Well & Worthy Life | A Podcast for Midlife Women

Deanna Pizitz
Well & Worthy Life | A Podcast for Midlife Women

Welcome to Well and Worthy Life, the podcast for women navigating the beautiful, complex journey of midlife. I’m Deanna Pizitz, your host and Menopause Health and Wellness Coach. On my podcast, I share the highs, lows, and everything in between that this transformative phase brings. In our cozy corner of the podcast world, we dive deep into the real stuff. Everything from perimenopause and menopause insights, rediscovering your purpose, to the everyday challenges of nurturing your well-being. No clichés here, just heartfelt conversations and expert wisdom tailored to you. By subscribing to "Well and Worthy Life," you're not just tuning in; you're stepping into a sanctuary of understanding, support, and endless possibilities. Here, we don’t talk about thriving through midlife; we live it, embrace it, and celebrate it together. Don't forget to join our growing community on Instagram too. Click that follow button, cozy up to listen in, and join our podcast community. We're here to celebrate your extraordinary midlife journey 💖

  1. 26/12/2023

    Recalibrate with a Digital Detox

    Episode Overview Today we're getting real about the need for a digital detox as we gear up for the new year. We'll break down why taking a step back from our screens is crucial, share some practical tips for a successful detox, and discuss the impact it can have on our overall well-being. So, if you've been feeling overwhelmed by the constant digital noise and want a reset for the upcoming year, you're in the right place. Let's dive in and talk about why a digital detox might be exactly what you need.   Questions Answered What is a digital detox and why are they important to implement? What are the benefits of stepping away from technology for a period of time? What are some of the reflection questions listed in the Digital Detox PDF? Activities or experiences to replace time on technology to create room for what matters most.   Action Items Be part of the digital detox and download the PDF for reflection questions to bring intention to this time. Check out the books referenced in the episode: Forever Strong: A New Science-Based Strategy for Aging Well and The 4:8 Principle: The Secret to a Joy-Filled Life Join the Revive Now Membership - Enrollment is open anytime! Get access to my FREE podcast series, Reset to Energize   Key Moments in the Conversation [2:37] There's so many different reasons why we turn to food for comfort. [4:13] It's (digital detox) an opportunity to step back, recalibrate, and create space for real-life experiences. The benefits include improved focus, reduced stress, better sleep, and a chance to reconnect with your passions. [13:37]  What can I do that is small, manageable, and consistent that will lead me to improve an area of my health? [14:51]  We all have different goals and different things that we want but think, are these goals realistic and achievable in your current lifestyle or do you have to change things up? [22:43] Let's have some great ideas of how we're going to make 2024 great. We're going to set our goals using the MASS method. Remember, it's manageable, attainable, sustainable, that equals success.

  2. 12/12/2023

    Jingle All the Weigh: How to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

    Episode Overview This week, I'm bringing you into a Revive Now members call on what we can do to avoid holiday weight gain. We're discussing why we gain weight during the holidays, identifying triggers, uncovering our motivation, and the power of planning ahead. It may be helpful to have your pen and paper and write down your goals as if you're on the live call. Let's dive in! Questions Answered Tips on how to avoid holiday weight gain this season. How to develop a plan to combat the triggers we face during the holidays. What is the value of pre-planning and pre-deciding around the holidays? How we can stay motivated when life gets stressful and challenging this time of year? What are ways to use pre-planning and pre-deciding to avoid holiday weight gain?   Action Items Create a list of possible triggers that may come up around the holidays. Commit to one small change you can make to your diet or exercise routine during the holidays. Decide one action to take today to start pre-planning and pre-deciding for a healthier holiday season. Join the Revive Now Membership - Enrollment is open anytime! Get access to my FREE podcast series, Reset to Energize   Key Moments in the Conversation 3:27] There are so many tempting foods and drinks everywhere and you don't want to feel deprived. Then there are the social pressures that throw us off our game. [6:52] A key component is to be mindful about stress eating and emotional eating. We have to pay attention to our hunger cues and follow them. [8:36] Prioritizing your protein is a must because your protein will keep you full longer and it will keep you satisfied. [14:50] How are we going to deal with our setbacks and stay motivated? Number one, we're not going to beat ourselves up if we overeat or over-drink. [16:12]  This is the biggest thing right here, motivation comes from action. We have to take small steps each day to move closer to our goals.

  3. 28/11/2023

    The Freedom of No: Crafting a Life Aligned to Your Values

    Episode Overview Welcome back to another solo episode of Well & Worthy Life podcast! Today we’re discovering the liberation found in the art of saying no. Over the years, I have learned the power and freedom of no so I could say yes to everything else that was important to me. In a world often characterized by constant demands and obligations, our ability to confidently say no becomes a key catalyst to a life harmonized with our deepest values. Join me as we explore practical insights, share stories, and provide actionable strategies to help you navigate the delicate balance between saying no and aligning with your authentic self.   Questions Answered What can be found in the freedom of no and how does it impact the way we live? What to do when our mental health is suffering because of the choices we are making? Instead of cutting out sugar altogether, learn what Deanna does to get her sweet fix over the holidays without overindulging.   Action Items Keep your eyes open for a digital detox I’m putting together for anyone who wants to join Look at your calendar over the next few weeks and look for places where you can say no. Join the Revive Now Membership - Enrollment is open anytime! Get access to my FREE podcast series, Reset to Energize   Key Moments in the Conversation [1:16] Sometimes we have to say no to something so we can say yes to our mental health. [1:59] It was becoming too much pressure on me and I am trying to protect my lifestyle. [7:49] I want you to look at your calendar in the next couple of weeks and look at the things that maybe you could say no to. [9:59] I think our mental health starts with our mindset. And then that follows through to our physical health. [16:24] When we are done with our digital detox, we'll get back on another Zoom and talk about how it felt. What we were able to do. How it cleared our mind, and how it set us up for success in the new year.

  4. 14/11/2023

    5 Tips for Midlife Fashion

    Episode Overview Are there rules to fashion as we age and what are they? In this episode, I'm answering those questions and offering 5 tips for midlife fashion.   Questions Answered Where did Deanna’s love of fashion start and how was her mom a big part of that? Should we change our style as we get older? What are Deanna’s 5 tips for midlife fashion? What is the one item everyone needs in their closet? Is it worth buying into trends or not?   Action Items Check out some of Deanna's favorites on her Like to Know It Page and Amazon Page. Subscribe to Deanna's weekly newsletter to see her upcoming Christmas Gift Guide and other exciting things going on with Well & Worthy Life. Scroll to the bottom of the homepage to subscribe. Join the Revive Now Membership - Enrollment is open anytime! Get access to my FREE podcast series, Reset to Energize   Key Moments in the Conversation [1:53] To be honest, what I wear is not necessarily a part of my health journey, but I definitely am more confident when I'm more put together. [7:40] We tend to dress for others so much and we really need to dress for ourselves and how we feel the most confident because it will come across in the way we talk to people. It will come across in the way we carry ourselves. It will come across in our actions. [10:37]  Make sure if you’ve gained or lost weight you have a few things that fit you that you feel very confident in. [26:42] I don't think there should be rules about clothes. I think it's whatever makes you feel your best at this stage of your life.

  5. 07/11/2023

    5 Things I Would Tell My Younger Self

    Episode Overview Consider me your big sister (or maybe mom!) in this episode where I’m breaking down 5 things I would tell my younger self! I have learned so much from those who are further along on the journey than me and I want to impart wisdom I’ve gained over the years to any of you that are younger than me. For those of you around my age or older, what would you add to this list? Share your wisdom in the comments!   Questions Answered Deanna’s insight on, “What are 5 things I would tell my younger self”? Why does lifting heavy weights matter in overall health? How to be present, even when life is hard.   Action Items Check out the book I referenced by Gabrielle Lyon, Forever Strong. Join the Revive Now Membership - Enrollment is open anytime! Get access to my FREE podcast series, Reset to Energize   Key Moments in the Conversation [3:31] I always say this, if I had known then what I know now, I would have done things so differently. [8:50] Life goes on and you realize how resilient you are. You realize you keep going forward. [15:24] I'm really trying to change things up and not do things the way I did before. Now I’m really focused on lifting heavy things because that's the way that muscle increases and we have longevity. [18:03] We know that a lot of processed food is inflammatory food and inflammatory food causes us to not look and feel our best. [24:26] Listen to your body. You know what is best for you. Nobody else is living your life. Listen to yourself and know what's right for you.

  6. 24/10/2023

    Aging Powerfully: Why Aging is Good

    Episode Overview Aging hasn’t always had the best connotation. In our youth-driven culture, we often seek to avoid aging. Today’s guest, Karen Viesta, is reframing the conversation on why aging is good and how to age POWERFULLY! Karen is a certified health and lifestyle coach who works with women in their forties and fifties who want to transform their bodies and their lives. She is the founder of Wellegant Women Coaching and host of the Well Egant Women Podcast. After going through her own midlife reinvention, Karen helps women in midlife to age powerfully, create extraordinary health and vitality, and make each new decade even better than the last.   Questions Answered Why aging is good and beautiful and need not be avoided! Karen’s menopause journey and how it launched her into the work she does with women today. The number one change Karen made that had the biggest impact on her menopause journey? What’s the key to sticking to healthy practices? How has the term wellness evolved over the years?   Action Items Get The Midlife Glow Up Guide: 7 Days to Your Healthiest and Most Radiant Self Keep up with Wellegant Women Podcast See what other good stuff Karen has on her website Follow her on Instagram and Facebook Join my Revive Now Membership Get access to my FREE podcast series, Reset to Reenergize   Key Moments in the Conversation [3:51] There’s an expectation that we should figure out this midlife thing and just once and for all be done with it. [13:40] I wasn’t willing to resign myself to feeling terrible. There was a part of me that thought, “no, I’m not buying that. I’m going to figure this out.” (regarding words from doctors around perimenopause) [14:04] Your over-40 body is different from your under-40 body and you have to support it differently. [28:34] I think a lot of women in midlife find themselves in that place where they’re looking ahead to the second half of life and questioning what they want it to look like and more importantly who do they want to be.

  7. 10/10/2023

    Friendship, Faith and Fasting

    Episode Overview My dear friend, Melanie, is back with me today and we are talking through topics that all of you wanted to hear more about - friendship, faith and fasting.  Questions Answered How Deanna and Melanie live out friendship, faith, and fasting in midlife. Where are some of the best places to make friends once you become an empty nester? What is the point of fasting and why do Deanna and Melanie choose to do it? If someone still has their cycle, what do they need to know about intermittent fasting? How does faith impact the way Deanna and Melanie live?   Action Items Check out the book we reference in the episode, Fast Like a Girl by Dr. Mindy Pelz - this book is a great guide to the power of fasting to burn fat, boost energy, and balance your hormones!  Listen to the podcast we reference in the episode with Dr. Mindy Pelz on the Mel Robbins Podcast: 6 Intermittent Fasting Protocols for Fat Loss, Mood, Energy and Improving Your Overall Health Listen to other episodes with Melanie: How to Create Healthy and Sustainable Eating Habits Staying Balanced Through the Holidays Look into this great product, LMNT,  Melanie and Deanna both love taking. Connect with Melanie on Instagram and visit her website to see what she offers! Join me in Revive Now and download my FREE podcast series, Reset to Reenergize   Key Moments in the Conversation [4:50] At this stage of our life, we can pick and choose who we spend our time with and we want to find people who are into the same kind of things we are. [19:48] I was a 911 Christian. I connected only when I needed him in desperate situations. Now it is a surrender, asking, “what do you want from me Lord today? How can I use this trial to glorify you?” [20:49] This is one of the first times in my life where I really am seeking God and trying to get to know Him when everything is good in my life. [28:25] In our rough patch as friends, we stayed with it because we knew our friendship was more important than anything. [31:47] Not all women should be fasting alike. There are so many different ways to fast.

  8. 26/09/2023

    Brain Longevity: How to Live a Brain Healthy Life

    Episode Overview Brain health is something we can easily avoid thinking about until it's too late. Ed Parks from Neuroreserve, is back with me today sharing why midlife women, specifically, should not ignore brain health. He's offering tips that we can start implementing today that will support brain longevity. This is one you don't want to miss! Questions Answered What is one of the most powerful diets that promotes brain longevity? Which vegetables and fruits are the powerhouse staples to eat for brain health? What is visceral fat and how does it affect Alzheimer's and dementia? “If my mother or grandmother or other family member had Alzheimer does that mean I’m likely to get it?”   Action Items Check out Ed's company, Neuroreserve and learn more about the supplement Relevate. Relevate strengthens and protects your memory, cognitive performance, and helps to overcome brain fog! Extra bonus, put "Deanna15" in at checkout for a discount! Follow Neuroreserve on Instagram and Facebook for the latest research on brain nutrition and how to strengthen brain longevity. Listen to previous podcast conversations with Ed Parks. The Benefits of Intermittent Fasting for Brain Health Ed Park Founder of Neuroreserve Talks Brain Health and the Gut-Brain Connection   Key Moments in the Conversation [8:44] Two-thirds of all Alzheimer's dementia cases are women. That should not necessarily be something that scares women, but it should be a motivator. If you pay attention to this you can set yourself up really well for great brain health, great memories, and great living. [11:51] For the brain in particular, it's dark, leafy green vegetables that are key. [23:27] The thing people should know from a brain and cognitive standpoint, is that obesity in midlife is a big risk factor for mild cognitive impairment, which is called MCI.  And that's usually the leading point of Alzheimer's disease.

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Welcome to Well and Worthy Life, the podcast for women navigating the beautiful, complex journey of midlife. I’m Deanna Pizitz, your host and Menopause Health and Wellness Coach. On my podcast, I share the highs, lows, and everything in between that this transformative phase brings. In our cozy corner of the podcast world, we dive deep into the real stuff. Everything from perimenopause and menopause insights, rediscovering your purpose, to the everyday challenges of nurturing your well-being. No clichés here, just heartfelt conversations and expert wisdom tailored to you. By subscribing to "Well and Worthy Life," you're not just tuning in; you're stepping into a sanctuary of understanding, support, and endless possibilities. Here, we don’t talk about thriving through midlife; we live it, embrace it, and celebrate it together. Don't forget to join our growing community on Instagram too. Click that follow button, cozy up to listen in, and join our podcast community. We're here to celebrate your extraordinary midlife journey 💖

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