53 avsnitt

Welcome to The Vitality Secret Podcast hosted by Neil Cannon, bestselling author of The Vitality Secret, Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist and health coach. Listen to inspiring interviews of self-healing. Each person shares their journey of determination and curiosity which ultimately prepared them for a far better life beyond survival…one rich in vitality.

You’ll also hear from some of the world’s leading pioneers in holistic health.

The Vitality Secret Podcast - Defy Disease, Combat Common Illnesses And Stay Young Neil Cannon; Bestselling Author, Award-Winning Digital Program Creator, Health Coach, Speaker, Blogger

    • Hälsa och motion

Welcome to The Vitality Secret Podcast hosted by Neil Cannon, bestselling author of The Vitality Secret, Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist and health coach. Listen to inspiring interviews of self-healing. Each person shares their journey of determination and curiosity which ultimately prepared them for a far better life beyond survival…one rich in vitality.

You’ll also hear from some of the world’s leading pioneers in holistic health.

    Ep 56 - Reversing Stage 2 Lymphoma with Mark Restivo

    Ep 56 - Reversing Stage 2 Lymphoma with Mark Restivo

    When Mark was handed a stage two lymphoma diagnosis, he faced a crossroads: follow the well-trodden path of conventional treatment, or forge his own trail toward healing. Opting for the latter, Mark's story becomes our guide on a transformative journey of self-healing, as he walks us through the profound lifestyle changes that not only gave him a second chance at life but also opened his eyes to the body's remarkable healing ability.
    In this episode, we explore the "Four Pillars of Vitality" - Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Energetic.
    Mark has an engineering mind, which at the time meant he was naturally inclined to find the root cause.  The conventional approach made no sense to him. He looked at what chemotherapy and radiotherapy did to the body. Both are known to cause cancer.
    We explore the often overlooked connection between our physical symptoms and emotional states, examining the phenomenal world of energy medicine, with tools including the Emotion Code (to release trapped emotions), which uses applied kinesiology.
    Witness the potential of biohacking, the influence of EMFs and 5G radiation, how to protect yourself (as he did), and other toxins in the environment we need to be aware of.
    Mark's testament is not just an inspiring account of healing; it's a call to action for all of us to become familiar with our body's ability to heal itself when we remove what is harming it, and we give it what it needs.
    Whether you're looking for inspiration or practical advice, this episode serves as a catalyst for transformation, urging you toward a life of balance, harmony and Vitality.
    Check out our interview here, both audio and visual, on my main website. If you'd rather read, the summary is below:

    --------- HIGHLIGHTS ---------
    0:11:06 - Embracing Courage and Self-Discovery (62 Seconds)
    0:20:04 - Discovering Root Causes of Illness (69 Seconds)
    0:22:45 - Healing Journey and Self-Education (137 Seconds)
    0:27:03 - Inspirational Stories of Health Transformation (68 Seconds)
    0:34:15 - The Power of Hydration and Nutrition (67 Seconds)
    0:43:31 - Fresh Air and Wim Hof Breathing (45 Seconds)
    0:48:43 - Exploring Healing Through Energy and Emotions (63 Seconds)
    0:51:02 - Connection Between Emotions and Physical Health (104 Seconds)
    0:54:31 - Power of Epigenetics in Health (68 Seconds)
    1:24:08 - Natural Medicine and Detoxification Benefits (60 Seconds)

    • 1 tim. 38 min
    Ep 55 - Embracing Limitless Potential with Lianna Neilson And Our experiences at Dr Joe Dispenza’s Advanced Retreat

    Ep 55 - Embracing Limitless Potential with Lianna Neilson And Our experiences at Dr Joe Dispenza’s Advanced Retreat

    Lianna Neilson, a fellow health warrior and founder of Healthy By Lianna, shares how she went from crippling anxiety and depression to finding alleviation with high-quality nutrition, meditation, and the teachings of Dr. Joe Dispenza. We met at an advanced Dr Joe Dispenza retreat. We discussed the remarkable power of the human body to heal itself, the importance of gut health, and the phenomenal power of meditation, covering highlights of our experiences at Dr Joe Dispenza's Advanced retreat in Cancun.
    Lianna shares her inspiring personal healing journey from physical and emotional ailments exploring all "Pillars of Vitality" - including the weird and wonderful world of the quantum. We dived into the power of elevated emotions and meditation to break free from emotional addictions. Unraveling the layers of our personal experiences with stress and anxiety, we highlighted the transformative power of becoming conscious observers of our thoughts and emotions.
    We discussed how she overcame her challenges, the power of self-awareness, self-care, and the mind-body connection in healing. Emphasizing the importance of committing to a meditation practice, we painted a vivid picture of how it can bring about permanent positive changes, and how approaching life with love rather than fear can lead to a healthy and fulfilling life.
    As we wrapped up our enlightening conversation and journey, we focused on the healing power of love, coherence, and the concept of limitless potential. 

    • 1 tim. 26 min
    Ep 54 - Extend Life Span With Nobel Prize-Winning Molecule - Chris Burres, MyVitalC

    Ep 54 - Extend Life Span With Nobel Prize-Winning Molecule - Chris Burres, MyVitalC

    Are you interested in learning about the fascinating discovery of a molecule that could have an impact on longevity and health? Then you should definitely check out the latest episode featuring Chris Burris, a nanomaterials scientist who stumbled upon this molecule that could extend the lifespan of Wistar rats by 90%. In this episode, Chris shares his journey of how he ended up in the supplement industry and explains the potential benefits of this molecule for human health. He also talks about the peer-reviewed published research on a mammal that has shown the longest longevity experimental results in history and discusses the emergence of biohackers and how the current belief system around healthspan and lifespan is dramatically shifting towards a longer life span.
    If you're interested in health and wellness, this is an episode you won't want to miss! So, tune in and join the discussion with Chris and the hosts as they explore the exciting possibilities of this molecule and its potential to enhance vitality and extend lifespan.
    Chris Burris shares his journey of how he ended up in the supplement industry.
    He talks about the discovery of a spherical molecule containing 60 carbon atoms in 1985 by three scientists, which won them the Nobel Prize in 1996.
    Chris Burris explains that this molecule performs as good or better than the current best material in almost every application, including industrial applications such as inks, tires, batteries, and photocells.
    He discusses how this molecule has been responsible for the longest single longevity experimental results in history.
    Neil and Chris explore the relationship between this molecule and health, particularly its potential to extend lifespan and enhance vitality.
    Chris talks about the peer-reviewed published research on a mammal that has shown the longest longevity experimental results in history, making it worth investigating.
    Neil and guest discuss the emergence of biohackers and how the current belief system around healthspan and lifespan is dramatically shifting towards a longer health span.
    Chris explains that the exact mechanism of how the supplement works is still being explored by scientists but suggests that it could be related to sleep and cites consistent testimonials related to sleep.
    Chris talks about how the supplement was not intended for human consumption but after the study showed a 90% longer lifespan in rats, people started calling to ask about how much they should take, leading to the addition of "not for human consumption" to the labeling.
    Chris and his business partner were hesitant to do anything with the supplement until they received numerous testimonials about its effectiveness.
    Chris talks about his accidental discovery of a molecule that could have an impact on longevity and health.
    Chris is a nanomaterials scientist who stumbled upon a molecule that could extend the lifespan of Wistar rats by 90%.
    After getting amazing testimonials from people about the benefits of the molecule, Chris and his business partner decided to enter the market, making sure that the product was both effective and legal.
    The molecule works by ticking both the boxes of being an antioxidant and addressing inflammation created by exercise.
    The FDA allows the product to be marketed as an anti-inflammatory supplement for exercise-related inflammation, but not for any other type of inflammation.
    Chris believes that it is the right decision as the FDA equates inflammation with disease, and one needs to have tests to prove the product's effectiveness. 
    Chris Burres can be found here:
    Go to https://VitalitySecret.com/book to download The Vitality Secret (ebook) and be notified of the upcoming book, The Vitality Code. 

    • 1 tim. 3 min
    Ep 53 - Julie Michelson's Journey of Overcoming Rheumatoid Arthritis Naturally

    Ep 53 - Julie Michelson's Journey of Overcoming Rheumatoid Arthritis Naturally

    Julie Michelson, a health coach, shares her journey of overcoming rheumatoid arthritis naturally after 11 years of Western medicine treatment. In this episode, Julie talks about how she went from being a newly single mother of three to being unable to work and feeling hopeless about her health. She discusses how her mindset played a role in her declining health and how her youngest daughter's fear of losing her changed her life.
    Julie - Show notes
    Julie talks about how she made a promise to her daughter to do everything she could to get better and started with her diet, going gluten-free to support her son who had been diagnosed with celiac disease. She shares how she stumbled upon the Bulletproof Diet by Dave Asprey and how it helped her understand the science behind inflammation and how certain foods can trigger it.
    Julie discusses the importance of abundant healthy fats in her diet and how tweaking her paleo diet helped her overcome her autoimmune disease naturally. She also talks about the benefits of the Woowoo stuff that she initially thought was crazy and unscientific.
    Julie shares that her illness was driven by toxicity issues, but changing her diet, mindfulness, and meditation helped her improve exponentially even without addressing the toxicity issues.
    Neil shares that his first podcast interview was with a woman who reversed multiple sclerosis by changing her diet and mentions that it's not unusual to see such results as food is crucial for fueling the body.
    They discuss the importance of meditation, and Julie shares that she started meditating after listening to a podcast interview with Emily Fletcher, who introduced her to the concept that the mind isn't supposed to be completely blank during meditation. She joined Emily's online Ziva meditation program, and within two weeks, she noticed better sleep, reduced pain, and improved energy levels.
    Neil mentions attending Joe Dispenza's events and how he presents data and science in a way that is undeniable, showing that meditation is anti-cancerous, pro-health, and helps to reduce inflammation. He wonders why more people aren't carving out time in their day to meditate and suggests that it can be done while walking in nature.
    Julie mentions that she still practices Emily's type of meditation but also tries other types.
    Julie and Neil discuss various forms of meditation and the importance of consistency and finding what works best for you. Julie mentions that she meditates in nature and uses mantra meditation and guided meditations. 
    Julie highlights the importance of having a growth mindset when it comes to health. We are always learning, and our bodies are always changing. Therefore, we need to be open to new information and willing to make changes when necessary.
    Julie can be found here:
    Go to https://VitalitySecret.com/book to download The Vitality Secret (ebook) and be notified of the upcoming book, The Vitality Code. 

    • 1 tim. 4 min
    Ep 52 - Unlocking the Power of Energy Medicine with Beth Daniel-Jones

    Ep 52 - Unlocking the Power of Energy Medicine with Beth Daniel-Jones

    Beth Daniel-Jones is the founder of Healing Solutions, a unique energy medicine approach to healing. Beth reveals her personal healing journey beginning with cancer in her mid-20s, to various autoimmune conditions, to being told she was a "universal reactor" (allergic to a wide variety of foods and substances), sampling a wide variety of modalities for healing with an attempt to find the answers. Beth's  life turned around when she discovered energy medicine. She emphasizes the importance of addressing the underlying causes of health issues. She shares her success stories of helping clients who have tried everything to heal with non-healing issues.
    Beth - Show notes
    Beth's personal journey into holistic health after developing autoimmune conditions following cancer treatment Severe food allergies, chemical sensitivities, and non-healing issues leading to leaving her job as a psychologist and seeking alternative healing modalities Beth's discovery of energy medicine and its impact on her life Explanation of energy medicine and its role in healing the body Healing Solutions' approach to non-healing issues and addressing underlying causes Success stories of clients helped by Healing Solutions Discussion of the four pillars of vitality and their importance Addressing emotional and mental aspects of health in addition to physical Tips for maintaining good health and vitality Neil Cannon's perspective on toxins and trauma causing most illnesses Addressing toxins through history and product testing, harmful effects of environmental estrogens and electrical sensitivity Addressing structural issues, physical issues, nutritional deficiencies, and excesses in healing Role of viral frequencies in suppressing immune function and how to address them Applied kinesiology's role in identifying viral frequencies and blockages Importance of addressing blockages at the cellular level Self-testing for efficient and focused healing Anchoring trauma and finding priority for healing Belief constructs and false beliefs contributing to hardship Unconscious intentions that come out of pain Display of trauma in different organs and systems in the body Understanding trapped emotions Perception's role in signalling genes and upgrading or downgrading DNA Root cause of reactions and ease in life Beth's experience as an energy healer and tangible relief from physical pain for clients. Beth can be found here:
    +1 (808) 344-4256
    Go to https://VitalitySecret.com/book to download The Vitality Secret (ebook) and be notified of the upcoming book, The Vitality Code. 

    • 1 tim. 4 min
    Ep 51 - A Radical Remission of Cancer After Being Told He Would Die Unless He Operated - With Dr Darin Deterra

    Ep 51 - A Radical Remission of Cancer After Being Told He Would Die Unless He Operated - With Dr Darin Deterra

    Imagine being given the Big C diagnosis and also being told you had a 100% chance of death - if you didn't operate. Dr Darin decided to not operate, and followed the holistic path to get to the cause. Four months later he was in remission.  If you have listened to other episodes of this podcast, you'll likely have detected a theme to everyone's recovery. It has always required addressing many or all angles of health & body. I call these the Four Pillars of Vitality. Dr Darin is now proficient in Energy Medicine (which I wholeheartedly believe will be the way of the future - we are energy beings after all...) Darin is a true inspiration for anyone who has been diagnosed with this, or any other serious health challenge. 
    Darin - Show notes
    3 mins - 100% chance of death if he didn’t have the surgery
    4 - Darin knew he had to apply his research to this situation or he’d be a fraud. It started with diet… 
    Chinese medicine doctor Immune system was dealing with a lot of toxins. It was already heavily bogged down 5 - Worked every day or two with new medicine. Doc was able to measure progress of cancer reducing 
    6 - Studying a PhD at the time. Realised doctors are boxed in. They have to prescribe chemo / radio / surgery - or they stand to lose their licence 
    7 - 4 months, cancer was gone. 
    8 - As a therapist, he realised he was being boxed into the same system. Is Western medicine a health-driven industry or money-driven industry? 
    9 - “Accept the diagnosis, not the prognosis” 
    10 - Emotional trauma underneath physical illness - continued to work on this for years after the cancer was in remission. 
    11 - Fundamental energetic shift in the body. At the time, he looked at is as a biochemical shift, now he sees it as an energetic shift 
    12 - I asked what his definition of cancer is.  
    13 - Inner Knowing of the body’s ability to heal itself 
    14 - Bioenergetics. The body doesn’t lie. Listen to your body, your body knows the truth. The body is the truth. Head can get caught up. Body is straight truth. The body keeps the score. 
    15 - Rectified his body at the cellular level.  The organs weep the tears the eyes refuse to shed. The Emotion Code. 
    16 - Truth About Cancer Live Symposium - my own research in cancer. Images of organs and stored trapped emotions. 
    19 - All physical illness in Chinese medicine starts in intestinal tract 
    20 - Ancients say all illness begins in the Energy body - in The Field — then the emotional, then the physical. 
    21 - Quantum Teachings and Bioenergy field 
    22 - The Physics of Emotions 
    23 - Understanding what emotions are - their electromagnetism and how they are stored and drop voltage
    24 - How Darin gave himself 3 years to not set any goals, didn’t want his PhD licence anymore, realised it wasn’t about healing. It was distasteful. 
    25 - the ineffectiveness of talk therapy. 
    27 - Rebirthing, back to 3 years old…
    28 - World Class Healers - Brazil and Philippines. South America studying indigenous cultures. Also studying Quantum physics. 
    29 - Quantum Physics is changing mental health and all health in 21st century. 
    30 - Everything is frequency. That is the consciousness of the 21st century.
    31 - Dr Joe Dispenza - measuring biomarkers, DNA, genes, measuring information in the blood. Science is showing us that meditation gives us a biological upgrade. It brings inflammation down. It’s in peer-reviewed medical research. 
    32 - Never worn glasses, at 65. Eyesight is at 100%. South America he had his eyes worked on.  Started to learn ways of indigenous people. Required a tremendous shift from limited thinking. Opening up to quantum dimensions. Ancients call it spiritual. They were advanced in mapping out the energy body, what we now call quantum medicine. 
    33 - The quantum realm is where we are going  (Sound bite) - What does the heart say? Neuro-cardiology. 
    34 - Thinking brain compared with heart brain. HeartMath - (Sound bite) -

    • 1 tim.

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