19 min

#2 Don't Look at the Cupcakes Love Letters

    • Relationships

Breaking up was easier before social media. Not the emotional part -- that was always hard -- but the mechanics of it. You broke up and just avoided each other at the mall. Today, disentangling is … complicated. Photos of your ex with a new love infiltrate your news feed. Even a Venmo transaction can send you reeling. Email us at loveletters@boston.com or find us online at loveletters.show.

Breaking up was easier before social media. Not the emotional part -- that was always hard -- but the mechanics of it. You broke up and just avoided each other at the mall. Today, disentangling is … complicated. Photos of your ex with a new love infiltrate your news feed. Even a Venmo transaction can send you reeling. Email us at loveletters@boston.com or find us online at loveletters.show.

19 min

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