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Integrative health coaches helping people look, feel and perform their best. Our clients lose weight, gain energy, have a positive mindset, move their bodies regularly, have clarity and have their goals met.

Navigating Nourishment Podcast Nourish Coaches

    • Hälsa och motion

Integrative health coaches helping people look, feel and perform their best. Our clients lose weight, gain energy, have a positive mindset, move their bodies regularly, have clarity and have their goals met.

    What’s 100 Calories?

    What’s 100 Calories?


    This podcast was inspired by clients asking us: "Are 100 calorie snack foods ok to eat?" It got us thinking - What makes up 100 calories of snack food? 

    Here is our answer.

    In this Navigating Nourishment Podcast, Wendy and Debbie discuss the importance of prioritizing nutrient-dense snacks for sustainable health. Debbie highlights the manipulation of taste buds by the processed food industry, leading to false cravings. Wendy emphasized the importance of choosing snacks that provide a good balance of nutrients. They compared and contrasted various snack options, including blueberries, radishes, and cheese, and encouraged listeners to prioritize whole, nutrient-dense foods for optimal well-being.
    Debbie  0:01  

    I was out and about the other day, and I overheard a conversation - a couple of women talking about calories. They were talking about choosing between a couple of different foods because one had more calories, and one had less calories.  The foods that they were talking about, to me were not the most nutritious choices. And it made me think about how people focus on calories without thinking about the difference between one calorie means next to another kind of calorie.


    Wendy  1:17  

    We've been trained to talk about all food being equal, and it's just about calories in and calories out - as an energy expenditure, and it's so much more rich and nuanced. And this, I think, is where a lot of the confusion and difficulty comes with people and we want to simplify it by sharing some really interesting data.


    Debbie  1:45  

    Exactly. In talking about the different foods that are of the same amount of calories, you can get very different effects in your body. And and it doesn't come down to losing or gaining weight necessarily, because what happens in your body is so different when you eat one thing next to another one.
    Wendy and Debbie discuss the nutrient density of different foods, highlighting the difference between 100 calories of real food versus ultra-processed foods.
    Wendy  2:18  

    Absolutely. Some foods are more easily broken down. The calories in their whole food form act differently once they're broken down inside our body. So there are so many layers to how our body absorbs and processes foods. That's where the confusion is. So let's come back to what is nutrient dense. What gives your body the language and the fuel and the energy to turn it into the skin and blood and energy. We are walking food.


    Debbie  2:53  

    We are what we eat. And besides that, 100 calories of one food versus another one can fill you up and make you feel satisfied and make you feel really good. And another 100 calories keeps you jonesing for something else 20 minutes later because it didn't fulfill any nutrition needs.
    Different foods can provide varying levels of satisfaction and nutrition, despite having the same number of calories.
    Wendy  2:53  

    Satisfaction - is one of the big things we want to talk about today.  Satisfaction in the palate, like on our tongue has been manipulated so much by highly processed food industry, that our dopamine receptors are all firing with this false food.


    Debbie  3:39  

    Our taste buds had been hijacked. We have a podcast about that very sadly.


    Wendy  3:43  

    So we don't know what an apple really tastes like anymore. And so some of the calories we're going to talk about, they might make us tick, give us some sort of happiness via the taste, but it gives us no energy. It gives us no strength. And it's just empty calories.


    Debbie  4:15  

    So let's just start with our little list of 10 or 11 things, right? We


    Wendy  4:22  

    We're kind of doing a comparison with this list. We aren't demonizing any of these foods or making any of them a halo food. We are simply bringing awareness to what 100 calories looks like in food.

    Cleaning UP

    Cleaning UP

    Debbie and Wendy share their strategies for tackling clutter in a mindful and intentional way. Debbie emphasizes starting small, dedicating five minutes a day to organizing, and promising oneself a win. Wendy highlights the importance of having an accountability partner and taking small steps towards a goal. Both agreed that letting go of unnecessary items can lead to a more organized and peaceful living space, and that clutter can contribute to anxiety.
    Debbie  00:39

    It is spring as of this recording.


    Wendy  00:43

    And we have lots of clients talking about cleaning up.


    Debbie  00:48

    Yeah, cleaning up clutter, getting rid of stuff.


    Wendy  00:54

    Too much stuff truly causes anxiety. There's a direct connection with piles of stuff. And it might be wonderful stuff. It might be valuable stuff. It might be wonderful memories.  But stuff accumulated in corners and drawers and in closets can cause anxiety, it can really stress us out. When we're stressed, our hormones get all wonky, our metabolism gets all wonky.


    Debbie  01:31

    Let me step back for a moment, because this is such a natural human trait to collect stuff.  I always go back to our roots back in the day, 100,000 years ago, when we didn't have a lot of stuff. And so we had the urge to collect things that we needed to live and survive. That is built into our DNA and we still haven't evolved out of that. And so we end up with too much stuff. It's just this human nature to do it. And before we know it, we look around and we're like, How did we get here?


    Wendy  02:09

    We have a couple of clients who have inherited stuff from grandparents, and then parents, and it's hard to go through someone else's stuff, let alone your own. So when we're in the sandwich generations, you know, maybe the kids haven't left yet, and their rooms are still full of all their stuff. Maybe we have boxes of kids memorabilia, their arts and crafts projects, or their report cards and that sort of thing. I know, my mom and dad are doing a lot of purging themselves. And I got a box full of that material. And I was going through it. It really held some fond memories. So I took a couple pictures. And then I got the shredder out and it felt really good.


    Debbie  03:03

    And it may not only be stuff that other people gave you, I'm looking at my home office right now. It does cause me anxiety, because it's cluttered with a whole bunch of stuff. There are some things that were handed down to me, but most of it is things that I've accumulated over the years. Our generation is between worlds in that we used to do all things on paper. And we've moved so much stuff online or on the computer or virtual stuff that I don't know why I'm still holding on to so much paper. But it's there, there's so many things that I just need to let go of. It's a powerful practice to let go. And I think it's something that is always a message in my mind - in so many different areas, not just about stuff, but letting go. And it always always, always feels good.


    Wendy  04:02

    It does feel good. And I want to go back to these piles because you and I are wired a little bit the same way. I think it's really important this conversation between paper and computer. And I'm not going to get rid of my cookbooks. Right? I might purge a couple a year, right? For cookbooks, there's so much value in holding the paper copy. And so I'm bringing that up because I'm looking around my office and I have to make some decisions. I've got these cutouts from newspapers and from magazines. I'm like, Oh, that would be a good blog post or that would be good for a podcast.

    It's trying to discern what's valuable, what's not and what's practical, what's not. And there's a lot of decision making. You know, there could be some decision fatigue. Yeah, that's what feels overwhelming for me when I look at my office and all the accumulation of stuff.

    Is Meditation Dead?

    Is Meditation Dead?

    It struck us as funny that day that one of our colleagues came in with an experience she had at a restaurant meal with friends recently. When she was talking about wellness with her friends and mentioning meditation practices, the woman declared that “meditation is dead,” meaning passe or not in style anymore. And though we laughed about the ridiculousness of it, it stuck with us. 
    Meditation dead?
    Is this how some people view meditation or any other nourishing wellness practice–as something that comes in as a trend and then goes away? Of course, there are trends that come and go, usually because they are of the ilk of quick fixes. Meditation, however, is here to stay. 

    The practice of it is older than history itself. Research indicates that it has served as a spiritual endeavor for humans since the dawn of our existence. In 2007, psychologist Matt J. Rossano suggested that rituals and meditation practices around campfires between 200,000 and 150,000 years ago played a crucial role in the evolution of human working memory. He posited that the act of "fire-gazing" not only rewired our brains but also enabled the emergence of symbolism and language, fundamentally shaping our humanity.
    So, in a way, meditation is in our DNA from ancestors past.
    In our latest podcast, we talk about our own practices of meditation and how it doesn’t really need to look or be a particular way. It takes many forms and that’s what makes it completely doable for everyone. We also mention The Wellness Hub and their weekly Wednesday meditation group open to everyone at our space in Red Bank.

    *Note: In the podcast Debbie makes an error in attributing a song lyric to Nirvana when it is the song "Machinehead" by Bush
    Here’s the transcript:

    Wendy  00:33

    It's spring, and it's glorious out right now. And everything is popping. The flowers are just kind of making me high a little bit.

    Debbie  00:40

    Yeah, for sure. For spring does that it's so motivating. It's so, it's so cheerful, and it gets you wanting to do a whole bunch of stuff.

    Wendy  00:50

    Just the whole idea of renewal and birth is just really beautiful. If we pay attention, or it can feel like complete chaos.

    Debbie  01:00

    Yes, I mean, every transition of season feels a little chaotic. But I think that the spring one is especially chaotic, because I think we all feel like we need to be productive and get a bunch of things done.

    Wendy  01:11

    Oh my gosh, yeah. And in the winter, we're a little bit more quiet. And just the darkness leads to a little bit more quiet. But the lighter nights, it's really like I'm still supposed to be doing something, right. So true. It's harder to wind down when it's laid out.

    Debbie  01:31

    It is That's very true. And the thing about spring, too, is I think, including me, it's a time where you want to take on new things and take on new habits and say, Okay, this is a good time to start this.

    Wendy  01:44

    And it is it is.

    Debbie  01:45

    That's a great time to start. Yeah.

    Wendy  01:48

    And we have one number one thing we wanted to talk about today as a habit to start, right. And it stems from a conversation we recently had with someone who claimed that meditation is dead. It's so passe, it's gone. It's over the trend is a trend gone. The trend of meditation is gone. Yeah. And we disagree completely.

    Debbie  02:12

    Completely! It's funny, because, yeah, there are so many health trends; there's so many things that come, don't necessarily go, but they become popular for a little while. And then everybody tries it. And then it, you know, it doesn't get it, it kind of goes away from the scope of a lot of people. But there's a core of people that continue it. Yeah. And perhaps that's what's happened with meditation is that it got really popular again. And then that popularity is kind of, you know, it's not being marketed as much by the wellness people. The fix it people aren't really marketing it anymore.

    • 13 min
    Embracing Aging: Wisdom, Movement, and Community at 90 with Patrick Edward Ryan

    Embracing Aging: Wisdom, Movement, and Community at 90 with Patrick Edward Ryan

    In this week's episode, we embark on a journey of timeless wisdom with the incredible Patrick Edward Ryan, a nonagenarian whose dedication to health and fitness offers a breath of fresh air in an age-obsessed society. At 90, Patrick's gym routine is not just a hobby; it's a testament to the boundless potential of embracing a healthier lifestyle at any stage in life. His stories, spanning from the soccer fields of his military days to the group exercise classes he enjoys now, prove that age truly is just a number.

    Patrick also emphasizes the importance of community and social connections, particularly evident in his involvement with the local YMCA. He works out maybe six days a week, where he’s almost always the only man and often the oldest man, and he forms a close-knit group known as the "spaghetti group."

    Additionally, we reflect on our experiences with aging, retirement, and finding fulfillment. We also explore topics such as sleep patterns, relationships with technology, the value of kindness and forgiveness, and the power of sincere compliments.

    Tune in to celebrate Patrick's resilience, vitality, and zest for life, offering valuable insights into aging gracefully and living a fulfilling, healthy life.


    Watch the YouTube here.


    • 57 min
    The Story Behind Seraphim: A Non-Alcoholic Wellness Tonic with Stephanie Bricken

    The Story Behind Seraphim: A Non-Alcoholic Wellness Tonic with Stephanie Bricken

    In this episode of "Navigating Nourishment," the hosts and guest Stephanie Bricken discuss her journey in creating a unique beverage called Seraphim. Stephanie shares her inspiration to create this non-alcoholic wellness tonic after experiencing negative effects from drinking wine. With a background in holistic health and a passion for creativity, she set out to develop a drink that would offer the same relaxing experience as wine without adverse effects.

    Seraphim is made from organic sour cherries, wild blueberries, and other botanicals like Rishi Mushroom, cinnamon, hibiscus, and cacao. These ingredients provide various health benefits, such as promoting sleep, boosting immunity, and improving gut health. Stephanie emphasizes the importance of using natural, organic ingredients and preserving the drink without any added sugars or preservatives. Stephanie's vision for Seraphim goes beyond just a drink – she aims to provide consumers with a holistic, mind-body-spirit experience that promotes overall well-being. With its unique blend of flavors and health benefits, Seraphim offers a refreshing alternative to traditional alcoholic beverages and sugary sodas, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a healthier lifestyle.

    Stephanie Bricken is the Founder of Seraphim Social Beverage, a woman-owned and certified member of the WBENC (Women’s Business Enterprise Council).

    Reach out to Stephanie
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    • 38 min
    End the Diet Cycle: Path to Sustainable Health

    End the Diet Cycle: Path to Sustainable Health

    In this episode, we dive into the all-too-common tale of the dieting carousel, where quick fixes and one-size-fits-all solutions dominate the weight loss narrative. This is where our expertise as nationally board-certified health and wellness coaches comes into play. We're not just about shedding pounds; we're about fostering a deep, personal transformation that honors the unique needs of each individual, helping them move towards genuine, long-lasting wellness and self-acceptance.

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    • 14 min

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