Dayspring Church Audio Podcast

Dayspring Church Audio Podcast Podcast

Weekly sermon podcast from Dayspring Church, Castle Hill, Australia.

  1. The Power of Language in Loving Community

    5 DAYS AGO

    The Power of Language in Loving Community

    When you speak, do others see evidence of the Spirit's work within you? "Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God..." 1 John 4:7-21. In exploring the 'One Another' commands, we're challenged to reflect on how our speech and actions embody God's love. The central message revolves around 1 John 4, reminding us that 'God is love' and that our love for one another is a reflection of His image. This isn't just about Christian niceties, but about allowing God's love to have its complete work in us. We're called to encourage, build up, and spur one another on towards love and good deeds. This isn't passive, but an energetic, shared experience of living out our faith together. The beauty of confession within community is highlighted, not as a burden, but as a pathway to redemption and transformation. As we navigate the complexities of human relationships, we're reminded that the fruit of the Spirit matures within community, shaping how we respond to hurts and frustrations. This message challenges us to show up authentically in our relationships, allowing God's love to be the foundation of our lives and interactions. Reflection Questions: 1. When was the last time you used your speech to genuinely uplift someone? How did it impact them? 2. Can you think of a time when confession led to healing and stronger relationships within your community? 3. Is there someone you need to reconcile with through confession and prayer? 4. How can you use your words this week to encourage someone in your church community? Ps Caitlin's Liturgy Accomplish your purposes among us, O God. Tune our hearts to the voice of your Spirit. Wake us to be present to You and to one another in these shared lives. For it is You, O Lord, who have gathered us from our various places and You alone who know our hearts and our needs. Among us are some who arrive anxious, some who are lonely, some who suffer pain or sorrow. May we in our joys find grace to enter the sorrow of others. Among us are some who arrive rejoicing, hearts made light by good news, good health, good anticipation. May we in our sorrows find grace to embrace the joy of others. Let us prize these moments and care for one another deeply for each of us and our relationships to one another are precious and fleeting. Let us prize these moments and care for one another deeply for each of us and our relationships to one another are precious and eternal. Breathe upon our gathering, O Spirit of God. Grant us each a place to humbly receive and to faithfully serve that we might know in this brief gathering a foretaste of that greater communion yet to come. O Father, enlarge our hearts. O Spirit, expand our vision. O Christ, establish your kingdom among us. Be at work even now, O Lord. May your will in us be accomplished. Amen. Further Reading: "Life Together" by Dietrich Bonhoeffer "Emotionally Healthy Spirituality" by Peter Scazzero "The Four Loves" by C.S. Lewis Thank you for joining us. We pray you were blessed. Needing pastoral support? Want to know how you can give? Connect with us on: Listen to Dayspring Worship

  2. Living as the Family of God

    14 SEPT

    Living as the Family of God

    Have you ever really stopped to think about what it means to treat each other as brothers and sisters in Christ? "Both the one who makes people holy and those who are made holy are of the same family. So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers and sisters." — Hebrews 2:11 In this message, we explore the profound and often overlooked kinship ethos of the ancient world and its relevancy to our lives as believers today. Drawing from scriptures and cultural insights, Ps Russell highlights how treating fellow believers as true family members can transform our communities. We dig into understanding the importance of mutual love, cooperation without competition, trust, and sharing resources. He challenges us to rethink our preconceived notions of church relationships and adopt a more sacrificial, inclusive approach, echoing the radical love Jesus exhibited and taught His followers. Reflection Questions: 1. In what ways do I consciously or unconsciously compete with fellow believers rather than collaborate with them? 2. How does the concept of kinship as described affect my understanding of church and community life? 3. What practical steps can I take to live out the principle of sharing and mutual support in my everyday life? 4. How do my actions and attitudes within my church reflect the deep brotherly and sisterly love that Jesus exemplified? Further Reading: "Honor, Patronage, Kinship, & Purity: Unlocking New Testament Culture" by David A. deSilva Thank you for joining us. We pray you were blessed. Needing pastoral support? Want to know how you can give? Connect with us on: Listen to Dayspring Worship

  3. Living out Genuine Love

    7 SEPT

    Living out Genuine Love

    How can we move from just going through the motions to genuinely living out God's love in our everyday lives? "Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves." (Romans 12:9-10, NIV) This week Ps Aaron shared a message exploring how to live transformed lives in response to God's mercy. The message underscores the importance of authentic love in action and being driven by righteous motives and empowered by His Spirit as we prepare for what God desires to do through us. Reflection Questions: 1. What steps can you take to ensure your actions are a true reflection of God's love, rather than mere obligations? 2. How can you make room in your heart and life to practice genuine hospitality? 3. In what ways can you demonstrate humility and service in your relationships this week? Further Reading: "Reaching Out" by Henri Nouwen "The Practice of Hospitality" by Tim Chester "A Commentary on Romans" by Leon Morris\ Thank you for joining us. We pray you were blessed. Needing pastoral support? Want to know how you can give? Connect with us on: Listen to Dayspring Worship"

  4. Come Together and Contend

    31 AUG

    Come Together and Contend

    What if the secret to revival in our church is not a sudden wave but a rising tide of intentional community and fervent prayer? "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching." (Hebrews 10:23) In this week's message, Pastor Aaron reminds us that revival might not always appear as a sudden, giant wave but as a rising tide through incremental everyday faithfulness. He highlighted global examples of revival, underscoring the importance of community, shared vision, and collective prayer. Emphasising the themes of gathering to kindle our faith and pushing each other towards love and good deeds, he urged us to focus on humility and hunger for God. We must be wary of distractions and strive to love and serve authentically, allowing God's love to guide our efforts. Reflection Questions: 1. How can you foster greater humility and hunger for God in your daily life? 2. What distractions might be pulling you away from a genuine pursuit of Jesus, and how can you overcome them? 3. In what specific ways can you help ignite and maintain the spiritual fire of those around you? Further Reading: "The Surprising Rebirth of Belief in God" by Justin Brearley "Dominion" by Tom Holland "Revival Starts Here" by Dave Clayton Thank you for joining us. We pray you were blessed. Needing pastoral support? Want to know how you can give? Connect with us on: Listen to Dayspring Worship

  5. Come Together and Sacrifice

    24 AUG

    Come Together and Sacrifice

    "What role does sacrifice play in living a faithful and impactful Christian life? "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful." (Hebrews 10:23) In this week's message, Pastor Aaron explores the theme of sacrifice and its vital role in our spiritual journey. The central scripture, Hebrews 10:23-25, encourages us to hold fast to our faith and spur one another on towards love and good deeds. We're reminded that the kingdom of God is built on sacrificial, cross-shaped love - a love that gives without expectation of return. This challenges us to move beyond our comfort zones and embrace a life of intentional sacrifice, not out of necessity, but by choice. The message draws fascinating parallels between our current era of perceived scarcity and the call to live sacrificially, emphasising that true abundance comes through God's grace when we're willing to lay down our lives for others. As we cultivate a heart of sacrifice, we're invited to see it as a pathway to miracles, breakthroughs, and the release of resurrection power in our world. Reflection Questions: 1. What are some specific ways you can practice sacrificial generosity in your own life? 2. How does the concept of sacrifice align with your current understanding of following Jesus? 3. In what areas of your life might God be calling you to make a greater sacrifice for the benefit of others? Further Reading: Hebrews 10Phillipians 21 Peter 2 Thank you for joining us. We pray you were blessed. Needing pastoral support? Want to know how you can give? Connect with us on: Listen to Dayspring Worship"

  6. From Love to Action: Embracing a Life of Service

    17 AUG

    From Love to Action: Embracing a Life of Service

    What does it mean to serve God and others authentically, and how can we prepare our hearts to embrace this calling? "Therefore I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God - this is your true and proper worship." - Romans 12:1 (NIV) This week Ps Russell delves into the essence of biblical service, advocating for a deeper understanding of what it means to serve. He clarifies that to serve is to bring something valuable and necessary to others, drawing on scriptural examples to illustrate how service builds up the community. He also emphasised the importance of offering ourselves as living sacrifices to God as our foremost act of worship, showing that true service flows from this divine relationship. He challenged us to cultivate the ability to receive service from others, recognising it as a vital part of spiritual growth and community building. Ultimately, the he called on us to see Jesus in every person we serve, transforming service into a profound act of faith and love. Reflection Questions: 1. How does seeing service as a form of worship to God influence your everyday actions and decisions? 2. What practices can you adopt to better prepare your heart and mind for serving others? 3. Reflect on your ability to receive from others. What are the challenges you face, and how can you overcome them? Further Reading: The Divine Conspiracy by Dallas Willard Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer Thank you for joining us. We pray you were blessed. Want to know how you can give? Connect with us on: Listen to Dayspring Worship

  7. Come Together in Generosity

    10 AUG

    Come Together in Generosity

    Have you ever wondered how living generously can not only transform your heart but also lead to a deeper encounter with God's abundant love? Hebrews 10:23-25: "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching." This message delves into the transformative power of generosity, beginning with a vision of God as a gracious and abundant host who sets the scene for a life of sacrificial giving. It elaborates on how Jesus' teachings advocate for a mindset of abundance rather than scarcity, urging believers to see and live in a world where God’s provision is more than sufficient. The heart of Jesus' message points to the importance of aligning our hearts away from greed and toward generosity, emphasizing that our desires often set the course of our lives. It wraps up by suggesting practical steps we can take, such as tithing and contributing towards social justice, to embody a lifestyle of generosity that reflects Jesus' love and thereby provokes love and good deeds within the community. Reflection Questions 1. How does viewing God as an abundant host change your perspective on generosity and the resources you have? 2. What are some practical ways you can cultivate a heart of generosity in your daily life? 3. How can you integrate acts of sacrificial giving into your current routines to better reflect Jesus’ love and compassion? To dig deeper read: - Hebrews 10:23-25 - Luke 11:34 - John 3:16 - 2 Corinthians 8:9 - Acts 20:35 - 2 Corinthians 9 - Psalms 23 Further Reading 1. The Paradox of Generosity by Christian Smith and Hilary Davidson 2. The Spirit of the Disciplines by Dallas Willard 3. You Are What You Love by James K.A. Smith (Referenced indirectly through ideas on spiritual formation) 4. Orthodoxy by G.K. Chesterton (General reference to Chesterton’s thoughts on desire and enough)" Thank you for joining us. We pray you were blessed. Needing pastoral support? Want to know how you can give? Connect with us on: Listen to Dayspring Worship

  8. Encounters: Challenging Our Narrative

    3 AUG

    Encounters: Challenging Our Narrative

    Thank you for joining us as we continue to dig into our MOVE series. To dig deeper, read Acts 10:1-48 This week Ps Aaron brought a powerful word on Encounters. The last piece in our series on ‘Love on the Move’. Our key statement in this series states that “love moves as divine mercy intersects with the opportunity of human need, bringing redemptive victory through encounters with Jesus and His Kingdom”. In this powerful message, we explore the transformative power of encounters with God through the story of Peter and Cornelius in Acts 10. We're reminded that Christianity at its core is not just about doctrines, but about life-changing encounters with the living Christ. These encounters challenge our narratives, expand our understanding of God's love, and push us beyond our comfort zones. The message emphasises that God's love knows no boundaries, and we're called to be vessels of that limitless love. We're encouraged to cultivate a life of ongoing encounters through hunger for God, obedience, curiosity, and surrender. This isn't about seeking momentary spiritual highs, but about allowing each encounter to reshape our hearts and lives for God's kingdom purposes. REFLECTION QUESTIONS 1. How might our personal limitations on God's love be restricting the encounters He wants to have with us and through us? 2. How can we develop a greater sense of curiosity in our faith journey, and why is this important for growth? 3. How can we as a church community support and encourage one another in cultivating lives of ongoing encounter with God? 4. How can we better steward the encounters we have with God, ensuring they shape our daily lives like Blaise Pascal's experience?" Thanks again for joining us. We pray you were blessed. Connect with us on: Listen to Dayspring Worship"


Weekly sermon podcast from Dayspring Church, Castle Hill, Australia.

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