
VOE~感谢沈农idea精英汇 Podcast

Just Move On

  1. 01/04/2019

    Apr. 6,2019#日本语ドリームワークス 日语梦工厂 #

    在沈农idea精英汇的帮助下,我们顺利举行了voe第五届配音大赛~感谢,撒花节目组:日本语ドリームワークス 日语梦工厂 节目名称:赏花会节目监制: 梁远鹏 播音: 梁远鹏&吉旭灵编辑: 梁远鹏&吉旭灵&邵梦瑶制作: 金靖杰&杨璟琰整合上传:魏薇审核:侯泓锾A:皆さん、こんばんは、VOE日本語ドリームワークスへようこそB:日语梦工厂A:为梦想起航,我是主播梁远鹏B:我是主播吉旭灵A:一个假期没见了,不知道大家都过的如何?有没有从两个月的寒假中调整过来?B:别人我不知道,到是你一个假期不见又胖了一圈呀。A:说的好像我瘦过一样。B:沈阳的气温真的是让我适应不了,本以为沈阳的三月应该是春暖花开,但现实却是在寒风中冻得瑟瑟发抖。A:其实日本的三月正是一个赏花季,每年3月中旬到4月中旬,是日本自南至北樱花开放的季节,们在樱花树下摆上丰盛的酒宴,或合家欢聚一堂,或邀请三五好友,一边吟诗作画,一边开怀畅饮,一醉方休。B:那今天就让我们好好为大家介绍一下日本的赏花季。A:日本で3月といえば、日本人が待ちに待った花見の季節でもあります。ということで、今日は皆さんに、日本の花見を紹介したいと思います。まず、花見とは、桜の花を鑑賞し、春の訪れをお祝いする日本独自の慣習のことです。一般的に、日本の桜開花時期は、3月から5月とされ、この時期に、桜の木の下で家族や友人と集まったり、または会社で行われる花見の宴会などがあります。B:3月份对于日本人来说,是翘首以盼的赏花季节。因此,本期节目向大家介绍日本的赏花活动。首先,赏花是观赏樱花、庆祝春天到来的日本独特的习惯。一般来讲,日本樱花开放的季节在3月至5月,这个时期,日本人会和家人朋友相聚在樱花树下,此外公司也会举行赏花会。A:花見宴会の飲食物で、人気な食べ物はおつまみやフライドチキン、唐揚げ、また、春の食材をいっぱい使った弁当、花見弁当など。飲み物では、ビールや缶酎ハイ、ソフトドリンクが主に花見をする際の人気・定番メニューとなっています。おいしいおつまみや料理を食べ、お酒を嗜んだり、皆でカラオケをしたりと、お花見会場は、いつも賑わっています。B:作为赏花会上吃的食物,比较受欢迎的就是炸鸡等油炸食品,还有用春天特有的食材制作的赏花便当等。受欢迎的饮料以啤酒、罐装果酒、软饮等为主,组成了赏花时节必备的人气菜单。吃着美味的小吃、料理,喝着美酒唱着歌,赏花的地方总是一片欢腾热闹景象。A:また、花見には花見団子もつきものです。とくにアニメが好きな方は花見団子を見たことがあるかもしれません。花見団子とは月見の時食べる月見団子とは違い、桜色、薄い赤色、白色、緑色などの華やかな色彩をした団子のことです。一つ一つ意味があり、桜色は桜を表して、春の息吹を、白は雪を表し、冬の名残を。緑はよもぎを表し、夏への予兆を表現しています。B:不得不说,赏花时“花见团子”也是必备食品。尤其是爱看动画的诸位,或许见过花见团子呢。花见团子和赏月时吃的“供月团子”不同,是包含樱花色、浅红色、白色、绿色等多种绚烂颜色的团子串。每个团子都有其意义,樱花色代表樱花,表现春天的气息;白色团子代表雪,表示对冬天的依依惜别;而绿色的团子代表艾蒿,表现夏天将临的预兆。A:また、花見宴会をする際、一番大変なのは場所取りです。特に、桜の名

    6 min
  2. 25/03/2019

    Mar. 25, 2019 #日本语ドリームワークス#世界第一的公主殿下

    节目组:日本语ドリームワークス 日语梦工厂 节目名称:世界第一的公主殿下节目监制: 梁远鹏 播音: 蔡晨露&付一辰编辑: 蔡晨露&付一辰制作: 张丽敏整合上传:陈子扬审核:侯泓锾A:提问: 世界第一的公主殿下指的是谁? A. 静音连 B.巡音露卡 C.初音未来 D.镜音铃 正确答案选c,初音未来。 B: 以上是一道B站正式会员考试的自选题。 对喜爱二次元的朋友们来说,初音未来这个名字可谓是无人不知,无人不晓。然而,与一般的ACG角色不同,初音未来不仅仅与二次元有着千丝万缕的关系,对于现实世界也有着巨大的影响。A: 初音未来究竟是谁?谈及初音未来,我们脑海里首先出现的就是哪位梳着蓝绿色双马尾,打着领带的可爱少女。但实际上,初音未来是克里普敦未来媒体以雅马哈的VOCALOID语音合成引擎为基础,开发贩售的语音合成软件的声源之一及其拟人化形象。简单来说,初音未来是一名虚拟电子歌姬,可以通过调音让她演唱各种动听的曲目。B: 软件使用了语音合成引擎,能够将人类的声音录音合并模拟出近似真人的声音。使用时只需输入音调、歌词即可发出声音,亦可以调整震音、音速等“感情参数”。不过软件本身只能做出歌唱部分,伴奏需要使用其他的音乐软件合成。虽然随着版本的更替,编辑器可以合成的声音会越来越接近人声,但是也有部分p主选择刻意制造成不自然的,与人声并不相符的声音。例如暴走p的代表作《初音未来的消失》,特点就是以高度失真的电音,不中断的大段歌词。A:初音,镜音等虚拟电子歌手的走红与使用软件来制作歌曲的使用者是密不可分的。使用者们被称为p主(也就是创作者producer在网上的昵称),而他们用vocaloid创作歌曲的过程则被称为“调教”。由于C社对二次创作的积极鼓励,以及初音本身所具有的极高的可塑性,创作者可以根据自己的内心所想去自由创作。初音的存在还吸引了一大批零基础的新人学习音乐创作,拓展了电子音乐的创作人群。B: 初音未来的音源由日本声优藤田咲提供。企画初期克里普顿是想由正职的歌手提供音源,然而大多数歌手基于担心声音被复制后的用途以及将来的版权相关问题而拒绝,随后才转向为接触声优。在经过考虑近500位声优的声音样本之后决定起用藤田咲。因为藤田咲的声音“清楚而可爱”。在录音时,藤田咲以“可爱的偶像声线”进行录音,共花费两天时间,每天三小时,录音内容是无意义的罗马音组合。音源制作的演示乐曲让藤田咲十分惊喜,认为十分可爱。A: 拥有国内最多二次元用户的视频网站bilibili,它的前身叫做mikufans,直译过来就是初音的粉丝。B站上动画区有一个重要的区块MMD(mikumikudance),它制作的初衷就是为了给初音编舞。作为第一个引爆虚拟偶像概念的歌姬,初音未来是世界上第一个使用全息投影技术举办演唱会的虚拟偶像。除日本本土外,初音未来演唱会也分别在美国的洛杉矶、泰国的曼谷、中国的香港和台北,上海,北京等城市举办过。B : 初音,意思是初次的声音。而未来则象征着VOCALOID所代表的未来音乐的可能性。初音还被称作“葱娘”、“公主殿下”。前者是由于07年《甩葱歌》在网上流行之后,有人使用MMD制作了一段初音拿着葱舞蹈的甩葱歌视频,爆红网络。后者源自ryo投稿在niconico上的歌曲《ワールドイズマインWorld is Mine》,国内将歌名翻译作:《世界第一的公主殿下》,由此得来。A: 到目前为止,初音已经在世界范围内为人所知,但走在最前端的还是作为其发

    9 min
  3. 06/12/2018

    Dec.6,2018#Bloom in ink#以终为始

    节目组:Blook In Ink节目名称:以终为始 节目监制:李硕编辑:王怡文 李欣桐播音:王怡文 李欣桐制作:任家豪整合上传:魏薇审核:侯泓锾A:Hello everyone, welcome to Bloom In Ink from VOE foreign languages radio station. I'm Jodie. B:I'm Julia. .B:欢迎收听VOE时代之声外文广播电台,我是王怡文。A:我是李欣桐。 A: To Begin with the End in Mind means to start with a clear understanding of your destination. Itmeans to know where you're going so that you better understand where you are now and so that the steps you take are always in the right direction.It's incredibly easy to get caught up in an activity trap, in the busy-ness of life, to work harder andharder at climbing the ladder of success only to discover it's leaning against the wrong wall. It is possible to be busy -- very busy -- without being very effective.B: 以终为始说明在做任何事之前,都要先认清方向。这意味着你对现在自己的方向和处境了如指掌,这样当你行动的时候,就不至于误入歧途。 人生旅途的岔路很多,一不小心就会走冤枉路。许多人拼命埋头苦干,到头来却发现追求成功的梯子搭错了墙 ,就算你很忙很忙,也未必出成果。A: People often find themselves achieving victories that are empty, successes that have come at the expense of things they suddenly realize were far more valuable to them. People from every walk of life -- doctors, academicians, actors, politicians, business professionals, athletes, and plumbers – often struggle to achieve a higher income, more recognition or a certain degree of professional competence, only to find that their drive to achieve their goal blinded them to the things that really mattered most and now are gone.How different our lives are when we really know what is deeply important to us, and, keeping that picture in mind, we manage ourselves each day to be and to do what really matters most. If the ladder is not leaning against the right wall, every step we take just gets us to the wrong place faster. We may be very busy, we may be very efficient, but we will also be truly effective only when we Begin with the End in Mind.B: 很多人功成名就之后,反而感到空虚,发现自己牺牲了许多更宝贵的东西。上至达官显贵、富蒙巨贾,下至平头百姓、凡夫俗子,无一不在追求更多的财富,更大的势力或更高的声望,而这些目标常常蒙蔽了对于他们来说真正重要的事情, 等回过头时,才发现,早已人去楼空。当我们了解生命中最重要的事情时,生活将会不同。头脑中要时刻牢记:每天希望自己成为什么样的人,什么对于自己来说才是最重要的。如果通往成功的梯子一直搭错墙,那每一次行动无疑加快了失败的步伐。我们也许会很忙, 也能很高效,但是唯有心中牢记以终为始,才能算作真正的高效。A: "Begin with the End in Mind" is based on the principle that all things are created twice. There's a mental or first creation, and a physical or second creation to all things.Take the construction of a home, for example. You create it in every detail before you ever hammer the first nail into place. You try to get a very clear sense of what kind of house you want. If you want a family-centered home, you plan a family room where it would be a natural gathering place. You plan sliding doors and a patio for children to play outside.B: “以终为始”的一个原则基础是“任何事都是两次创造而成”。我们做任何事都是先在头脑中构思,即智力上的或第一次的创造,然后付诸实践,即体力上的或第二次的创造。以建筑为例,在拿起工具建造之前,你需要先在脑海中构思每一细节。你需要很清楚地知道你想要什么样的房子。如果你想要一个以家人为中心的家,那么你在设计房间的时候,它将会是一个天然的聚

    15 min
  4. 04/12/2018

    Dec.4,2018#Screen Age#The two meaty films

    节目名称:Screen Age 节目主题:The two meaty films节目监制:毕鑫屹编辑:李一泓播音:刘甜(B)李一泓(E)曹敏(BR)张舒涵(C)邓斐元(M)整合上传:魏薇审核:侯泓锾B : Hello,my dear friends,welcome back to the Screen Age.I'm Bella.E :I’m Emily,welcome to the screen age. B: Emily, do you like the detective film?E: Yeah, I like it very much.B: Today, we will introduce an unusual movie which combines detective with comedy.E: I guess it! It's "Chinatown Detective".B: Great! Now let's talk about it.E : okB : China town is a movie directed by 陈思成 and started by 王宝强,刘昊然 and other famous stars . It was released in 31st December , at the end of 2015 . E : Belonging to comedy , suspense , action , detective , the film grew a lot of fans . One of the stars 刘昊然 has been famous through this film . B : 唐仁,stared by 王宝强 is the uncle of 秦风 ,stared by 刘昊然,and he called himself as the most famous detective in Chinatown .E : But 秦风is a genius boy of detecting . And helped his uncle crack the case . B : The film was made in Thailand and was taken for six months . E : The film was nominated for multiple awards and won many awards.B : 陈思成 the director of Chinatown said he had already planned the last two films when the film has just been released: "the second one I want to make in America, the third one I want to make in Japan. I even have a rough model of the story."E : Now let’s give you a brief introduction about the film.B: Qinfeng receives an invitation from Tangren, asking him to attend his marriage with Axiang.E: When he arrived, he found that's not the case. Actually, there is a world famous detective competition which has a huge reward. And the first one Q is a secret man. B: The content of the competition is to find the murderer of killing the grandson of Chinatown's godfather Qishu. E: To help Tangren get the reward as well as show talent for detective, Qinfeng involved.B: Along with Qinfeng, many other detectives also joined it, such as Hongkong hacker Kiko, Japanese detective Yetianhao and so on.E: They connected two murders which happened recently, finding the same person called Songyi. B: However, it seemed that he wasn't a left-hander whose character isn't the same as the murder's.E: So Qinfeng, Songyi and Tangren united to solve crimes. Then, another homicide took place. B: Through Qinfeng's gift for solving cases and the help of Tangren, they inferred the method of the murderer. E: Murderer killed people for their hearts, livers, renals, spleens and lungs to make alchemy according to Taoism's five elements. B: Using this way, they realized who was his next target. Fortunately, they arrived in time to avoid a killing. The real murderer suicided himself eventually . E: In the end, Qinfeng inferred Songyi is Q. But Kiko didn't think so. In fact, who is Q would still be a puzzle. B: It leaves us a great many imaginations. Let's look forward to the third one!E : Tianjin daily commented that the charm of reasoning never lies in the reasoning itself, but to observe the world through reasoning. There are no good guys or bad guys in Chinatown. Everyone has a dark and selfish side.The two sides of human nature are always terrifying to contemplate.B : Chinatown makes people think and decipher in joy, feel the truth in the development of the plot, and reflect on the dialectical relationship between good and evil under the shadow of crime.BR:Hello,my dear audience.I'm Brittany.C:Good afternoon,everyone.This is Christy.M:Hi,this is Michelle.The final examination is coming and the students are busy with their studies.C:Take it easy.It's the combination of work and rest that counts.So,come with us into the world of Venom.BR:Tom Hardy plays Eddie who is not an emissary of justice and doesn't fall into the moral dilemma of greater power,greater responsibility.He is just a loser with many weaknesses.C:Well,he is different from

    14 min
  5. 04/12/2018


    节目组: 한류전선 韩流前线节目名称: 《从天而降的一亿颗星星》节目监制:李硕编辑:李硕&赵作章播音:司佩弘&闵首元&柳桂英整合上传:魏薇审核:侯泓锾(配乐----星星,我们)大家好,这里是韩流前线.我是主播司佩弘,我是主播闵首元,我是主播柳桂英안녕하세요. 여기는 한류 전선입니다. 저는 아나운서 민수원 입니다.저는 아나운서 사부홍 입니다.저는 아나운서 류계영 입니다.我们似乎在哪里见过,即使岁月模糊了记忆,但感情依然牵引着我。接下来让我们一同走进《从天而降的一亿颗星星》中刘真江与金武英的世界里。우리는 어디선가 만난 적이 있는 것 같아요. 비록 세월이 흘러 기억이 흐려져도 감정은 여전히 나를 끌어들이는거 같아요 .지금부터 저와 함께 '하늘에서 내리는 1억개의 별' 주연 유진강, 김무영의 세계로 들어가봅시다.韩剧《从天而降的一亿颗星星》改编自2002年日本同名电视剧,由徐仁国、郑素敏、朴成雄等主演。讲述了被称为怪物的危险男人武英与和他拥有着一样伤痛的女子真江之间的浪漫故事,以及和真江哥哥镇国之间的纠葛。广告公司设计师刘真江从小失去父母,心灵深处留有伤痕,而在遇到把爱情当做游戏的冷漠男人金武英后,人生开始发生变化。'하늘에서 떨어진 1 억 개의 별' 은 서인국, 정소민, 박성웅 등이 주연을 맡는다.괴물이라 불리는 위험한 남자 무영과 그와 같은 상처를 가진 여자 진강과의 로맨스를 그린다. 그리고 진강형 진국 간의 갈등을 그린 작품이다.광고회사 디자이너인 유진강은 어릴 적부터 부모를 잃고 이로인해 마음속 깊은 곳에 상처가 남겼고, 사랑을 게임으로 삶는 무뚝뚝한 남자 김무영을 만난 뒤 인생이 달라지기 시작한 이야기입니다 .爱情真的可以让人心甘情愿的去改变自已:为了你,我愿意改掉自己的小毛病;为了你,即使被误会也甘愿不去解释;为了你,我变得小心翼翼。你的一言一行、一颦一笑都可以轻易牵动我的心弦。希望男女主的余生如剧中原声音乐所演唱的那样,愿漆黑的夜里,你们化作天上的繁星互相依偎不受打扰,照耀彼此就好。사랑은 정말 사람을 변하게 할수잇는거같아요.당신을 위해, 나는 자신의 결함을 고치려 하고 당신을 위해, 오해받더라도 견뎌낼수잇고 .당신을 위해, 나는 조심스러워지고 .당신의 말 한마디 행동 하나, 작은 웃음이라도 쉽게 내 마음을 움직이게하고...남녀주인공의 여생은 원성 음악에 노래 한 것 처럼 어두운 밤, 당신들은 하늘 의 별들이 되어 서로 기대하고 서로 비춰주길.电视剧的介绍到这里就结束了,这期将是本学期最后一期的外放了,从炎热的夏天到现在的寒冷我们一起走过了 每一个星期,现在还真是舍不得呢.冬天越来越逼近我们的生活,不知道此刻的你有没有穿上羽绒服,带上围巾呢,也不知道我们的声音能否为你带去快乐或是温暖呢考试月也悄无声息的来到了我们的身边,希望各位同学们都可以取得理想的成绩 过一个开心的新年.드라마 소개는 여기서 끝맞치겟습니다.이번방송은 본학기 마지막방송입니다.너무 아쉽네요.추운 겨울 부디 감기조심하시고.행복하세요.이번 한류 전선은 여기까지입니다.다음 방송 기대해 보도록 하겠습니다.本期韩流前线到这里就结束了感谢制作王飞.让我们一起期待下一期节目吧안녕~

    8 min
  6. 03/12/2018

    Dec.3, 2018 #日本语ドリームワークス#和服

    节目组:日本语ドリームワークス 日语梦工厂 节目名称:和服节目监制: 梁远鹏 播音:张婉璐&张萌萌编辑:张婉璐&张萌萌制作: 张丽敏整合上传:陈子扬审核:侯泓锾A:亲爱的听众朋友们,大家好。欢迎收听VOE外文广播电台日语梦工厂。我是主播张琬璐 B:我是主播张萌萌A:今天我们与大家聊一聊日本的传统服饰——和服。B:和服是日本人的传统民族服装,也是日本人最值得向世界夸耀的文化资产。和服的穿着技巧,乃是随着时代的风俗背景,琢磨考验,蕴育而生。高雅而优美的图案,源自于日本民族对于山水的欣赏及对风土的眷恋,乃至于对人本精神与情境的细腻感受。A:没错,和服不仅融合了优雅气度与深层内敛之本质,更反应了穿着之人的「心」与「动」。每一套优美的和服,都经精心裁制,讲究穿着时的每一个细节及步骤。因此,不论是坐姿或站姿,都需经由完整的学习训练,而成为内外兼具的完美礼仪。和服又有另外一个名称叫「赏花幕」,因为和服的图案与色彩,反映了大自然的具体意象,当人们穿着和服走动时,会因为晃动而使得和服如同一块动态的画布。B:日本人对于和服的设计当然也有许多的讲究,虽然和服基本上由直线构成,穿插在身上呈直筒形,缺少对人体曲线的显示,但它却能显示庄重、安稳、宁静,符合日本人的气质。不仅如此,和服同时也顺应日本的自然;日本绝大部分地区温暖湿润,因此服装的通气性十分重要。所以和服比较宽松,衣服上的透气孔有8个之多,且和服的袖、襟、裾均能自由开合,所以十分适合日本的风土气候。A:日本和服于我们印象中一个很重要的特点就是,女性穿和服时会在背后背一个“枕头”。其实这个“枕头”名叫锦结,是用系在和服上的宽大腰带打的结。锦结出现于丰臣秀吉年代,最早的灵感来源于西方传教士袍子上的细绳腰带。后来在19世纪的八岛岳亭时期,艺妓们将细腰带加宽加长,这就是名古屋腰带的雏形了。到了江户时期日本女性为了方便行动毅然将结打在了背后,也就是我们今天所看到的锦结。B:而且,日本上古时代的粗布服装,窄袖斜襟,可与古代中国穿着有所相似呢。但是,真正有文字记载,将中国服饰引进日本,并使之被吸收和制度化的,应该是从奈良时代开始的。公元8世纪,中国唐代服装传入日本,对起源于日本本土的和服产生了影响。当时和服的名称也有很多,如"贯头衣"、"横幅"以及后来的"和服"。日本奈良时代正值中国盛唐时期,日本派出大批遣唐使者把唐代文化艺术、律令制度都带回了日本。"衣服令"就是奈良时代制定的制度之一。A:嗯,随着时代的发展,日本服饰逐渐繁荣,和服的种类越来越多,分支也更加细化。我们所看到的和服常常只是浴衣,并非真正的和服。浴衣相对和服来说更加简单,穿起来也十分方便。浴衣最开始是日本人民在沐浴时所穿的服装,后来轻便的浴衣被越来越多的日本人所青睐,也就出现在多种场合。比如萤火之森中最后竹川萤与阿银参加活动时所穿的就是浴衣并非和服。在一些充满欢声笑语的节日里穿着浴衣过节,在传承文化的同时,也享受了节日的愉快。B:那么,我们来简单的聊一聊和服的种类。首先,小纹和服可作为常服。与和服中的大的,或中等的图案不同,它采用的是用纸型印染碎小花纹的工艺,因此配以这类纹样的和服被命名为“小纹”。如今,小纹和服的定义有所改变,人们把无论图案的大小,只要是有反复印染的纹样的和服,都称为“小纹”。A:还有

    12 min
  7. 29/11/2018

    Nov.29,2018#Bloom in ink#飞鸟集 1

    节目组:Blook In Ink节目名称:飞鸟集 1 节目监制:李硕编辑:张巍瀚 侯泓锾播音:张巍瀚 侯泓锾制作:任家豪整合上传:魏薇审核:侯泓锾开头曲 In Love 引语 A:Hello everyone, welcome to Bloom In Ink from VOE foreign languages radio station. I am张巍瀚 . B:I am 侯泓锾 .A:欢迎收听VOE时代之声外文广播电台,我是张巍瀚。B:我是侯泓锾。 插曲1 Felicity A: Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away. And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall there with a sign. Troupe of little vagrants of the world, leave your footprints in my words. The world puts off its mask of vastness to its lover.B: 夏天的飞鸟,飞到我的窗前唱歌,又飞去了。秋天的黄叶,它们没有什么可唱,只叹息一声,飞落在那里。世界上的一队小小的漂泊者呀,请留下你们的足印在我的文字里。世界对着它的爱人,把它浩翰的面具揭下了。A: It becomes small as one song, as one kiss of the eternal. It is the tears of the earth that keep her smiles in bloom. The mighty desert is burning for the love of a blade of grass whoshakes her head and laughs and flies away. B: 它变小了,小如一首歌,小如一回永恒的接吻。是大地的泪点,使她的微笑保持着青春不谢。 无垠的沙漠热烈追求一叶绿草的爱,她摇摇头笑着飞开了。A: If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars. The sands in your way beg for your song and your movement, dancing water. Will you carry the burden of their lameness? Her wishful face haunts my dreams like the rain at night. B: 如果你因失去了太阳而流泪,那么你也将失去群星了。跳舞着的流水呀,在你途中的泥沙,要求你的歌声,你的流动呢。你肯挟瘸足的泥沙而俱下么? 她的热切的脸,如夜雨似的,搅扰着我的梦魂。  A: Once we dreamt that we were strangers. We wake up to find that we were dear to each other. Sorrow is hushed into peace in my heart like the evening among the silent trees. B: 有一次,我们梦见大家都是不相识的。我们醒了,却知道我们原是相亲相爱的。忧思在我的心里平静下去,正如暮色降临在寂静的山林中。   A: What language is thine, O sea? The language of eternal question. What language is thy answer, O sky? he language of eternal silence. B: 海水呀,你说的是什么?是永恒的疑问。天空呀,你回答的话是什么?是永恒的沉默。 A: Listen, my heart, to the whispers of the world with which it makes love to you. The mystery of creation is like the darkness of night--it is great. Delusions of knowledge are like the fog of the morning. Do not seat your love upon a precipice because it is high. B: 静静地听,我的心呀,听那世界的低语,这是它对你求爱的表示呀。创造的神秘,有如夜间的黑暗-是伟大的。而知识的幻影却不过如晨间之雾。不要因为峭壁是高的,便让你的爱情坐在峭壁上。A I sit at my window this morning where the world like a passer-by stops for a moment, nods to me and goes. There little thoughts are the rustle of leaves; they have their whisper of joy in my mind. What you are you do not see, what you see is your shadow. B: 我今晨坐在窗前,世界如一个路人似的,停留了一会,向我点点头又走过去了。这些微(风思),是树叶的簌簌之声呀;它们在我的心里欢悦地微语着。你看不见你自己,你所看见的只是你的影子。 A My wishes are fools, they shout across thy song, my Master. Let me but listen. I cannot choose the best. The best chooses me. B: 神呀,我的那些愿望真是愚傻呀,它们杂在你的歌声中喧叫着呢。让我只是静听着吧。我不能选择那最好的。而是那最好的选择我 。 结束曲 In Love B:感谢

    11 min
  8. 29/11/2018

    Nov.28,2018#Music Bang Bang#英雄联盟

    节目名称:Music Bang Bang 节目主题:英雄联盟节目监制:朱子业编辑:朱子业,李嘉怡播音:朱子业,李嘉怡制作:朱子业整合上传:陈子扬审核:侯泓锾开头曲 Legends Never Die.欢迎来到英雄联盟,敌军还有三十秒到达战场J:Hello everybody, welcome back to our channel. This is music bang bang from VOE foreign languages radio station. Long time no see. Or should I say, long time no hear. I’m your old friend Jotta.L: Hey this is Lacy.J: So as you know, I'm late to catch on hot events.L: Yeah. That means 后知后觉。J: Do you know the voiceover at the beginning of our programme?L: That's from League of Legends英雄联盟. And the song we play right now is called Legends Never Die.插曲1 Legends Never Die.L: It's the theme song of the League of Legends 2017 World Championship.J: Seems like you made an adequate preparation for today's programme.L: Of course! Except the songs, I consult some information about IG.J: I believe although many people post like, IG is awesome, they even do not know the member of that team.L: Ig's full name is Invictus Gaming. Invictus 的意思是不可战胜的,这个词来源于阿根廷,这个战队的名字也预示着创始人王思聪对这个战队的美好展望了!It's one of the mumber of LPL alliance.J: LPL, League of Legends Pro League, 意思是英雄联盟职业联赛。插曲 2 Welcome to Planet Urf.PART 2: L: By the way, Jotta, do you know IG's mumbers and their duties?J: Yeah! Now please let me introduce them. 他们队就是“莽,就完事了”。The Shy is a very skilled top. Ning is a jungle. Rookie is a very careful mid, it can called APC as well. APC, ability power carry, 也就是技能输出核心。Now you know APC, can you infer the meaning of ADC? L: I know it, ADC, attack damage carry. 也就是下路,或者射手的意思, and Jackeylove is a very awesome ADC, and very handsome.J: You are right.有了ADC不可缺少的是辅助,那么你知道辅助用英语怎么说吗?L: Emmm... I guess it is called SUP, support, right? And I know IG's support is Baolan.J: Aha. We introduced too much about IG, It's time to go back to Legends! The song we played right now is called Welcome to Planet Urf. 是无限火力的新主题曲。L: Urf? What’s that means?J: 这是一个被lol删除的英雄,叫海牛阿福,英文就是Urf。L: Oh, I see. I feel so excited when I listened to that song, I even want to begin to play that game now! 插曲3 RiseJ: Aha, why not? Lacy, have you ever heared about RNG? That team is also outstanding, but this time they took the opponent lightly causing them lost this game.L: Nodesty helps one to make progress while conceit makes one lag behind.谦虚使人进步,骄傲使人退步。J: You are right! As League of Legends is a very popular game. There are a varity of songs about it.L: This song is called Rise.L: I know there are many characters in League of Legends.J: Yep. The first I would talk about is The Unforgiven Yasuo.疾风剑豪亚索。L: Why?插曲 4 RiseJ: Because in the face of all people's misunderstanding, he will do whatever it takes to clear his charges, let justice to regain his glory. L: 但我看过网上写关于亚索是....什么自闭来着?J: 多行不e必自闭(音同:多行不义必自毙)L: So what's the relationship between e and autism?J: E is a keyboard shortcut of his skill. That skill's cooldown is very short, about 0.1-0.5 seconds. 他的e技能是向前突进,而且技能冷却时间很短,所以秀不秀就看这个技能用的怎么样啦。L: Oh, that sounds attracting me so much!J: The next character is one of my love. Her name is Sona. 琴瑟仙女娑娜。Look at this picture, don't you think she is as pretty as a fairy?L: Yeah. And she has a nice figure.【只有你能听到我的话,召唤师,今天我们演奏哪首曲子?】J: Let's enjoy POP/STARS from K/DA.L: K/DA是由游戏中人物阿卡

    13 min


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