by this patient and willing partner in the exercise, the horse will not respond, and that lets you know that you are not being clear with your body language, your intention, and the whole package."
    "One of our group, who teaches leadership, challenged very strongly this use of the word 'passive', saying that in the management world, being seen as passive is being the opposite of active, and this causes people to walk over you and take advantage."
    "Learning how to handle and lead a horse is an ideal way of practicing people skills because your breathing, your posture, focus and intention all communicate silently with the horse, who reacts."
    Annes YouTube Channel.
    To access the Mind Body Spirit Mentor Book go to:
    Email anne@themind-body-spiritmentor.comLinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/anne-corbin/
    Anne originally trained as a maths and science teacher but then chose to qualify as an accountant and worked in business for 12 years. Having recognised that there was more to life than a successful career – specifically working long hours to make money for other people at the expense of her own health – she quit the rat race and returned to her first love: teaching, but on a part-time basis. Fascinated by psychology, philosophy and theology, she is now a successful trainer, speaker and author, who enjoys sharing her passion, purpose and knowledge with a growing audience.
    , Journey, Growth, Awakening, Transition, Personal to Spiritual, Self expression, mastery, Meditation, guide, Spirit guide, Energy, Balance, Healing, confidence, self, oneness, stillness: https://linktr.ee/mindbodyspiritconnection

    • 16 min
    The Relaunch and the Rebrand

    The Relaunch and the Rebrand

    Just over a year and a half since her final episode of 'The Mind Body Spirit Connection', Anne is back to discuss her recent decision to rebrand and relaunch the podcast as 'Quantum Growth & Connection'. Anne considers the concept of personal growth leading to fulfillment, emphasizing the interconnectedness of all living beings through energy fields and the quantum field. She explores the significance of daily practices for mental, physical, and spiritual development, drawing on quotes from Steve Jobs and Benjamin Franklin to highlight the importance of growth and seizing opportunities in life.
    Personal growth leads to fulfillment.
    The podcast was originally named MindBodySpirit Connection but was changed to Quantum Growth and Connection due to the association with New Age beliefs.
    Quantum refers to the smallest discrete unit of a phenomenon and is related to predicting experimental results with accuracy.
    Daily practices can lead to significant change over time if done consistently.
    Quantum Growth and Connection explores success strategies, power principles, relationship rescue, and the quantum field.
    "I fell out of love with the MindBodySpirit title remarkably soon after launching the podcast... it screams new age to a great many people."
    "Everything is connected... one person vibrating at a really high frequency genuinely will affect thousands, sometimes millions of others."
    "Life wasn't very comfortable in those days... There is no growth inside the comfort zone."
    "A simple, short, daily practice can develop huge change by the end of a year if you do it consistently."
    "Miracles are just physics for which we haven't yet found the equation... You can influence reality."
    Annes YouTube Channel.
    To access the Mind Body Spirit Mentor Book go to:
    Email anne@themind-body-spiritmentor.comLinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/anne-corbin/
    Anne originally trained as a maths and science teacher but then chose to qualify as an accountant and worked in business for 12 years. Having recognised that there was more to life than a successful career – specifically working long hours to make money for other people at the expense of her own health – she quit the rat race and returned to her first love: teaching, but on a part-time basis. Fascinated by psychology, philosophy and theology, she is now a successful trainer, speaker and author, who enjoys sharing her passion, purpose and knowledge with a growing audience.
    , Journey, Growth, Awakening, Transition, Personal to Spiritual, Self expression, mastery, Meditation, guide, Spirit guide, Energy, Balance, Healing, confidence, self, oneness, stillness: https://linktr.ee/mindbodyspiritconnection

    • 15 min
    Tesla, Time Travel And The Rapture Part Two

    Tesla, Time Travel And The Rapture Part Two

    Join Anne as she explores the fascinating connections between Nikola Tesla, time travel, and current events. She delves into the idea that Tesla's inventions and knowledge are being utilised by the so-called White Hats, the good guys in the US military working with Donald Trump. Anne discusses the sightings of unusual lights in the sky resembling the Aurora Borealis, which may be a result of Tesla's experiments. She also delves into the theory that John F. Kennedy Jr. is still alive and working with Trump, and the possibility of divine intervention and a rapture event in the near future. With a mix of science, history, and Bible interpretation, Anne offers thought-provoking insights into the potential connections and implications of these phenomena.
    Tesla's inventions and knowledge were kept from falling into the wrong hands, as he had close associations with John G. Trump, who sorted through Tesla's papers after his death.
    There have been sightings of blue lights in the sky resembling the Aurora Borealis, which may be a result of Tesla's experiments with his apparatus that can break the air stratum down.
    The White Hats, in the US military working with Donald Trump, are likely operating Tesla's technology from Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado, where Tesla conducted his original experimentation.
    There are theories and evidence suggesting the existence of time travel, with claims that John F. Kennedy Jr. went into witness protection and is still alive, and that there are additional versions of Donald Trump as a result of time travel.
    The possibility of divine intervention, collaboration with Tesla, and the use of stargates for transportation are mentioned in relation to the future and potential events such as the rapture and the presidential election.
    "We know that Nikola Tesla discovered time travel, but never patented any of his inventions, because he was determined that his knowledge should not fall into the wrong hands." 
    "I was suggesting last week that as a result of time travel, an incarnation of Tesla is alive today and still experimenting." 
    "Most likely, it's being operated by the so-called White Hats, the good guys in the US military who are working with Donald Trump." 
    "There's plenty of evidence, much more than I have time to include here, showing that Trump, John F. Kennedy Jr., time travel, Q and the White Hats, that is the good guys working with and in the military, and Tesla are alive, working together, and that things are coming to a head." 
    "So, possibly too much has been made from one little verse in the Bible, 1 Corinthians 52 verse 15. You would never perceive the hidden meaning apparently contained there unless you were informed by a Bible scholar." 
    awaken.plus - https://linktr.ee/mindbodyspiritconnection
    Anne's YouTube Channel.
    To access the Mind Body Spirit Mentor Book go to:
    Schedule a call.
    Email anne@themind-body-spiritmentor.com LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/anne-corbin/
    Anne originally trained as a maths and science teacher but then chose to qualify as an accountant and worked in business for 12 years. Having recognised that there was more to life than a successful career – specifically working long hours to make money for other people at the expense of her own health – she quit the rat race and returned to her first love: teaching, but on a part-time basis. Fascinated by psychology, philosophy and theology, she is now a successful trainer, speaker and author, who enjoys sharing her passion, purpose and knowledge with a growing audience.
    , Journey, Growth, Awakening, Transition, Personal to Spiritual, Self expression, mastery, Meditation, guide, Spirit guide, Energy, Balance, Healing, confidence, self, oneness, stillness: https://linktr.ee/mindbodyspiritconnection

    • 18 min
    Tesla, Time Travel And The Rapture

    Tesla, Time Travel And The Rapture

    In this episode, Anne Corbin explores the intriguing connections between time travel, science, and biblical prophecy. Drawing on her own experiences and research, she delves into the concept of the Rapture and its connection to the teachings of the Bible. Anne discusses the lesser-known aspects of inventor Nikola Tesla's life, including his experiments with electromagnetism and his alleged discovery of time travel. She also highlights the role of the Trump family, particularly John G. Trump, in Tesla's work and the potential collaboration between them. With thought-provoking theories and hidden knowledge, offering a glimpse into a world where science and spirituality intersect.

    • 18 min
    What Stops Us Being Happy?

    What Stops Us Being Happy?

    Anne explores the concept of happiness and its connection to our basic needs and psychological well-being. Drawing from Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs, she discusses how our pursuit of happiness is often influenced by societal conditioning and the constant comparison to others. She emphasises the importance of taking responsibility for our own happiness and reframing negative self-talk. Anne also delves into the idea of self-actualisation and finding purpose in life, highlighting the significance of personal growth and being of service to others. Overall, this episode offers insightful perspectives on happiness and provides practical advice for cultivating a fulfilling life.
    The pursuit of happiness is not about chasing or owning happiness, but rather about feeling and being happy. It is a state of being rather than a possession.
    Guilt is a redundant feeling that pulls down vibrations and stifles achievement. Taking responsibility, on the other hand, is an acknowledgement of being in control and making conscious choices.
    Self-talk and the way we speak to ourselves can greatly impact our happiness. It is important to be mindful of negative self-talk and replace it with positive and empowering language.
    Maslow's hierarchy of needs suggests that basic physiological and safety needs must be met before psychological and self-fulfilment needs become important. Happiness is often related to satisfaction and can be found even in simpler societies with fewer material possessions.
    Self-actualisation, or achieving one's full potential and being of service to others, is the highest level of fulfilment according to Maslow's hierarchy. Discovering one's purpose and mission in life can lead to a sense of self-fulfilment and happiness.
    "Happiness isn't something that you can catch, you can't chase it, it isn't something that you own or have, it's rather something that you feel and it's something to be."
    "Regrettably for many, conditioning by society and relentless programming causes them to blame themselves all the time for what has or hasn't happened to them and even to other members of their family."
    "Blame is negative and it's allied with very low vibrational states like regret, revenge, remorse, despair, depression and also even doubt which can be a real killer of positive thoughts and vibrations."
    "Taking responsibility is quite different from blame, it's an acknowledgement of being in control, a recognition of having a choice and acting on that."
    "The two most important days of your life are the day you were born and the day that you find out why."
    Anne's YouTube Channel.
    To access the Mind Body Spirit Mentor Book go to:
    Schedule a call.
    Email anne@themind-body-spiritmentor.com
    LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/anne-corbin/
    Anne originally trained as a maths and science teacher but then chose to qualify as an accountant and worked in business for 12 years. Having recognised that there was more to life than a successful career – specifically working long hours to make money for other people at the expense of her own health – she quit the rat race and returned to her first love: teaching, but on a part-time basis. Fascinated by psychology, philosophy and theology, she is now a successful trainer, speaker and author, who enjo

    • 15 min

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