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  1. HÁ 1 DIA


    Snow leopard conservation efforts breed success 雪豹保护工作取得成功 Nature reserves are helping the big cat flourish in its core distribution areas across China. 在自然保护区的帮助下,雪豹这种大型猫科动物在全中国核心分布区发展壮大 Efforts to protect snow leopards have yielded notable successes, as evidenced by frequent documentation of the animal's activities. 雪豹活动的频繁记录显示出保护雪豹的努力取得了显著成功 Challenges persist, though, such as habitat fragmentation, degradation of vegetation and declines in prey populations. 然而,挑战依然存在,例如栖息地破碎化、植被退化和猎物种群数量下降。 The snow leopard's core distribution areas still retain their natural state to a high degree, thanks to shelter provided by national parks and nature reserves, according to the National Forestry and Grassland Administration. 据国家林业和草原局介绍,在国家公园和自然保护区努力下,雪豹的核心分布区仍然高度保留了自然状态。 In 1989, the snow leopard was listed as a national first-class protected wildlife species. Over 30 nature reserves and more than 70 grassroots conservation management stations have been set up in activity areas, covering more than half the animal's habitat nationwide, the NFGA said. 1989年,雪豹被列为国家一级保护野生动物。国家林业和草原局表示,雪豹活动区域已建立30多个自然保护区和70多个基层保护管理站,覆盖全国一半以上的雪豹栖息地。 Among China's first five national parks, the Three-River-Source National Park, in Qinghai province, and the Giant Panda National Park, straddling the provinces of Sichuan, Gansu and Shaanxi, are key habitats for the big cat, which is classified as "vulnerable" by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. 在中国首批五个国家公园中,青海省的三江源国家公园和横跨四川、甘肃、陕西三省的大熊猫国家公园是雪豹的重要栖息地,雪豹被 “世界自然保护联盟”列为易危物种。 In recent years, forestry and grassland departments and NGOs, such as Eco-Bridge Continental and the Shan Shui Conservation Center, have conducted long-term monitoring projects and investigations on the animal and its habitat. 近年来,林业和草原部门以及陆桥生态中心、山水自然保护中心等非政府组织对雪豹及其栖息地进行了长期监测和调查。 Last year, the EBC used satellite tracking for the first time in China to show the animal's home range in the Qilian Mountains National Park Pilot Area. 去年,陆桥生态中心在中国首次利用卫星追踪显示了雪豹在祁连山国家公园试点区的栖息地范围。 In 2019, the management bureau of the Wolong National Nature Reserve in Sichuan released infrared camera footage from 2018. It showed the activities of a female snow leopard and her three cubs, and provided insights into their survival skills. 2019年,四川卧龙国家级自然保护区管理局发布了2018年以来的红外摄像机录像,展示了一只雌性雪豹和三只幼崽的活动,让人们更深入了解它们的生存技能。 A spokesperson for the Giant Panda National Park Management Bureau said the footage showed that the snow leopard population in the high-altitude region of Wolong may have a higher density than the average. 大熊猫国家公园管理局发言人表示,录像显示,卧龙高海拔地区的雪豹种群密度可能高于平均水平。 "It proves that in the area around the leopards, there are abundant sources of food, a healthy population, good living conditions and a high regional density," it added. 它补充道,“这就证明雪豹周边地区食物来源丰富、种群健康、生活条件良好、区域密度高。” Conservation projects provide job opportunities for locals, who can become reserve managers, researchers, rangers, guides and educators in wildlife monitoring, conservation and nature education. 保护项目为当地人提供了就业机会,他们可以成为保护区管理者,研究人员,护林员,导游以及野生动物监测、保护和自然教育领域的教育工作者。 The NFGA said snow leopards continue to face threats to their survival because the fragmentation of their habitat and the degradation of vegetation resulting from human activities persist on the edges of their distribution areas. This has led to a decline in prey populations and reduced the number of snow leopards each habitat can support, it said. 国家林业和草原局表示,雪豹生存继续面临威胁,人类活动造成栖息地破碎化以及植被退化持续存在于其分布区的边缘。这导致猎物数量减少,并降低了栖息地对雪豹数量的承载力。 Management practices, such as fencing off grazing areas, can affect the normal movement patterns of snow leopards and their prey, and even result in populations becoming isolated in certain regions, the adm inistration added. 该机构补充道,围栏放牧区等管理做法会影响雪豹及其猎物的正常活动模式,甚至导致某些地区的雪豹种群被隔绝。

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    New data governance regulator unveiled 国家数据局揭牌 The National Data Administration was officially unveiled on Wednesday in Beijing, a key step that experts said will speed up the building of basic systems for data, facilitate the development of the digital economy and fully unleash the value of massive data resources. 国家数据局于周三在北京揭牌,专家认为这是加速数据基础制度建设、促进数字经济发展、并充分释放大规模数据资源价值的重要一步。 The new administration is responsible for advancing the development of data-related fundamental institutions, coordinating the integration, sharing, development and application of data resources, and pushing forward the planning and building of a Digital China, the digital economy and a digital society. 新管理机构负责推进与数据相关的基础机构发展,协调数据资源的整合、共享、开发和应用,并推动数字中国、数字经济和数字社会的规划和建设。 It is administered by the National Development and Reform Commission, the country's top economic regulator. Vice-Premier Ding Xuexiang attended the unveiling ceremony of the administration. 它由中国最高经济监管机构国家发展和改革委员会管理,国务院副总理丁薛祥出席该机构揭牌仪式。 China announced plans to establish a new regulator for data governance in March as part of a sweeping government reshuffle. In July, Liu Liehong, former chairman of State-owned telecom giant China Unicom, was appointed head of the new administration. 作为全面政府改组的一部分,中国于三月份宣布计划建立新数据治理监管机构。 七月,国有电信公司巨头中国联通前董事长刘烈宏被任命为该机构负责人。 Mei Hong, an academician with the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said the establishment of the administration will lay a solid foundation for the healthy, orderly and high-quality development of the digital economy and bolster the construction of basic systems for data. 中国科学院院士梅宏表示,该机构的成立将为数字经济健康有序高质量发展奠定坚实基础,并加强数据基础制度建设。 Highlighting that data have become a new type of production factor, Mei said heightened efforts should be made to establish a data elements market, promote the confirmation of data-related rights, and facilitate the circulation and transaction of data resources, so as to give full play to the value of data. 梅宏强调,数据已成为新型生产要素,要加大力度建立数据要素市场,推动数据确权,便利数据资源流通交易,充分发挥数据要素的作用。  China's digital economy reached 50.2 trillion yuan ($6.9 trillion) in 2022, ranking second in the world and accounting for 41.5 percent of the country's GDP, said a report released by the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology. 中国信息通信研究院发布的一份报告称,2022年中国数字经济达到50.2万亿元人民币(6.9万亿美元),在全球排名第二,占中国国内生产总值的41.5%。 Zhang Li, head of the China Center for Information Industry Development, said, "The new administration will accelerate the innovative application of cutting-edge digital technologies, such as big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and blockchain, and bolster the in-depth integration of the digital economy with the real economy." 中国电子信息产业发展研究院院长张立表示,“新管理局将加速前沿数字技术的创新应用,如大数据、云计算、人工智能和区块链,并促进数字经济与实体经济的深度融合。” Zhang said the sharing, circulation, trading and application of data will be key to fostering new economic growth drivers, promoting the country's digital development and further stimulating market vitality. 张立表示,数据的共享、流通、交易和应用将是培育新经济增长动力、推动中国数字发展并进一步激发市场活力的关键。 In February, China rolled out a plan for the overall layout of the country's digital development, vowing to make important progress in the construction of a Digital China by 2025. 今年2月,中国推出了国家数字发展总体布局计划,承诺到2025年在数字中国建设方面取得重要进展。 The country unveiled 20 key measures in December to build basic systems for data and fully unleash the value of data resources. The basic systems will involve the establishment of a data property rights system, a circulation and trading system, a revenue distribution system and a security governance system. 中国于去年12月发布了20项关键措施,建设数据基础制度,并充分释放数据资源的价值。这些基础制度将包括数据产权、流通交易、收益分配和安全治理。

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    Why Do We Forget So Many of Our Dreams? 我们为什么会忘记梦境? We only remember a fraction of our dreams, and even those slip away if we don’t try to remember them—here’s why 我们只记得梦的一小部分,而且如果我们不努力去回忆它们,甚至这一小部分也会逐渐消失。本文来带你一探究竟。 If you’ve ever awoken from a vivid dream only to find that you can’t remember the details by the end of breakfast, you’re not alone. People forget most of the dreams they have—though it is possible to train yourself to remember more of them. 如果你曾经从如临其境的梦中醒来,却发现吃完早餐时已经记不清梦的细节,你不是一个人。人们会忘记大部分梦境,但是我们可以训练自己去记住更多的梦。 Dreaming happens mostly (though not always exclusively) during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. During this sleep stage, brain activity looks similar to that in a waking brain, with some very important differences. Key among them: during REM sleep, the areas of the brain that transfer memories into long-term storage—as well as the long-term storage areas themselves—are relatively deactivated, says Deirdre Barrett, a dream researcher at Harvard Medical School. 梦通常(但并不总是)发生在快速眼动睡眠期间。在此阶段,大脑活动类似于清醒状态,但有很重要的不同。其中最关键的是:在快速眼动睡眠期间,将记忆转化为长期存储的大脑区域以及长期存储区域本身相对处于非活跃状态,哈佛医学院的梦境研究员迪尔德·巴雷特(Deirdre Barrett)说。 Short-term memory areas are active during REM sleep, but those only hang on to memories for about 30 seconds. 虽然在快速眼动睡眠期间,短时记忆区域会保持活跃,但这些区域只能保留记忆大约30秒。 “You have to wake up from REM sleep, generally, to recall a dream,” Barrett says. If, instead, you pass into the next stage of sleep without rousing, that dream will never enter long-term memory. “通常情况下,你必须从快速眼动睡眠中醒来才能回忆起梦境,”巴雷特说。如果你没有醒来,而是进入下一个睡眠阶段,那个梦将永远不会进入长期记忆。 There is a lot of individual difference in dream memory, though. Some people almost never remember a dream, and others regularly recall several each night. People who are more introverted and inward-focused tend to remember more dreams, Barrett says, while those who are more extroverted and action-oriented tend to remember fewer. 不过,关于梦境记忆存在很大的个体差异。一些人几乎从不记得梦,而另一些人每晚都能回忆起好几个。巴雷特说,更内向和更专注内心的人往往记住更多的梦,而更外向和更注重行动的人则记住的梦较少。 A few studies that have investigated lucid dreaming—vivid dreams the dreamer remembers very well and feels in control of—suggest that some areas of the brain linked to attention are more active in people who recall more dreams, indicating that basic neurological differences may play a role. 一些研究探讨了清醒梦境——做梦的人能清晰记得而且有控制感的梦境——这些研究表明,在记住梦境更多的人中,与注意力相关的大脑区域更活跃,这表明基本的神经差异可能起到一定作用。 It is possible to train your brain to remember more of your dreams, though, says Leslie Ellis, a clinical counselor in British Columbia. She advises clients who want to remember their dreams to take a moment when they wake up, before they even move their body, to think about what they were just dreaming and remember as much as possible. This moves the dream from short-term memory to long-term memory. 然而,你可以训练你的大脑记住更多的梦境,不列颠哥伦比亚省的临床咨询师莱斯利·埃利斯表示。她建议那些想要记住梦境的客户,在醒来时,甚至在动弹身体之前,花一点时间思考刚才做的梦,并尽可能多地记住。这将把梦境从短期记忆转化为长期记忆。 Dreams are often considered nonsensical in Western culture, Ellis says. Though the narratives may not make much sense, they often hint at emotions that people are processing in their waking lives. “We do dream about the things we kind of don’t want to look at,” she says. “During the day, we can repress a lot of that, but the dreams will bring those things to the surface.” 埃利斯说,在西方文化中,梦通常被认为是毫无意义的。尽管梦境的叙述可能没有多大意义,但它们往往暗示了人们在清醒时的情感。“我们的梦会涉及到那些我们不太愿意去面对的事情,”她表示。“在白天,我们会压抑很多东西,但梦会让这些东西浮出水面。”

  4. 20 DE FEV.


    Holiday shopping sprees up consumption figures 双节假期购物狂潮拉动消费数据 Chinese consumers unleashed their massive buying power during the eight-day combined Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holiday period, pushing up sales of high-quality intelligent home appliances and outdoor equipment. 中国消费者在八天的中秋-国庆连假期间释放了庞大购买力,拉动了高质量智能家电和户外装备的销售。 Experts said this indicates the enormous vitality and resilience of the world's second-largest economy. 专家表示,这显示出世界第二大经济体的巨大活力和韧性。 Highlighting that shoring up consumption is key to expanding domestic demand and bolstering economic growth, they called for more supportive measures to stabilize and expand employment, improve household incomes and further boost spending on automobiles, electronics and other big-ticket items. 专家强调,稳定和扩大消费对于扩大内需和支撑经济增长至关重要,呼吁采取更多支持性措施来稳定和扩大就业,提高家庭收入,并进一步刺激汽车、电子产品和其他高价商品的支出。 Data from online discounter Pinduoduo showed that the turnover of intelligent kitchen appliances such as dishwashers surged 159 percent between Sept 29 and Friday, compared with the same period last year. Sales of household appliances such as clothes dryers and vacuum cleaners jumped 213 percent year-on-year. 在线折扣商拼多多的数据显示,智能厨房电器如洗碗机销售额在9月29日至10月6日(周五)同比增长了159%,而家电如烘干机和吸尘器的销售额同比增长了213%。 Sales of mobile phones including those manufactured by Huawei, Xiaomi and Apple skyrocketed more than 50 percent year-on-year during the holiday season on Taobao, Chinese tech heavyweight Alibaba Group's online marketplace. 中国科技巨头阿里巴巴集团旗下的网络购物商城淘宝网显示,包括华为、小米和苹果在内的手机销售在假期期间同比增长了50%以上。 In addition, travel gadgets and outdoor sports goods found increasing favor among Chinese consumers, with sales soaring 590 percent year-on-year during the eight-day break, according to online retailer Vipshop. 此外,旅行装备和户外运动用品在中国消费者中越来越受欢迎,根据在线零售商唯品会的数据,八天假期期间销售额同比激增590%。 The turnover of running apparel jumped 153 percent year-on-year, surfing and diving equipment rose 87 percent and sunglasses increased 45 percent, Vipshop added. 跑步服装的销售额同比增长了153%,冲浪和潜水装备增长了87%,太阳镜的销售额增加了45%。 The Ministry of Commerce said that in the first seven days of the holidays, sales of gold, silver and other jewelry, as well as communication equipment increased more than 10 percent year-on-year at retail enterprises monitored by the ministry, while sales of automobiles and cosmetics rose about 7 percent year-on-year. 中国商务部表示,假期前七天,商务部监测的零售企业的黄金、白银和其他珠宝首饰,以及通信设备的销售额同比增长了10%以上,汽车和化妆品的销售额同比增长了约7%。 The consumption boom during the eight-day holiday demonstrated the immense vitality and potential of China's consumer market, giving a strong boost to the country's economic recovery, said Zhang Deyong, a researcher from the National Academy of Economic Strategy at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. 中国社会科学院财经战略研究院研究员张德勇表示,假期期间的消费热潮显示出中国消费市场的巨大活力和潜力,为国家经济复苏提供了强劲动力。 "Consumption has become the primary engine for boosting economic growth," Zhang said, adding that the extended golden week holiday has typically been a peak season for consumption when Chinese shoppers loosened their purse strings to buy high-quality, personalized and diversified commodities at a brisk pace. 张德勇说:“消费已经成为推动经济增长的主要引擎”,并补充说,延长的黄金周假期通常是消费的旺季,中国消费者会迅速购买高质量、个性化和多样化的商品。 China's consumption market has witnessed rapid recovery during the eight-day break, which is the longest holiday in the year for consumers, said Wang Yun, a researcher at the Academy of Macroeconomic Research, which is affiliated with the National Development and Reform Commission, the country's top economic regulator. 最高经济监管部门国家发展和改革委员会宏观经济研究院研究员王云表示,在这一年中消费者最长的假期中,中国的消费市场经历了快速复苏。 "Chinese shoppers are carefully reviewing their needs, with the key focus being on the quality and value of the products they buy, as well as the feelings associated with making a purchase," Wang said. Consumption, as a significant pillar of economic development, is expected to maintain recovery momentum, with the growth rate reaching over 7 percent this year, she added. 王云说:“中国消费者正在仔细盘算他们的需求,主要关注他们购买的产品的质量和价值,以及购买的感受。”作为经济发展的重要支柱,消费有望保持复苏势头,今年增长率将超过7%。

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    Pop Mart banks on its first global theme park in Beijing for growth 泡泡玛特首个全球主题公园在北京开园,将其打造为新的增长引擎 Pop Mart International Group, a Beijing-headquartered character-focused entertainment company and toymaker, opened its first theme park ever, in Beijing on Tuesday as it seeks its next growth driver and expands its business categories. 泡泡玛特国际集团,总部位于北京,是专注于打造形象的娱乐品牌和潮玩制造商,在周二于北京开始运营第一家主题公园,旨在寻求新的增长点,拓展其业务类别。 Located in Chaoyang Park inside the city's East Third Ring, Pop Land has displays of its top intellectual property characters including Molly, Labubu, Dimoo, Skullpanda and Pucky, retail shops, catering and interactive plays, in collaboration with Chaoyang Culture and Tourism Group. 泡泡玛特城市乐园位于北京东三环的朝阳公园,与朝阳文旅集团合作,展览了众多头部品牌IP形象,包括 Molly、Labubu、Dimoo、Skullpanda 和 Pucky,除此之外,园内还有零售店、餐饮和交互游戏。 Covering 40,000 square meters, the theme park centers on a renovated castle that used to be the wedding hall in Chaoyang Park and takes about a 20-minute walk to get through its four major zones. The company said there is a possibility of expansion of park areas for more interactive rides in the future if the current business goes well. 该主题公园占地4万平方米,以朝阳公园的旧婚礼大厅改建成的城堡为中心,步行需要约20分钟穿越其四大核心区域。公司表示,如果目前的业务运营良好,未来还可能扩展更多互动游乐设施的园区区域。 The ticket price is 180 yuan ($24.64) for peak days and 150 yuan on weekdays. Crowds rushing to the park and the store in the park to grab exclusive toys have shown strong demand. 门票价格为高峰日每人180元(24.64美元),平日为每人150元。人群前来乐园和园内商店抢购独家玩具,显示出强烈的需求。 The company has extended its business portfolio in recent years to include toys in IP incubating, exhibitions, games and visual content with an aim to create entertainment synergy. 该公司近年来扩展了其产品系列,包括IP孵化中的玩具、展览、游戏和视觉内容,旨在创建娱乐协同效应。 Compared with world-renowned theme parks like Disney, Universal or Legoland, Pop Land is relatively small in scale and investment, said the company, offering more lightweight immersive experiences with IPs rather than a high ratio of thrill rides. 该公司表示,与迪士尼、环球或乐高乐园等享誉全球的主题公园相比,泡泡玛特城市乐园在规模和投资方面相对较小,提供更多基于IP的轻量级沉浸式体验,而不是高比例的刺激游乐设施。 Hu Jian, general manager of Pop Land, said the resort offers visitors interactive opportunities with their beloved IPs and a platform to ignite interest and innovation in their trendy toys and figures. The targeted visitors are consumers in their 30s who are beginning to start a family.  泡泡玛特城市乐园总经理胡健表示,该乐园为游客提供了与喜爱的IP互动的机会,并提供了平台,激发他们对新潮玩具和人物的兴趣和创新。其目标游客群体是30多岁初入家庭的消费者。 According to its first half-year report this year, Pop Mart posted a revenue of 2.84 billion yuan, up 19.3 percent year-on-year, and a net profit of 535 million yuan, a growth of 42.3 percent. Its registered members totaled 30.38 million, after adding 4.38 million in the first six months. Its top three IPs Skullpanda, Molly and Dimoo have contributed to 46 percent of its total revenue. 根据今年上半年的报告,泡泡玛特上半年实现营收28.4亿元,同比增长19.3%,净利润为5.35亿元,增长42.3%。其注册会员总数达到3038万,前六个月人数增加了438万。其前三大知识产权Skullpanda、Molly 和 Dimoo为其总营收贡献了46%。 Li Mengran, marketing manager at Utour, an online travel agency in Beijing, said Pop Land — a new trendy toy destination — is being well-received by the wide range of fans to Pop Mart's top IPs. "The mid-scale of the park and its IP-powered theme have injected new impetus into local tourism," said Li. "The fact that fans need to spend money on tickets will stimulate more retail sales for park-exclusive toys." 北京线上旅行社众信旅游集团市场经理李梦然表示,泡泡玛特城市乐园是一个时兴玩具目的地,受到了泡泡玛特头部IP粉丝群体的热烈欢迎。“乐园的规模中等,而且主题以IP带动,这给当地旅游注入了新的动力,”李梦然表示,“粉丝需要花钱购买门票,这也将刺激公园专属玩具的零售。”

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    How China's clean power biz, tech are changing world 中国的清洁能源企业和技术如何改变世界 Not many might know, but Chinese energy companies, armed with unparalleled expertise in technologies and sophisticated equipment, have been expanding their green presence on the global stage in recent years. 尽管没有很多人知道,凭借其无与伦比的专业技术和先进设备,中国能源公司近年来在全球拓展其绿色能源版图。 Their impact ranges from the Belo Monte power transmission projects — the first "power express" in South America that has solved local power shortage — built by State Grid Corp of China, to the Karachi Nuclear Power Plant in Pakistan, which uses Hualong One, China's third-generation nuclear power technology with full intellectual property rights. 它们的影响力遍布世界:贝罗蒙特输电项目由中国国家电网公司建设,成为南美洲第一个解决了当地电力短缺问题的“电力快车”,巴基斯坦的卡拉奇核电厂使用了中国拥有完全知识产权的第三代核电技术“华龙一号”。 Ever since China ceased building coal-fired power projects overseas in 2021, the green trend has accelerated, with the country's major power companies making active adjustments, shifting their focus to green investments. 自2021年中国停止在海外建设火力发电站以来,绿色趋势已经加速,中国的主要电力公司积极调整,将重点转向绿色投资。 Many domestic energy and power companies are increasingly focusing on renewable energy projects such as solar and wind power globally, with the number of new energy projects invested by Chinese power companies last year rising nearly 56 percent year-on-year, covering regions such as Southeast Asia, Europe, Oceania and Latin America, according to the China Electricity Council. 根据中国电力企业联合会的数据,越来越多的国内能源和电力公司正在全球范围内投资于可再生能源项目,去年中国电力公司投资的新能源项目数量同比增长了近56%,覆盖地区包括东南亚、欧洲、大洋洲和拉丁美洲。 The Belt and Road Initiative has been playing a significant role in driving the green trend of Chinese power companies in the global market of late, it said. “一带一路”倡议最近在推动中国电力公司在全球市场中的绿色趋势方面发挥了重要作用。 The conclusion is echoed by the China Electric Power Planning &Engineering Institute, saying energy cooperation accounts for around 40 percent of the total investment in countries and regions participating in the BRI, while the power sector itself accounts for half of the energy investment. 中国电力规划设计总院也得出了类似结论,认为能源合作约占参与一带一路国家和地区的总投资的40%,而电力部门本身占能源投资的一半。 This has not only promoted the sharing and exchange of clean energy resources, but supported the development and utilization of renewable energy on a regional scale. 这不仅促进了清洁能源资源的共享和交流,也支持了区域范围内可再生能源的开发和利用。 As I see it, Chinese companies are already playing a key role, injecting strong momentum into local economic and social sustainable development. They, however, are still at the middle and lower segments of the international industrial chain, with relatively low overall project profit. 在我看来,中国企业已经发挥了关键作用,为地方经济和社会可持续发展注入了强大动力。然而,它们目前仍处于国际产业链的中低端,项整体利润相对较低。 The complex and time-consuming approval processes, together with the financial institutions' financing models, which lack flexibility and thus result in relatively high financing costs and red tape, are not suitable for the highly competitive market environment, leading to a gap between their practices and those of international counterparts in the industry. 复杂和耗时的批准流程,连同缺乏灵活性的金融机构融资模式,导致了相对较高的融资成本和繁文缛节,这些不适用于高度竞争的市场环境,其做法与国际同行在该行业中的做法存在差距。 As countries around the world are accelerating their green energy transition while stepping up efforts to ensure domestic energy security and expand their power investment scale, it is necessary for China to further optimize its policy, improve international competitiveness, adjust and improve the financial support system, and create a diversified financial support model. 随着全球各国加速推动绿色能源转型,加大力度确保国内能源安全并扩大电力投资规模,中国需要进一步优化政策,提高国际竞争力,调整和改进金融支持体系,并创建多样化的金融支持模式。 Some of the State-owned enterprises and private companies are already strengthening cooperation in energy technology innovation and transfer of results, to better exploit the country's comprehensive advantages in technology, capital, talent and equipment. 一些国有企业和私营公司已经在能源技术创新和成果转移方面加强合作,以更好地利用中国在技术、资本、人才和设备方面的综合优势。 This will further facilitate global carbon reduction while consolidating China's position as a global leader in the renewable energy sector. 这将进一步促进全球碳减排,巩固中国在可再生能源领域的全球领导地位。

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    2023 may be hottest year on record, experts say 专家表示,2023年可能是有史以来最炎热的一年 This year looks set to be the hottest year on record, forecasters say, after record-breaking heat soared throughout Europe, the United States and countries worldwide. 天气预测人员表示,今年有望成为有史以来最炎热的一年,此前欧洲、美国和世界各国的高温创下了记录。 The summer of 2023 was the hottest ever recorded, with sweltering heat in parts of the US and European countries Greece, Italy and Spain. 2023年经历了有史以来最炎热的夏天,美国部分地区和欧洲国家希腊、意大利和西班牙都经历了酷热天气。 September has also seen blistering temperatures, unusual for this time of year, according to Copernicus, Europe's climate change service that examines international weather patterns. 根据监测国际天气模式的欧洲气候变化服务机构哥白尼的数据,9月份的温度也异常高,这对于该时间来说是不寻常的。 Samantha Burgess, deputy director of Copernicus, said that last month several records were broken "by an extraordinary amount" of weather that brought on never-before-seen high temperatures for that time of year. 哥白尼的副主任伯吉斯表示,九月创下了多项纪录,出现了异常多从未见过的高温天气。 Last month, temperatures were 1.75 degrees warmer than usual for the weather average recorded in September from 1850 to 1900, described as the preindustrial reference period. 九月份的气温比1815年至1900年(工业化前水平参考期)的平均温度高出约1.75℃。 It broke the previous monthly record in 2020 by 0.5 degrees, Copernicus said. September has not been so hot since the service began its records in 1940. 哥白尼表示,这打破了此前2020年的九月气温记录,高出0.5摄氏度。自哥白尼于1940年开始记录以来,9月份的天气从未如此炎热。 "The unprecedented temperatures for the time of year observed in September following a record summer have broken records by an extraordinary amount," Burgess said. “在热度创下记录的夏天过后,九月份监测到的气温也是前所未有之高,以惊人程度打破纪录,”伯吉斯表示。 Last month, thousands of protesters from around the world descended on Lower Manhattan in New York City to demonstrate against climate change as world leaders met at the United Nations for a one-day climate summit. 上个月,来自世界各地的数千名抗议者涌入纽约市曼哈顿下城,抗议气候变化,与此同时,世界各国领导人在联合国举行了为期一天的气候峰会。 The record-breaking heat puts 2023 on track to be the hottest year on record internationally, with weather patterns 1.4 degrees above preindustrial levels, Burgess said. 这些创纪录的高温使2023年有望成为有史以来最炎热的一年,气温高出工业化前1.4摄氏度,伯吉斯表示。 Last month, New York saw record-breaking rainfall that surpassed the record for any September day set during Hurricane Donna in 1960, the National Weather Service said. The rain caused the city's streets to be flooded and parts of the transit system to stop working. 上个月,纽约降雨量打破纪录,比1960年飓风唐娜期间九月任何一天的降雨还要高,美国国家气象局表示。这场降雨导致纽约市的街道被淹没,部分交通系统停运。 In the same month, Canada dealt with devastating wildfires, South America had record-breaking heat, and thousands died from a massive flood in Libya. 同一月,加拿大爆发了毁灭性的森林大火,南美经历了创纪录的高温,利比亚有数千人死于大洪水。 Greece was ravaged by Storm Elias that dumped several months of rain on the island in less than a day. It came just weeks after Storm Daniel killed 17 people in the country. Heavy rain in Greece, Turkiye and Bulgaria left 14 dead. 希腊遭到了风暴埃利亚斯的袭击,这场风暴在不到一天的时间里倾泻了相当于数月的降雨量。仅在几周前,风暴丹尼尔在该国造成17人死亡,暴雨在希腊、土耳其和保加利亚造成14人死亡。 Thanu Yakupitiyage, former communications director of 350 Action, an organization that mobilizes progressive voters and works to elect climate champions, said extreme weather patterns are clear indications that the world must act quickly to address climate change. 350 Action组织是动员进步选民、调动工作来选举气候卫士从政的组织。其前传播总监Thanu Yakupitiyage表示,极端天气的模式明确表明世界必须迅速采取行动应对气候变化。 "Wildfires ravaged the US West Coast, which has some of the worst air quality in the world because of fires and the climate crisis. The bigger picture is that we have three years to right the ship to avoid a point of no return on climate," she said. 她说:“野火肆虐了美国西海岸,火灾和气候危机导致其世界上最差的空气质量。更重要的是,我们还有三年的时间来阻止气候走到不可逆转的临界点。”

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    Novelty is the spice of life 新鲜是生活的调味品 Senior product model Yang Guang in Shanghai finds why retirement hasn't slowed her down 对于上海的老年产品模特杨光来说,退休并没有使她的生活慢下来,她找到了原因。 Unlike most septuagenarians in China, who spend their time looking after their grandchildren and taking life easy. 中国大多数七旬老人花时间照顾孙子孙女、颐养天年,和他们不同,杨光每个月仍然工作一周。 Since 2015, the 76-year-old has been leaving her home at 6:30 am to board a high-speed train from Shanghai to Hangzhou in neighboring Zhejiang province at 7:30 am. After making not one or two but four transfers, she finally begins work at around 10 am, ends her day at around 7 pm, and then takes the train back to Shanghai. 自2015年以来,76岁的她每天早上六点半离开家,乘坐七点半的高铁从上海去到浙江省杭州,经过四次转车,最终在上午10点左右开始工作,下午约7点结束工作,然后坐火车返回上海。 But it's not just the hectic work schedule that is so unusual for someone of her age. Yang's job is even more unusual, as she is a product model for Taobao, China's largest online marketplace. 但对于她这个年龄的人来说,除了繁忙的工作时间表外,杨光的工作更加不同寻常,她是中国最大的网络商城淘宝的产品模特。 Being a model for Taobao is starkly different to being a fashion model. Because of the massive number of products that need to be shot, Yang spends seconds in each dress before putting on the next. During those few seconds, she transitions from standing poses, to using props and sitting positions, to show each outfit in a wide variety of poses. 淘宝模特与平面模特截然不同。由于需要拍摄大量产品,杨光在每件衣服上花费几秒钟,然后穿上下一件。在这几秒钟内,她从站立姿势过渡到使用道具和坐姿,以各种姿势展示出每一件服装 She says that her work, although exhausting at times, is deeply gratifying. 她表示,尽管有时很累,但她对自己的工作深感满足。 But then Yang is no stranger to the spotlight. When she was 18, she joined a musical theater troupe in Hunan province. Despite challenges resulting from family issues, she rose to become its lead actress. Twenty years later, when her husband relocated for work, she transitioned into working in higher education, taking on support roles at a university. 但杨光对于聚光灯并不陌生。18岁时,她加入了湖南省的一个音乐剧团。尽管面临家庭琐事,她升任主演。二十年后,当丈夫为工作而搬迁时,她进入高等教育行业工作,在一所大学担任行政工作。 Fueled by her passion for the performing arts, Yang not only excelled at her administrative duties but also channeled her energy into teaching and mentoring students in the university's performing arts group. 出于对表演艺术的热情,杨光不仅在行政工作中表现出色,还将自己的精力投入到大学表演艺术团队的教学和指导工作中。 By 2020, Yang's growing stature in the industry earned her the clout to be able to pick the photographers and brands she wanted to work with, and as her intense work schedule had started to take a toll on her health, she decided to be more selective. 到2020年,杨光在淘宝模特行业中的名望日益上升,有能力选择想要合作的摄影师和品牌,由于紧张工作日程开始影响她的健康状况,她决定对工作有所取舍。 Looking ahead, Yang says that she wants to learn vocal singing and to do traditional painting and calligraphy. 展望未来,杨光表示想学声乐以及传统绘画和书法。 Aware that aging comes with its own set of problems, Yang has made contingency plans in case she will be too old to travel, and plans to enroll at a university for the elderly to learn new skills. 意识到衰老带来的问题,杨光已经制定了应对计划,以防年纪太大无法出行,打算报名老年大学学习新技能。 "Learning is what keeps me motivated and interested in life. During my younger years, opportunities to learn new things were relatively scarce. Today there is a plethora of online courses and opportunities. I can learn anything I desire," she says. "学习是让我保持动力和对生活感兴趣的原因。年轻的时候,学习新事物的机会相对较少。现在有大量的在线课程和机会。我可以学到任何我想要的东西,"她说。



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