Grindhaus Movie Club

Dark Roast Cult
Grindhaus Movie Club Podcast

A Podcast where two unfortunate souls watch and then rip apart the movies that give you the chills

  1. 6 DAYS AGO

    GHMC 093 - SHIN GODZILLA (2016)

    A long time coming... Finally a disaster film thats actually about a disaster. J 5.5/10 M 6/10 For daily horror movie content follow the podcast on Twitter / Instagram @darkroastcult Each week we choose a movie from one of the horror genre to discuss the following week. Follow along each week by keeping up with the movies we are watching to stay in the loop with the movie club! Check out other podcasts, coffee and pins at ! THANKS TO ANDREW FOR MAKING THE INTRO SONG. ( / andoryukesuta)@andoryukesuta In 2016, the Japan Coast Guard investigates an abandoned yacht in Tokyo Bay, its boat is destroyed, and the Tokyo Bay Aqua-Line is flooded with blood. After seeing a viral video of the incident, Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Rando Yaguchi believes it was caused by a living creature, which is confirmed as news reports reveal its tail emerging from the ocean. Shortly thereafter, the creature moves inland, crawling through the Kamata district and the Shinagawa area of Tokyo, leaving a path of death and destruction during a disorganized and chaotic evacuation. The creature quickly evolves into a bipedal form but overheats and returns to the sea. The government officials focus on military strategy and civilian safety; Yaguchi is put in charge of a task force researching the creature. With high radiation readings from the creature's path, the task force realizes that it is energized by nuclear fission. The U.S. sends a special envoy, Kayoco Anne Patterson, who reveals that Goro Maki, a disgraced, anti-nuclear zoology professor, studied mutations caused by radioactive contamination, predicting the appearance of the creature. Maki was disbelieved by both American and Japanese scientific circles. The U.S. then prevented him from making his conclusions public. The abandoned yacht in Tokyo Bay belonged to Maki, who left his research notes, jumbled into a code, on the boat before disappearing. The creature—named "Godzilla," after Maki's research—reappears in its fourth form, twice its original size, making landfall near Kamakura. The Japan Self-Defense Forces mobilize but prove ineffective as Godzilla breaks through their defenses into Tokyo. The U.S. intervenes with a massively destructive airstrike plan, prompting the evacuation of civilians and government personnel. Godzilla is wounded with MOP "bunker-buster" bombs but responds with destructive atomic rays fired from its mouth and dorsal plates, destroying a helicopter carrying the prime minister, along with top government officials and incinerating large swaths of Tokyo. Depleted of its energy, Godzilla goes into hibernation. Yaguchi's team discovers that Godzilla's plates and blood work as a cooling system, theorizing that it could use a coagulating agent to freeze Godzilla. Analyzing tissue samples, it's discovered that Godzilla is an ever-evolving creature, able to reproduce asexually. The United Nations, aware of this, informs Japan that thermonuclear weapons will be used against Godzilla should the Japanese fail to subdue it in a few days; evacuations are ordered in multiple prefectures in preparation. Unwilling to see nuclear weapons detonated in Japan again, Patterson uses her political connections to buy time for Yaguchi's team, in which the interim government has little faith. Yaguchi's team manages to decipher Goro Maki's encoded research using origami. The team adjusts its plan and procures the means to conduct its deep-freeze plan with international support. Hours before the planned nuclear attack, Japan enacts the deep-freeze plan. Godzilla is provoked into expending its atomic breath and energy against Predator and Reaper drones. The team then detonates nearby buildings and sends unmanned trains loaded with explosives toward Godzilla's feet, subduing it, and enabling tankers full of coagulant to inject it into Godzilla's mouth. Many are killed, but Godzilla is frozen solid.

    2h 0m
  2. 4 SEPT

    GHMC 092 - Apollo 18 (2011)

    Wow, Lotta garbage in this TRASH HEAP OF A FILM J - 3/10 M - 3/10 For daily horror movie content follow the podcast on Twitter / Instagram @darkroastcult Each week we choose a movie from one of the horror genre to discuss the following week. Follow along each week by keeping up with the movies we are watching to stay in the loop with the movie club! Check out other podcasts, coffee and pins at ! THANKS TO ANDREW FOR MAKING THE INTRO SONG. ( / andoryukesuta)@andoryukesuta In December 1974 (two years after the Apollo 17 mission), the crew of the cancelled Apollo 18 mission is informed that it will now proceed as a top secret Department of Defense (DoD) mission to deliver a classified payload. Commander Nathan Walker, Lieutenant Colonel John Grey, and Captain Ben Anderson are launched, at night, toward the Moon to place an early warning detector for ICBM attacks from the USSR. Grey remains in orbit aboard the Apollo command module Freedom while Walker and Anderson land on the South Pole of the Moon in the Apollo Lunar Module Liberty, on December 25. While planting the ICBM detector, the two take rock samples which Anderson describes as feeling "strange". In the background, the camera captures a rock moving in a nearby crater. After returning to Liberty, they hear noises outside and the motion sensor camera captures a small rock moving nearby. Houston claims the noises are interference from the ICBM detector. The next day, Anderson finds a rock sample on the floor of Liberty despite having secured the samples. During their ICBM detector set-up, Anderson discovers footprints that lead them to a bloodstained and abandoned (but still functional) Soviet LK lander. Anderson explores a nearby crater, describing the ground as "feeling softer". Inside the crater, he finds a dead cosmonaut as well as a broken space helmet. Walker queries Houston about the Soviet presence, but he is told only to continue with the mission. While they are sleeping, Walker is awakened by strange noises and something bumping into the lander. The following day, they find that the flag they had planted is missing. Having completed their mission, the duo prepares to leave, but the launch is aborted when Liberty suffers violent shaking. An inspection reveals extensive damage to the module. Walker finds their shredded flag nearby; the motion sensor camera is also missing, and the rover tipped on its side. He then finds non-human tracks outside Liberty, and cites them as evidence of extraterrestrial life. Walker feels something moving inside his spacesuit and is horrified as a spider-like creature crawls across the inside of his helmet; he disappears from view and Anderson finds him unconscious outside of Liberty. Walker later denies the events. A wound is discovered on his chest, and Anderson removes a Moon rock embedded within him. After having removed the rock, Walker smashes it with a hammer, contaminating the ship. They find themselves unable to contact Houston or Grey due to increased levels of interference from an unknown source.

    1h 49m
  3. 31 JUL

    GHMC 091 - Cloverfield (2008)

    We remembered this one to be better... J 5/10 M 5/10 For daily horror movie content follow the podcast on Twitter / Instagram @darkroastcult Each week we choose a movie from one of the horror genre to discuss the following week. Follow along each week by keeping up with the movies we are watching to stay in the loop with the movie club! Check out other podcasts, coffee and pins at ! THANKS TO ANDREW FOR MAKING THE INTRO SONG. ( / andoryukesuta)@andoryukesuta The footage from a personal camcorder is recovered by the U.S. Department of Defense in the area "formerly known as Central Park", bearing a disclaimer stating multiple sightings of a case designated "Cloverfield". The camera contains two sets of recordings, mixed together. The earlier footage, recorded on April 27, 2008, shows Robert "Rob" Hawkins waking up with Elizabeth "Beth" McIntyre in her father's apartment above Columbus Circle before embarking on a date across New York City and Coney Island. On May 22, 2008, Rob's brother Jason and Jason's girlfriend Lily Ford, throw a farewell party, celebrating Rob's new job. Jason gets Rob's best friend, Hudson "Hud" Platt, to film testimonials for Rob during the party. Beth, whose feelings are hurt because Rob never called her back after their one night together, brings another man to the party. Beth and Rob argue, and she leaves shortly before a massive earthquake occurs, causing a brief citywide power outage; the local news reports a capsized oil tanker near Liberty Island. From the roof, the partygoers witness an explosion in the distance and flee as flaming debris flies in their direction. As the partygoers leave the building, the severed head of the Statue of Liberty is hurled into the street. In the chaos, Hud records an enormous creature several blocks away collapsing the Woolworth Building before taking cover in a convenience store. When the group attempts to evacuate Manhattan, the creature's tail destroys the Brooklyn Bridge, killing Jason. News reports show the Army National Guard's 42nd Infantry Division attacking the monster and smaller parasitic creatures that fall off its body. Rob receives a message from Beth, who is trapped in her apartment at the Time Warner Center. Rob, followed by Hud, Lily, and Marlena Diamond, venture into Midtown Manhattan to rescue her. They find themselves in a battle between the creature and military, run into the subway, and are attacked by the parasites. While saving Hud, Marlena is bitten by one of the creatures. The four escape the subway and enter an underground mall where they are found by soldiers and taken to a command center nearby. When Marlena begins to bleed from her eyes, she is forcibly taken to a field hospital and explodes. Rob, still intending to save Beth, persuades one of the military commanders to let them go. He is informed when the last evacuation helicopter will depart before the military executes its "Hammer Down Protocol", which will destroy Manhattan to kill the monster. The surviving group travels to Beth's apartment building leaning on a neighboring skyscraper. After crossing roofs from the other building, the group finds Beth impaled on exposed rebar. They free her and make their way to the evacuation site at Grand Central Terminal, where they encounter the creature again. Lily is first rushed into a first helicopter to escape before Rob, Beth, and Hud are taken away in a second helicopter and witness the creature being heavily bombed. The creature remains unfazed and lunges out of the smoke, hitting the second helicopter, and causing it to crash in Central Park, killing all the occupants except Rob, Beth, and Hud.

    2h 20m
  4. 17 JUL

    GHMC 090 - Meatball Machine (2005)

    WE were the meatballs for having watched this movie... do yourself a favor and DON'T J 1/10 M 1.5/10 For daily horror movie content follow the podcast on Twitter / Instagram @darkroastcult Each week we choose a movie from one of the horror genre to discuss the following week. Follow along each week by keeping up with the movies we are watching to stay in the loop with the movie club! Check out other podcasts, coffee and pins at ! THANKS TO ANDREW FOR MAKING THE INTRO SONG. ( / andoryukesuta)@andoryukesuta Yōji is a young lonely factory worker who falls for an equally lonely girl co-worker, Sachiko, but is unable to tell her of his interest. After he is assaulted in a theater by a crossdresser, Yōji finds what looks like an alien insect and hides it in his room. The next night, he comes across Sachiko being sexually attacked by another fellow worker. He attempts to come to her aid but is beaten. Sachiko feels sorry for him and returns with him to his apartment. During this encounter, Sachiko is attacked by the alien object which penetrates her and turns her into a bio-mechanical monster, a NecroBorg. These parasites take over human bodies and use their flesh to create weapons which they use to fight each other. Yōji is also infected and the plot eventually leads to a showdown fight to the death between the two would-be lovers. A side plot exists as well which concerns a father who is out to kill the NecroBorgs who have also infected his daughter. Meatball Machine is based on a 1999 film of the same name written, produced and directed by Jun'ichi Yamamoto. The 70 minute theatrical version was released in Japan on May 22, 1999 and starred Toshihisa Watanabe, Akiko Sasaki and Rino Sōma.[1][2] The special effects, special makeup effects and moldmaking for the NecroBorgs were done by noted effects artist Yoshihiro Nishimura who would go on to do effects for The Machine Girl and Tokyo Gore Police. Nishimura would go on to direct the 2017 sequel, Meatball Machine Kodoku.

    1h 51m
  5. 3 JUL

    GHMC 089 - Tokyo Gore Police (2008)

    Not as bad as we thought it was... J 8.5 /10 M 8 /10 For daily horror movie content follow the podcast on Twitter / Instagram @darkroastcult Each week we choose a movie from one of the horror genre to discuss the following week. Follow along each week by keeping up with the movies we are watching to stay in the loop with the movie club! Check out other podcasts, coffee and pins at ! THANKS TO ANDREW FOR MAKING THE INTRO SONG. ( / andoryukesuta)@andoryukesuta In a dystopian Japan, a mad scientist known as "Key Man" (Itsuji Itao) creates a virus that mutates humans into monstrous creatures called "Engineers" that sprout bizarre biomechanical weapons from injuries. To deal with Engineers, the Tokyo Police Force forms a special squad called "Engineer Hunters." The Hunters are a private quasi-military force that utilizes violence, sadism, and streetside executions to maintain law and order. Among the Hunters is "Ruka" (Eihi Shiina), a troubled loner skilled in dispatching Engineers. Besides helping the police, she is obsessed with finding the mysterious assassin who killed her father, an old-fashioned officer, in broad daylight. Ruka receives a new case that leads to the Key Man himself. He infects her by inserting a key-shaped tumor into her scar-riddled left forearm before disappearing. Meanwhile, while visiting a strip-club featuring several Engineers as dancers, the "Police Chief" (Yukihide Benny) becomes infected. He massacres the main precinct, causing the "Tokyo Police Commissioner" (Shun Sugata) to order a city-wide crackdown on Engineers — indiscriminately executing anyone suspected of being one. Continuing her investigation, Ruka learns that the Key Man was originally a scientist named "Akino Miyama", and confronts him at his home. There she learns the truth about their past. Akino's father was a police sniper forced to resign after a failed operation. Desperate to keep his family out of poverty, he agrees to assassinate Ruka's father, who was leading a rally against the privatization of the police force. Shortly after gunning down Ruka's father, Akino's father was killed by the police commissioner — the real mastermind. Determined to avenge his father's death, Akino injected himself with the DNA of several infamous criminals, turning himself into the Key Man. Realizing they are seeking vengeance on the same man, Ruka slices Akino in half with her katana and heads back to the precinct. On her way, she witnesses the police force brutalizing civilians accused of being Engineers. When her friend, a local bar owner (Ikuko Sawada), is drawn and quartered, Ruka's left arm mutates into an alien-like head with razor-sharp claws before she beheads the officers behind the execution. During her rampage, she is shot in the right eye by one of the officers, but her body quickly replaces it with a biomechanical one. Ruka confronts the police commissioner, who admits to her father's assassination, but explains that upon learning of the Key Man and the Engineers, he raised her to become the perfect Engineer Hunter as a form of atonement. Following a grueling sword fight, Ruka dismembers and eventually decapitates the commissioner — effectively bringing down his reign on the police force. The post-credit scene reveals Key Man is alive, having mended himself back with the help of one of his test subjects.

    2h 39m
  6. 12 JUN

    GHMC 088 - House Of 1000 Corpses (2003)

    ONE THOUSAND CORPSES PER HOUSE J 9/10 M 7/10 For daily horror movie content follow the podcast on Twitter / Instagram @darkroastcult Each week we choose a movie from one of the horror genre to discuss the following week. Follow along each week by keeping up with the movies we are watching to stay in the loop with the movie club! Check out other podcasts, coffee and pins at ! THANKS TO ANDREW FOR MAKING THE INTRO SONG. ( / andoryukesuta)@andoryukesuta On October 30, 1977, amateur criminals Killer Karl and Richard Wick attempt an armed robbery at a gas station/horror museum, but are killed by the owner, Captain Spaulding, and his assistant, Ravelli. Later that night, Jerry Goldsmith, Bill Hudley, Mary Knowles, and Denise Willis are on the road in hopes of writing a book on offbeat roadside attractions. When the four meet Spaulding, who is also the owner of "The Museum of Monsters & Madmen", they learn of the local legend of Dr. Satan. As they take off in search of the tree from which Dr. Satan was hanged, they pick up a young free-spirited hitchhiker named Baby, who claims to live only a few miles away. Shortly after, a mysterious figure appears hidden in some overgrowth and shoots out their vehicle's tire with a shotgun. The group thinks it is just a blown out tire and so Baby takes Bill to her family's house to get a tow truck. Moments later, Baby's half-brother, Rufus, picks up the stranded passengers and takes them to the family home. There, they meet Baby's family: her adopted brother Otis Driftwood, her deformed giant half-brother Tiny, Mother Firefly, and Grandpa Hugo. While being treated to dinner, Mother Firefly explains that her ex-husband, Earl, had previously tried to burn Tiny alive, along with the Firefly house after he suffered a psychotic breakdown. After dinner, the family puts on a Halloween show for their guests and Baby offends Mary by flirting with Bill. After Mary threatens Baby, Rufus tells them their car is repaired. As the couples leave, Otis and Tiny, disguised as scarecrows, attack them in the driveway and take them captive. The next day, Otis kills Bill and mutilates his body for art. Mary is tied up in a room and tormented by Otis, Denise is tied to a bed dressed up as a doll for Halloween, and Jerry is partially scalped for failing to guess Baby's favorite movie star. When Denise doesn't come home, her father Don calls the police to report her missing. Two deputies, George Wydell and Steve Naish, find the couples' abandoned car in a field with a dead, mutilated cheerleader in the trunk (one of five cheerleaders who went missing over a week ago, as explained in a news broadcast; an earlier scene established that the cheerleaders were being tortured, raped and killed by the Firefly family). Don, a former policeman, is called to the scene to help the deputies search. They arrive at the Firefly house and Wydell questions Mother Firefly about the missing teens. Mother Firefly shoots Wydell in the head and kills him; Don and Steve are then killed by Otis when they find more bodies of missing cheerleaders in the barn, along with a barely conscious Mary. Later that night, the three remaining teenagers are dressed as rabbits and taken out to an abandoned well. Otis torments Denise using the skin of her dead father's face as a mask. Mary attempts to run away, but is tracked down and stabbed to death by Baby moments later. Otis and the family burn the bodies on a pyre.

    2h 31m
  7. 5 JUN

    GHMC 087 - Hell Fest (2018)

    Sorry we watched hell fest. J 4/10 M 2/10 For daily horror movie content follow the podcast on Twitter / Instagram @darkroastcult Each week we choose a movie from one of the horror genre to discuss the following week. Follow along each week by keeping up with the movies we are watching to stay in the loop with the movie club! Check out other podcasts, coffee and pins at ! THANKS TO ANDREW FOR MAKING THE INTRO SONG. ( / andoryukesuta)@andoryukesuta At Hell Fest, a traveling horror theme park, a masked man known as "The Other" kills a woman and hangs her corpse in the maze so it blends in with the props. On Halloween night, Natalie goes to the theme park with her best friend Brooke, Brooke's boyfriend Quinn, Brooke's roommate Taylor and her boyfriend Asher, and Brooke's friend Gavin, who likes Natalie. Natalie and Brooke's friendship has been strained due to living far apart and Natalie's distaste for Taylor. On arriving at the festival, the girls run into a terrified woman trying to hide from the Other. Natalie, thinking this is part of the park experience, points out her hiding place. The Other kills the woman in front of Natalie. Natalie thinks the murder seemed too real to be a normal attraction. The group dismisses her fears until Brooke catches the Other stealing Natalie and Gavin's pictures from a photo booth. While the others are gone, The Other kills Gavin first, crushing his skull with a mallet. Natalie goes on a ride alone while the rest of her friends pair up. The ride breaks down, and she is approached by a man who appears to be the Other. This is part of the ride, however, and the group discovers that park employees wear a mask similar to the Other's. The group splits up and The Other finds Natalie but she escapes. Asher is killed when the Other stabs him in the eye. The friends regroup, but the Other traps Natalie in the bathroom stall. She escapes and tries to warn park security but they dismiss the attack as part of the park experience. Natalie, Brooke and Quinn find Taylor has volunteered to take part in an attraction where she will be beheaded by a guillotine in front of a live audience. Park security prevents Natalie from stopping the show when she recognizes the Other's boots on the executioner. The stage curtains close and the Other approaches Taylor who, assuming he's an employee, asks to be let out. As she becomes increasingly alarmed, the Other straps her in tighter and raises the guillotine. After pausing to silently stare at her, he releases the guillotine, only for it to be revealed that the drop was done to a dummy, as would be originally intended for the show. Immediately afterwards, the Other sets the blade up for real and cuts off Taylor's head. However, Taylor escapes when the blade fails to fully cut through. Freeing her hands, she escapes, and begins running through the festival screaming for help. The Other catches up with her and slashes her face while surrounded by festivalgoers. Quinn, hearing her screams, runs towards the two. Just as he reaches them, the Other fatally stabs Taylor in the stomach. Before Quinn can react, the Other turns around and fatally stabs him as well. As panic ensues in the park, The Other traps Natalie and Brooke in a maze. The girls are separated, and the Other corners Brooke. Natalie stabs the Other in the gut before he can kill Brooke. Police barge into the maze to save them and capture the killer. The Other, however, has escaped, and drives to his suburban home. He places his mask and the pictures of Natalie and Gavin that he stole into a cabinet with other masks and trophies from his previous kills. The Other's young daughter wakes up to greet her father, and he gives her a stuffed animal from the park.

    2h 26m


A Podcast where two unfortunate souls watch and then rip apart the movies that give you the chills

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