294 avsnitt

The Joel Evan Show (formerly The Hacked Life), focuses n people doing disruptive things in their industry, whether it be health, wellness, mindset, or mastery. Joel was a former first responder for 15 years and is currently a high-performance health coach, life coach, and bestselling author who works with high performers get to the root cause of their health issues. As a parent to two young boys, and being extremely driven like most alpha entrepreneurs, Joel's other passion is to help other dads become elite fathers & husbands.

The Joel Evan Show Joel Evan

    • Hälsa och motion

The Joel Evan Show (formerly The Hacked Life), focuses n people doing disruptive things in their industry, whether it be health, wellness, mindset, or mastery. Joel was a former first responder for 15 years and is currently a high-performance health coach, life coach, and bestselling author who works with high performers get to the root cause of their health issues. As a parent to two young boys, and being extremely driven like most alpha entrepreneurs, Joel's other passion is to help other dads become elite fathers & husbands.

    Embracing Crisis: How to Adapt & Thrive in Life Using The Principles of Tao - Arthur Levitan : 294

    Embracing Crisis: How to Adapt & Thrive in Life Using The Principles of Tao - Arthur Levitan : 294

    "A true warrior is not one that fights, but walks into their own battle."
    Arthur Levitan, a Taoist master, shares his journey from pursuing the American dream of wealth and success to finding fulfillment in Taoism. He emphasizes the importance of embracing the principles of nature and the permanence of principles over values. He discusses the need to adapt and run towards crises rather than avoiding them, as well as the role of humility in overcoming challenges. Levitan also highlights the Dao De Ching as a manual for warriors, emphasizing the importance of monitoring the mind. In this conversation, Arthur Levitan discusses the qualities of a true warrior and the importance of self-reflection. He emphasizes the need to walk into one's own battles and not run away from them. Levitan also highlights the significance of seeing oneself and the world clearly, as well as finding one's place in the world. He explains that many high-level executives and successful individuals may be lacking in certain areas of their lives because they have focused solely on their careers. Levitan advises going all in and committing fully to a goal or endeavor, as half-hearted efforts lead to hesitation and lack of success. He also stresses the importance of surrounding oneself with the right people during a crisis and not judging others. Finally, Levitan shares his exciting projects, including a platform for people in sobriety and a book on training AI systems to promote spiritual awakening.


    ✅ The American dream of wealth and success does not guarantee happiness and fulfillment.

    ✅ Embracing the principles of nature and permanence is essential for personal growth and success.

    ✅ Running towards crises and accepting them as part of life allows for adaptation and resilience.

    ✅ The Dao De Ching serves as a manual for warriors, emphasizing the importance of monitoring the mind. A true warrior walks into their own battles and does not run away from them.

    ✅ Many high-level executives may be successful in their careers but lack fulfillment in other areas of their lives.

    ✅ Going all in and committing fully to a goal or endeavor leads to greater success.

    ✅ During a crisis, it is important to surround oneself with the right people who can provide support and guidance.

    ✅ Engaging in practices like Qigong can help recharge and energize the body and mind.


    13:51 The Dao De Ching: A Manual for Warriors

    35:08 The Mind of a Warrior

    41:44 Challenges Faced by High-Level Executives

    51:21 The Power of Community in Times of Crisis

    • 1 tim. 4 min
    Releasing Chronic Pain and Inflammation with EFT Tapping - Kim D'Eramo : 293

    Releasing Chronic Pain and Inflammation with EFT Tapping - Kim D'Eramo : 293

    In this conversation, Dr. Kim D'Auramo discusses the importance of connecting with the truth of our physical symptoms and the messages our bodies are sending us. She emphasizes the need to be present and listen to our bodies, rather than suppressing or overriding the symptoms. Dr. D'Auramo also highlights the role of emotions in healing and suggests softening the body and allowing the energy of emotions to move through. She shares that chronic diseases and symptoms can often be a result of disconnection and self-suppression. The conversation also touches on the power of tapping (EFT) in shifting brainwave states and allowing new information and awareness to come in. In this conversation, Joel and Kim discuss the importance of surrender and acceptance in healing and personal growth. They highlight the connection between physical symptoms and belief systems, and how addressing the core issues can lead to overall improvement in various areas of life. Kim introduces her year-long program that focuses on shifting the brain and expanding one's concept of self to access greater creative power. They emphasize the power of honest communication and vulnerability in relationships. The conversation concludes with information about Kim's upcoming workshop and where to find more information about her work.


    ✅ Connect with the truth of your physical symptoms and listen to the messages your body is sending you.

    ✅ Softening the body and allowing the energy of emotions to move through can facilitate deep healing.

    ✅ Chronic diseases and symptoms can be a result of disconnection and self-suppression.

    ✅ Tapping (EFT) can shift brainwave states and allow new information and awareness to come in. Surrender and acceptance are key in healing and personal growth.

    ✅ Kim's upcoming workshop provides an introduction to her work and the opportunity to experience exercises and guided journeys.


    00:00 Introduction and Recap

    09:21 Understanding Disconnection and Self-Suppression

    16:37 Tapping into Deep Healing with Emotional Freedom Technique

    41:23 The Universal Roots of Disconnection

    • 50 min
    The Healing Power of Beauty: Unlocking Your Nervous System's PotentialMahwish Syed : 292

    The Healing Power of Beauty: Unlocking Your Nervous System's PotentialMahwish Syed : 292

    Mahwish Syed is a visionary at the intersection of health, healing, and the transformative power of design. At the forefront of New York City design for over two decades, she has orchestrated beauty through unveiling spaces that transcend aesthetics to nourish the soul and promote a healthy environment.

    She is an esteemed fashion and interior designer, bestselling author, and cancer survivor. In her acclaimed book, Purgatory to Paradise, she unveils the profound influence of beauty as a healing force. She passionately explores how our surroundings shape our well-being.

    3 Healing Essentials for Every Home


    IG @mahwish_syed_designs

    Purgatory to Paradise Book


    ✅ Creating healthy homes involves addressing factors like junk light, EMFs, and mold that can impact our health and well-being.

    ✅ Cancer is not the villain, but a symptom of imbalance in one's life, and individuals have the agency to create their own healing journey.

    ✅ Myths and storytelling have deep wisdom and can guide us in understanding ourselves and the world around us.

    ✅ Embracing uncertainty allows us to explore the unknown and discover new possibilities for growth and transformation.

    ✅ Using rituals of reverence, such as creating a beautiful ambiance during meals, can bring us back into the present moment and promote digestion.

    ✅ Our environment, including the lighting, can influence our nervous system and overall health.

    ✅ Junk light, such as the wrong type of artificial lighting, can have detrimental effects on our health.

    ✅ She is involved in hospital design and aims to create spaces that promote healing and dignity for patients.


    00:00 Introduction and Background in Home Design

    06:17 Finding Clarity and Purpose through Cancer

    24:02 Practical Aspects of Creating a Healthy Home

    34:59 The Detrimental Effects of Junk Light

    44:00 Making Beauty and Healing Accessible to All

    • 52 min
    Restore Nerve Function & Get Your Health Back with Cranial Facial Release, Quantum Neurology, and Neuralink - Dr. Hank Williams : 292

    Restore Nerve Function & Get Your Health Back with Cranial Facial Release, Quantum Neurology, and Neuralink - Dr. Hank Williams : 292

    Dr. Hank Williams shares his journey from being in the Navy to becoming a chiropractor and exploring various modalities of healing. He discusses the importance of addressing structural, chemical, nutritional, emotional, and spiritual aspects of health. Dr. Hank explains his approach to patient care, which includes running wellness panels, using muscle testing and biofeedback techniques, and addressing heavy metal toxicity and gut health. He shares two powerful patient stories where his interventions saved lives and improved emotional well-being. The conversation also touches on the significance of diet variation and rotation for optimal health. In this conversation, Dr. Joel Evan discusses various topics related to health and wellness. He talks about his experience with sleep apnea and how he found alternative treatments that worked for him. He also explains the emotional aspect of physical conditions and how trauma can be stored in the body. Dr. Evan discusses the importance of cranial bone movement and its impact on overall health. He also shares insights on the techniques he uses, such as cranial facial release, quantum neurology, and Neuralink. Additionally, he talks about the biohacking technologies he utilizes in his practice, including the Pulse PEMF, N3 Nano V, and Avacen. Dr. Evan emphasizes the importance of work ethic, shares his inspirations, recommends books, and discusses his personal rituals and practices.


    ✅ Health is a triangle that encompasses structural, chemical, nutritional, emotional, and spiritual aspects.

    ✅ A comprehensive approach to patient care involves running wellness panels, using muscle testing and biofeedback techniques, and addressing heavy metal toxicity and gut health.

    ✅ Emotional trauma can be stored in the body and impact overall health.

    ✅ Cranial bone movement is important for proper brain function and hormone release.

    ✅ Techniques like cranial facial release, quantum neurology, and Neuralink can help restore nerve function and improve overall health.

    ✅ Recommended books include 'How to Think and Grow Rich', 'How to Win Friends and Influence People', 'Awaken the Giant Within', and 'Atlas Shrugged'.

    ✅ Dr. Hank Williams can be found at Williams Wellness Center in Laguna Beach.


    00:00 Dr. Hank's Journey: From Navy to Chiropractic

    09:07 Addressing Heavy Metal Toxicity and Kidney Health

    39:02 Exploring Cranial Facial Release, Quantum Neurology, and Neuralink

    48:23 Utilizing Biohacking Technologies for Health and Wellness

    56:11 Inspiration and Recommended Books

    01:03:08 Discovering Dr. Hank Williams Wellness Center

    • 1 tim. 2 min
    Discover the Full Benefits of Hemp with Magu: A Natural Solution for Anxiety, Depression, and Panic Attacks- James Kim & Ryan Morimoto [MAGU] : 291

    Discover the Full Benefits of Hemp with Magu: A Natural Solution for Anxiety, Depression, and Panic Attacks- James Kim & Ryan Morimoto [MAGU] : 291

    In this conversation, Joel Evan interviews James Kim and Ryan Morimoto, the founders of Magu, a supplement company. They discuss the creation of Magu and its benefits, including pain relief, improved mood, and inflammation reduction. The founders share personal experiences with the product and highlight the importance of the endocannabinoid system and the entourage effect. Magu is unique in that it delivers the full benefits of hemp through the herb itself, rather than extracting specific components. They also discuss the recommended dosage and the option to take multiple scoops throughout the day. Magu Corp's Magu supplement is praised for its ability to help with inflammation, recovery, and cortisol levels after workouts. Users have reported faster recovery and improved mood after taking Magu consistently. It is recommended to take Magu for at least two weeks to start feeling the effects, with the full benefits potentially taking three months to kick in. Magu has been found to be effective in helping with anxiety, depression, and panic attacks by accelerating the endocannabinoid system and providing calming effects through terpenes. Testimonials have shown that Magu has helped individuals overcome panic attacks, drive again, and regain control of their lives. Magu Corp is also partnering with acupuncturists, herbalists, and therapists to provide holistic support for customers.


    ✅ Magu is a supplement that delivers the full benefits of hemp through the herb itself, rather than extracting specific components like CBD or CBG.
    ✅ Users of Magu have reported benefits such as pain relief, improved mood, and reduced inflammation.
    ✅ The endocannabinoid system plays a role in the body's response to hemp and can help regulate sleep, mood, and pain.
    ✅ The entourage effect occurs when the various components of hemp, including cannabinoids and terpenes, work together to enhance each other's effects.
    ✅ Magu supplement can help with inflammation and recovery after workouts
    ✅ Consistent use of Magu can lead to faster recovery and improved mood
    ✅ Magu has been found to be effective in helping with anxiety, depression, and panic attacks


    00:00 Introduction to Magu and the Founders

    18:28 The Creation of Magu and its Unique Approach

    21:12 The Power of the Entourage Effect in Magu

    25:37 Dosage and Usage Recommendations for Magu

    27:15 Using Magu for Different Effects

    35:33 Magu's Impact on Emotional State

    38:30 Combining Multiple Benefits in One Supplement

    43:20 Testimonials: Overcoming Panic Attacks with Magu

    47:19 Partnering for Holistic Lifestyle Changes

    • 53 min
    Why Modern Therapy is Failing: The Power of the Subconscious Mind- Vin Infante : 290

    Why Modern Therapy is Failing: The Power of the Subconscious Mind- Vin Infante : 290

    In this conversation, Vin Infante, a therapist, mentor, and coach, shares his journey of transitioning from being a therapist to becoming a New York firefighter and then a coach. He emphasizes the importance of finding a fit that makes you feel fulfilled when helping others and not being attached to a specific role. Vin also discusses why he believes traditional therapy is not always effective, as it focuses too much on the conscious mind and neglects the subconscious mind. He encourages individuals to seek discomfort and challenge themselves in order to grow and become high performers. Vin addresses imposter syndrome and self-doubt by highlighting the need to take action and acquire the necessary skills to overcome these beliefs. In this conversation, Vin Infante discusses the concept of limiting beliefs and how they are formed. He explains that limiting beliefs are not inherent to us, but rather, they are adopted from others. He encourages listeners to challenge their limiting beliefs by imagining the person who instilled the belief as a ridiculous-looking creature, which can help diminish the power of the belief. Vin also emphasizes the importance of being present and mindful as a parent, as the moments with children are fleeting. He suggests being a 'sad parent' to fully appreciate and cherish these moments. Vin also shares insights on self-mastery and the power of intention in creating the life you desire.


    ✅ Transitioning between careers is a journey of self-discovery and finding a fit that brings fulfillment.

    ✅ Traditional therapy may not always be effective as it primarily focuses on the conscious mind and neglects the subconscious mind.

    ✅ Seeking discomfort and challenging oneself is essential for personal growth and becoming a high performer.

    ✅ Imposter syndrome and self-doubt can be overcome by taking action and acquiring the necessary skills. Limiting beliefs are not inherent to us, but are adopted from others. Challenging these beliefs by imagining the person who instilled them as a ridiculous-looking creature can help diminish their power.

    ✅ Being present and mindful as a parent is crucial, as the moments with children are fleeting. Embracing the sadness of knowing these moments will end can enhance presence and joy.

    ✅ Identify your various identities (e.g., father, husband, entrepreneur) and determine the most empowered version of each. Utilize the five aspects of self-mastery (thoughts, language, behaviors, actions, emotions) to become the best version of yourself in each identity.

    ✅ The internal world shapes the external world. By becoming the person you want to be internally, your external reality will reflect that. Manifestation is about internal transformation, not external actions alone.


    00:00 Introduction and Background

    00:42 Transitions in Vin's Life

    11:16 Embracing Discomfort

    23:47 Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

    26:31 Limiting Beliefs and Self-Worth

    31:31 The Power of Thoughts and Beliefs

    37:03 Separating Thoughts and Emotions

    38:01 Mindful Parenting

    40:19 The Fleeting Moments of Parenthood

    46:37 Becoming the Best Version of Yourself

    51:30 The Five Aspects of Self-Mastery

    • 54 min

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