When you first land in prison, contacting your bank and creditors may well be towards the bottom of your list of priorities. However, once you’re a bit more settled you can make life easier on yourself and reduce stress by ensuring your bank is aware of your current circumstances. This could stop your accounts going dormant, reduce charges/interest and make it more likely that you have banking in place for your release.
On this episode, Barry from the brilliant organisation ‘Ingeus’ is here to remind us what steps you could take whether you’re at the start, middle or coming to the end of your sentence
National Debt Line
Job Centre
Unlock - Managing a bank account in prison
Prisoner Banking Programme
Quids In Magazine
Clean Slate
If you would like to get in touch with Money Mondays and ask us a question, suggest a topic or start a conversation, you can E-mail us at...
📧: moneymondays@prison.radio
💬 DM us: @afterprisonpod on Instagram, Twitter and TikTok
✉️ Write to us: Life After Prison, National Prison Radio, HMP Brixton, London SW2 5XF
This episode is hosted by...
Zak - The award-winning co-presenter of NPRs 'Life After Prison' Podcast
Emma - Works for 'Clean Slate' & their money skills resource 'Quids In' - Who provide information and support to people on lower incomes
You can find out more about the work of the 'Prison Radio Association' and 'National Prison Radio' here:
- Show
- Channel
- FrequencyUpdated weekly
- Published11 November 2024 at 08:30 UTC
- Length20 min
- RatingClean