Blue Mountain Ministry

Seulji Chung
Blue Mountain Ministry Podcast

Prophetic Word: Come and Feast


  1. 13/05/2021

    Psalm 34:8 - Part 5. Seek Refuge (The Finale!)

    Today we are going to look at the last part of our Psalm 34:8 series! It says at the end of the verse that those who seek refuge in the Lord are happy and blessed. But what does it mean to seek refuge in Him? In John 8:2-10 we read of a woman who is caught in adultery and is brought to Jesus by the Pharisees. As we all know, Jesus’ response is life-giving: “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.” (v. 7) – “Woman, where are those accusers of yours? Has no one condemned you?” – “No one, Lord.” – “Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.” (vv. 10-11) Hebrews 4:15-16 NKJV: "For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need." To seek refuge in God is to trust in His goodness and to come boldly before His throne. We are safest when we are with Him. Do you think you went too far with your sin? Blessed and happy are those who seek refuge in Him. Because they shall obtain mercy and find grace to help them in time of need. I hope this series blessed you! feel free to share my posts if you want to. ask the holy spirit for the right timing and what encouraging message you can add for the person when sharing. You surely are a happy and blessed one when you know christ. don't ever forget this truth and keep coming back to it! "Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him!" (Psalm 34:8 NIV) // If you want to get connected, visit me at: - Homepage: - Facebook: - Instragram: - YouTube: Thanks, have a wonderful day and see you soon!

    3 min
  2. 05/05/2021

    Psalm 34:8 - Part 3. Pleasantly Good

    Storytelling time! Part 3 - Pleasantly Good Today I want to encourage you with a story. I recently bought a new pair of earphones. In the box came a second pair of earphones with a note from the seller that it was a gift from the company to support the customers at this time. What a pleasant surprise! I was very happy about this gift. But then I tried using the earphones I had bought and it somehow would not fit and keep falling off! Urgh! It was so irritating! This morning I remembered the gift and I tried those earphones on. Guess what? They fit perfectly! I then cried out to God: "God, what am I trying to buy when I can get it all from you for free!" Just think about it. God knows what's good for you. Isaiah 55:1-3a NIV "Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost. Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good [טוֹב (tob)], and your soul will delight in the richest of fare. Give ear and come to me; hear me, that your soul may live." God is the only one who is good! So pleasantly good! Let us stop striving by trying to "buy" things from Him or even the enemy. Let us receive for free and give away for free. Does that sound good [טוֹב (tob)]? ;) // If this encouraged you and you want to get connected, visit me at: - Homepage: - Facebook: - Instragram: - YouTube: Thanks, have a wonderful day and see you soon!

    3 min
  3. 29/04/2021

    Psalm 34:8 - Part 1. Taste

    Sharing some insights on happiness from Psalm 34:8 with you! Here comes part 1: “Imagine your favorite food. Imagine it served before you and you take a bite. Mmmh … imagine it just melting on your tongue. Can you taste it? Now imagine the same, only that you hastily swallow the food as soon as you can, and you keep throwing the food into your mouth and swallowing it really fast so that you can barely sense the flavor of the meal. Would you still be able to taste it? To taste is to simply ENJOY. You enjoy and you appreciate. You take it in, bit by bit, grateful for the pleasure you get from eating. This is the first part of Psalm 34:8 – to taste. To taste means that you enjoy and appreciate Jesus, the Word of God, bit by bit. It means that you take in all the flavors that come with getting to know Him. How about you? Are you normally a quick eater? Do you just swallow down God’s word because you have to? Because you need resources, because you want to get something out of it? Here’s a simple encouragement for you today, to just taste Him. To enjoy His presence and to appreciate Him for who He is. Maybe even start with tasting some good food, treat yourself or let others treat you! Maybe pause a little bit before you start shoveling everything really quickly into your mouth. Just enjoy. Because He is good. Wow, yes, He is good. He is so good, so so good. Take in all the different flavors of God. I bless you, and I pray that you will be able to taste God today. Amen.” If this encouraged you and you want to get connected, visit me at: - Homepage: - Facebook: - Instragram: - YouTube: Thanks, have a wonderful day and see you soon!

    3 min
  4. 17/04/2021

    Prophetic Word: Come and Feast

    COME AND FEAST About a month ago I saw a resting place prepared for us at the top of a mountain and a table fully set with all kinds of delicious food, just waiting for us to come and feast. I saw Jesus waiting at the door, waiting for us to come and feast before the enemies. I couldn’t see anyone though and I wondered: why is no one coming, Jesus? Why is there no one, Jesus? Now, a month later, as I am worshipping, I hear Him inviting me and inviting you again to this place of rest. He has set again a table before us today and we only have to come! We only have to come and feast before the enemies as they have to watch us eat. This is our destiny because of the steadfast love and faithfulness of God! So tell me, children of God, why are you hesitating? Just come up higher, He has prepared a place for us! I see the open door and the table set right at the entrance. Tell me, children of God, why are you hesitating? Just come and feast. Come today to the table. I hear Jesus say, the land that flows with milk and honey awaits you. Will you accept His gift? Well, I said: “yes, Lord. Yes, Lord. Yes, Lord. Yes, Lord. Yes, Lord. Yes, Lord. Yes, Lord.” Why would I refuse? Why would I refuse! I also hear Him say: “Hear me, my children, when I speak to you to come and rest in my presence. You cannot enter the land that flows with milk and honey without entering my rest. Have you not read that no one can enter the land that flows with milk and honey unless they rest in me? So be quiet, be quiet now and be still. Do not slumber but awake, rise up and come speedily to the table. Come to me. And I will give you rest. I have everything that you need. I AM everything that you need. Oh, if you come and sit with me, the healing rays of righteousness would rise up over you and my light would overshadow all the deep anguish that you’re feeling. Do not even I, the I AM, say to you, that I am yours? So what do you make of that, that I am yours, that I am your God? Can you tell me right now that you believe that I love you? Can you just acknowledge that? Because I just really want to hear you say that you believe I love you. I’m right here for you. Don’t quit searching for me. Look and you will find, I’m right here, I’m right here, I’m right here, I’m healing you of your blindness, I’m right here. I’m right here. Bible references: Psalm 23:5-6; Hebrews 3:7-19; Malachi 4:2; Psalm 42:8; Matthew 7:7

    4 min


Prophetic Word: Come and Feast

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