2025 Health Care Trends and Policy Predictions with John Driscoll

Health Care Rounds


(0:19) Introduction

(0:45) Meet John Driscoll

(2:40) The Future of Pharma

(8:28) How Pharmacies Can Put Patients First

(12:25) Key Trends in Primary Care

(15:16) The Challenges of Improving Quality Patient Care

(19:25) Incoming Health Care Policy

(25:48) The Impact of RFK and Trump's Nominees on Health Care

(30:12) Where AI Can Have the Biggest Impact on Health Care

(33:04) Increasing Efficiency with AI

(35:04) John Driscoll's New Book: Pay the People

(37:29) The Importance of Paying Workers a Living Wage


Health Care Rounds is a weekly podcast developed for health care leaders who are at the forefront of health care delivery and payment reform. Join Darwin Research Group founder and CEO John Marchica as he discusses the latest advancements in health care business news and policy developments.  


John Driscoll, Chairman at Waystar, is a seasoned healthcare executive with a distinguished career. He has served as President, U.S. Healthcare and EVP of Walgreens Boots Alliance, CEO of CareCentrix, President of Castlight Health, and Group President for new markets at Medco, where he played a key role in its spin-off from Merck and its recognition as Fortune's most admired healthcare services company. As founder and chair of the Surescripts ePrescribing Network, John has been a pioneer in healthcare innovation. He has also advised Oak Investment Partners, held senior roles at Oxford Health Plans, and participated in the White House’s Entrepreneurs in Residence program, advising the FDA on innovation pathways. John is also the co-host of the successful healthcare podcast, CareTalk.


John Marchica is a veteran health care strategist and CEO of Darwin Research Group, a strategic consulting and market intelligence firm focused on hospitals, health systems, physician groups, and the evolving health care ecosystem. John has a degree in economics from Knox College, an MBA and M.A. in public policy from the University of Chicago, and completed his Ph.D. coursework at The Dartmouth Institute. He is an active member of the American College of Healthcare Executives and is pursuing certification as a Fellow.


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