Health Care Rounds

John Marchica
Health Care Rounds

Health Care Rounds is a weekly podcast developed for health care leaders who are at the forefront of health care delivery and payment reform. Join Darwin Research Group founder and CEO John Marchica as he discusses the latest advancements in health care business news and policy developments, including interviews with dynamic leaders in health care. John is a veteran health care strategist and is leading ongoing research initiatives on health care delivery systems and value-based care. Tags: health care, value-based care, healthcare business, healthcare management, accountable care organization, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, hospital, health system, telehealth, telemedicine, behavioral health, Affordable Care Act, Obamacare, market access, managed care, organized customer

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Health Care Rounds is a weekly podcast developed for health care leaders who are at the forefront of health care delivery and payment reform. Join Darwin Research Group founder and CEO John Marchica as he discusses the latest advancements in health care business news and policy developments, including interviews with dynamic leaders in health care. John is a veteran health care strategist and is leading ongoing research initiatives on health care delivery systems and value-based care. Tags: health care, value-based care, healthcare business, healthcare management, accountable care organization, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, hospital, health system, telehealth, telemedicine, behavioral health, Affordable Care Act, Obamacare, market access, managed care, organized customer

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