The Profitable Photographer

Luci Dumas
Podcast The Profitable Photographer

Do you have a dream? A big, exciting and maybe a little scary dream to have a successful, profitable and creative photography business doing exactly what you love for wonderful, grateful clients? Or do you want to bring your business to the next level of fun and profit.? If so, then this Podcast is for you. For over 36 years, I have made a great living as portrait and wedding business, Luci Dumas Fine Photography, with no other source of income. No rich husband or lottery winnings, through the ups and downs of the industry and economy. Now as a business coach with Insight Training for Photographers, I love love love to support photographers who want to do the same. This podcast is full of practical business info, and insights gained from my years in business, plus interviews with amazing people. My desire is to help you along on your joyful journey to success, however that looks to you. Feel free to connect with me at to learn about my training options.

  1. HÁ 5 DIAS

    274: Jack Zigon: Unlocking the Secrets of Architectural Photography

    Hey everyone, it’s me again, Luci Dumas, and in this episode of The Profitable Photographer, I had the pleasure of chatting with architectural photographer Jack Zigon. We dug into the fascinating world of architectural photography and the business side of things that makes it all work. Let me tell you, it was such an insightful conversation, it almost made me want to start a new career/ specialty.He is a photographer based in Philadelphia who specializes in photographing architecture. One of his loves is capturing the built environment, and also has a passion for landscape and nature photography, and loves to use light and composition to create beautiful photos with that “wow” factor that makes your clients want to stop and stare. He has had an “illustrious career” working in sales, online marketing and photography for 30 years,In a previous life, as VP of Internet Marketing, he grew Comcast Business’ online marketing division from $76 million/year to $1.6 billion annually, In other words…he is very smart and has had a lot of success before starting this new business.Here’s what else we covered: • Real Estate vs. Portfolio Photography: While real estate photography can bring in a steady but moderate income, Jack explained how portfolio photography for architects is where the real long-term value is. • Marketing Strategies: Jack gave us a peek into how he markets his business using tools like LinkedIn, email newsletters, and even printed portfolios sent to hot prospects. • How Jack Approaches a Job: It all starts with learning the story behind the building from the architect.  • Starting in Architectural Photography: Thinking about diving in? We chat about where to start and skills needed to get going successfully. • The Gear Game: Jack also talked about what high-end equipment needed for architectural photography • Pricing Your Services: Pricing can be tricky! Jack emphasized how essential it is to price your work correctly. Finding that sweet spot is an art in itself.Whether you’re thinking of getting into architectural photography or just curious, this episode is packed with practical tips and advice. I hope it gets you excited to grab your camera, explore the beauty of buildings, and start experimenting.Thanks for tuning in, and don’t forget to subscribe to The Profitable Photographer on YouTube and your favorite podcast platform. It is the encouragement I need to keep sharing and interviewing amazing guests.Here is how to connect with Jack** (* ( with Photography Business Coach Luci Dumas: * Website ( * Email: (* Instagram ( * Facebook (* YouTube (

  2. 4 DE SET.

    273: Luci Dumas on The Joy of Setting Boundaries

    Welcome to The Profitable Photographer!We all have them, right? Clients that are beyond challenging, can not be pleased no matter what, and make us question ourselves. Or create sleepless nights trying to come up with just the right response to a criticism. Did we do something wrong, are we not good enough, should we change our policies?In this episode, I explore a crucial topic that every photographer faces: how to set and keep policies that help us effectively deal with difficult clients. Inspired by the wisdom of Anna Taylor, “Love yourself enough to set boundaries. Your time and energy are precious, and you get to decide how you use them,” we'll delve into how to navigate challenging situations while maintaining your sanity and business integrity.The first piece of advice is to evaluate the situation and see if there is something that is our fault and search for remedies. The second is to realize that there is a very small percentage of our clients that are just plain impossible to please...or are purposely being difficult so they can get more from us than what we offer.In this episode, we’ll cover:* Understanding Difficult Clients: Why some clients just aren't the right match and how to recognize the red flags early on. * Real-Life Experience: I share a personal story of a challenging client who crossed boundaries, teaching me valuable lessons in protecting my work. * While most clients are wonderful, it's the .1% who can cause headaches. Learn how to handle them without losing your cool. * Setting Boundaries: How being self-employed taught me to confidently establish and enforce boundaries in both business and personal life. * Six important steps that help avoid or resolve misunderstandings.* Whether you're just starting out or have been in the business for years, this episode will give you the tools you need to set boundaries that protect your business and your well-being. Tune in and take control of your client relationships! Connect with Photography Business Coach Luci Dumas: * Website ( * Email: (* Instagram ( * Facebook (* YouTube (

  3. 28 DE AGO.

    272: Ruth Annan: Intentional Diversity in Business & The Thrill of Event Photography

    In today’s episode of The Profitable Photographer, I had the pleasure of chatting with Ruth Annan, and we had a rich and thought-provoking conversation about two very different topics: the importance of intentional diversity in our businesses and the pure joy of event photography. Ruth shares her insights on how embracing diversity can lead to richer experiences, deeper connections, and more interesting stories in both our personal and professional lives.As a bonus, she shares how, as a business owner and a mother, she is able to rock both roles.Here’s a glimpse of what we covered: • Intentional Diversity: Ruth and I talk about how being intentional about diversity can transform our photography businesses, teaching methods, and overall approach to life. She encourages us to reach out and include people we might not interact with regularly, making our lives and work more vibrant and fulfilling. • The Joy of Event Photography: We explore why corporate events can be both educational and profitable. Ruth’s successful business in corporate events, headshots, and video production showcases the potential of this niche, especially when combined with a diverse team and client base. • Balancing Motherhood and Business: I investigate some of the challenges, solutions, and rewards while navigating life as both a businesswoman and a mother. She emphasizes that it’s okay to seek help and that integrating business responsibilities with family life can benefit everyone involved.This episode is packed with actionable advice and inspiration for anyone looking to build a more inclusive and profitable photography business. I am honored to have had this frank conversation with a very inspiring and brilliant person.Here is how you can get in touch with Ruth ** ( with Photography Business Coach Luci Dumas: * Website ( * Email: (* Instagram ( * Facebook (* YouTube (

  4. 21 DE AGO.

    271: Marcel Van der Horst - Marketing Weddings by Being Likable

    On this episode of The Profitable Photographer, I’m joined by Marcel, a wedding photographer in Australia with over 16 years of experience who is all about creating a remarkable client experience. He loves the connective and passionate memories that he creates for couples. And he's also generous with his time by mentoring photographers entering the market, he loves to assist other photography studios as needed, and also helping our wider wedding planning community.One of my main takeaways I totally agree with from this conversation are..1. Be nice/likable. 2. Be caring. 3. Build relationships. Make connections with our clients but also with vendors, guests and bridal parties. Listen for these topics and how and how you can use this info to thrive in the very competitive wedding photography world. • Deliver Memorable Client Experiences: how his passion for connecting with clients leads to unforgettable wedding photography that truly captures the essence of the couple's special day. • The Power of Networking: why strategic networking with other wedding vendors and photographers has been the cornerstone of his business success, providing him with a steady stream of referrals. • Maximizing Visibility: his technique of sharing galleries with vendors post-wedding, which not only strengthens relationships but also amplifies his brand’s reach. • Sales as a Service: the importance of being personable and listening to clients during the sales process. He shares his approach to asking the right questions to uncover what clients really want. • Smaller Weddings, Bigger Profits: info on how smaller weddings can be surprisingly profitable and how Marcel has streamlined his process to maximize efficiency.If you’re looking to build stronger client relationships and leverage networking to grow your business, this episode is packed with actionable insights from Marcel!By the way, if you are attending the Professional Photographers of America’s Imaging Expo this coming Feb 2025, watch for news about them get together for my listeners and guests. I am anxious to meet you in person!Here is how to connect with Marcel* Web:* Email: with Photography Business Coach Luci Dumas: * Website ( * Email: (* Instagram ( * Facebook (* YouTube (

  5. 14 DE AGO.

    270: Adam Goldberg: Pet Photography and In Person Sales

    Hello hello hello. I have some BIG NEWS!I am throwing a meet and greet in Dallas during the Professional Photographers of America’s Imaging Expo for my guests and listeners to The Profitable Photographer with Luci Dumas podcast. Come hang out on Sunday, Feb 2nd in the afternoon and meet guests, fans of the show, and of course me. And now about this newest episode. Recently, I had the pleasure of chatting with Adam Goldberg from A Gold Photo, an exceptional pet photographer known for his stunning wall art and in-person sales approach. Adam also offers both in-person and online training for photographers eager to learn from his wealth of experience. Here’s a sneak peek at what we discussed: 1 In-Person Sales (IPS): Adam's strategy to avoid burnout and maximize profits. We even did a fun role-play where I pretended not to do IPS! 2 Photographing Dogs: ◦ Get Experience: Practice regularly, even daily. ◦ Know Your Camera: Be so familiar with your gear that you can operate it instinctively. ◦ Patience: Pets and their owners can sense your energy. Stay calm and patient. ◦ Read Dog Behavior: Understanding canine body language is crucial for great shots. ◦ Clear Communication: Be in control and clearly communicate with your assistant.Stay calm, confident, and consistent. ◦ Cheese: Yes, string cheese is a fantastic treat to get pets to cooperate!Don’t forget to check out Adam’s website and Instagram for more inspiration. And, of course, subscribe to The Profitable Photographer on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen. Your support keeps the show going. Until next time, happy shooting!**  website: ( with Photography Business Coach Luci Dumas: * Website ( * Email: (* Instagram ( * Facebook (* YouTube (

  6. 7 DE AGO.

    269: Luci Dumas: Objections Can Be Opportunities

    Hi Brilliant Photographer, welcome back! Today, I am sharing my solo episode diving into a topic that can always use more info and ideas: handling objections. I shared my thoughts on this a while back, but I'm excited to give you a fresh take. As Sandra Boynton's coffee mug says, "Salesmanship begins when the customer says no." This couldn't be truer in our field. You can do everything perfectly—attract the ideal clients, have amazing sessions, and plant seeds for future purchases—but an objection can stop you in your tracks. Objections can arise at any point: initial contact, during a call, in-person consultations, or sales sessions. We need to be prepared with responses that not only satisfy our clients but also encourage them to book us and invest in our products and services. Here are some common objections you might face and how to handle them:  1. Initial Contact: "I don't use the phone. Just email, please.""Can I have only digitals?""Please send me your pricing." 2. In-Person Consultations: Price issues.Pushback on the in-person sales session.Time of day, location, clothing preferences. 3. Sales Sessions:"Can we order later or some now and some later?"It's important to remember that our goal isn't just to make a sale because we need it. We believe that what we offer is a blessing to our clients. Always keep your "why" in mind. Here are three key takeaways for handling objections: * Establish yourself as a Trusted Advisor:* First respond to questions with a clarification questions: When faced with a challenging question, take a breath, ask for clarification, and use the "Feel, Felt, Found" technique.* Stand firm on your policies using this phrase...”These were the prices and policies when you booked me, and they are still my prices and policies."Watch on YouTube or listen wherever podcasts are shared as I dive deeper into these points and share more insights on handling objections effectively!And thanks, as always, for listening, subscribing, and connecting. I heart you big time! Luci Connect with Photography Business Coach Luci Dumas: * Website ( * Email: (* Instagram ( * Facebook (* YouTube (

  7. 31 DE JUL.

    268: Judy Reinford (part two): Using Artificial Intelligence with Equine and Other Photography

    Hey everyone! I hope you loved Judy Reinford’s amazing interview in part one as much as I did. She shared so much wisdom and inspiration about photographing horses. Now, we’re back with part two of this fantastic conversation, and I can't wait for you to dive in.Who is Judy Reinford?So, who is Judy Reinford? Well, she's an award-winning photographer and a total rockstar when it comes to turning animal photos into stunning works of art. She's a PPA Mastercraftsman, Master Artist, and Certified Professional Photographer (CPP). With a Bachelor of Fine Arts, Judy's passion and talent have earned her loads of awards, like the PPA IPC 2024 Gold Medal and four-time Grand Imaging Award (GIA) nominations. Plus, she’s been named PPA International Diamond Photographer of the Year. You’ve got to check out her incredible images, including digital mixed media paintings and fairytale composites of pets and horses. They’re just magical!Judy travels all over the country, teaching photographers how to capture the heart and soul of animals in their photos. She’s super dedicated to supporting local zoos and rescues through her work. One thing she loves is helping others embrace artificial intelligence (AI) in their creative toolbox. And get this – in every class she teaches, using the same basic images, each student’s work ends up totally unique. It’s so cool to see everyone’s creativity shine!Key Points to Listen ForHere are some awesome things to listen for in this episode: 1 Her “spice rack” – Programs like KREA, Magnifique, Leonardo, and Topaz. 2 Places to access AI – Tools like Photoshop, Midjourney, and Firefly. 3 Basic “how-to” tips on replacing backgrounds. 4 The ease of restoring old photographs.Judy Reinford’s passion for animal photography and her deep expertise make her such an amazing resource for any photographer looking to step up their game. Enjoy part two, where Judy reveals how Photoshop and AI can take your photographic art to the next level.Thank you so much, Judy, for a conversation that was both inspiring and packed with practical advice.Connect with Judy Reinford:• Website (• Email: judy@judyreinfordphotography.comConnect with Photography Business Coach Luci Dumas: * Website ( * Email: (* Instagram ( * Facebook (* YouTube (

  8. 24 DE JUL.

    267: Judy Reinford (part one): Horses and Other Animal Photography

    Get ready to explore the enchanting world of animal photography with the amazing Judy Reinford! In this fun and informative episode, Judy shares her top tips and tricks for capturing stunning photos of horses, zoo animals, and pets. She had so much great info to share that I split it into two episode. Stay tuned for part two, where we’ll dive into Photoshop and AI magic!Who is Judy Reinford? Judy is an award-winning photographer and a master at turning animal photos into works of art. She’s a PPA Mastercraftsman, Master Artist, and Certified Professional Photographer (CPP) . With a Bachelor of Fine Arts, Judy's passion and skill have earned her numerous awards, including the PPA IPC 2024 Gold Medal and four-time Grand Imaging Award (GIA) nominations. She’s also been named PPA International Diamond Photographer of the Year.Good news. Judy travels the country teaching photographers how to create breathtaking equine, pet, and zoo photos. Her seminars are all about capturing the heart and soul of animals, and she’s dedicated to supporting local zoos and rescues through her work.Key Tips from the Episode:Photographing Horses: Listen in for the following info 1 Know Your Audience 2 Lens Choice, Aperture and Shutter Speed Setting 3 Action Shots 4 Attention to Detail. 5 Know Your Subject by Taking Riding Lessons  Check out her incredible images including digital mixed media paintings and fairytale composites of pets and horses.Conclusion: Judy Reinford’s passion for animal photography and her extensive expertise make her an incredible resource for any photographer looking to improve. Don’t miss part two, where Judy will reveal how Photoshop and AI can elevate your photographic art.Connect with her at ( ( to The Profitable Photographer podcast for more inspiring interviews and tips! Leave us a review and share this episode with fellow animal photography enthusiasts.Connect with Photography Business Coach Luci Dumas: * Website ( * Email: (* Instagram ( * Facebook (* YouTube (

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Do you have a dream? A big, exciting and maybe a little scary dream to have a successful, profitable and creative photography business doing exactly what you love for wonderful, grateful clients? Or do you want to bring your business to the next level of fun and profit.? If so, then this Podcast is for you. For over 36 years, I have made a great living as portrait and wedding business, Luci Dumas Fine Photography, with no other source of income. No rich husband or lottery winnings, through the ups and downs of the industry and economy. Now as a business coach with Insight Training for Photographers, I love love love to support photographers who want to do the same. This podcast is full of practical business info, and insights gained from my years in business, plus interviews with amazing people. My desire is to help you along on your joyful journey to success, however that looks to you. Feel free to connect with me at to learn about my training options.

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