30 things i learnt before 30 pt.2

Friend Crush with Amber Akilla

part two of my 30 things i realised before 30!!! let me know what you thought of this video and if you have any specific topic requests~~ ⁠ subscribe to friend crush with amber akilla ☆ https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friend-crush/subscribe⁠ follow me ☆ https://instagram.com/amberakilla/ https://instagram.com/friend.crush/ https://www.tiktok.com/@amberakilla https://www.youtube.com/@amberakilla https://twitter.com/amberakilla https://soundcloud.com/amberakilla https://open.spotify.com/user/amberakilla notes: 16. you’ll rarely regret sitting on a purchase, but you’ll probably regret impulse buying 17. when in doubt, always play the long game - conflict 18. actions speak louder than words - make sure you have congruence between your own words and actions so you can vett other people 19. being single and learning to be ok alone is better than being in a shitty relationship 20. you are the sum of the people you surround yourself with - choose carefully - don't care what people think of you in the pursuit of what you love, but don't let your reputation precede you. 21. getting paid more doesnt mean the job itself is more intersting or fulfilling - make sure the extra money you make is spent on things/experiences/people you care about 22. just because you’ve finished formal education, doesn't mean the learning has stopped - its just begun! 23. the only way out is through - discomfort in growth and discipline are required - you cant buy your way into discipline or a better life 24. health is wealth - push yourself but know where the line is 25. familiarise yourself with rejection and failure - its not the absence of these things, its the ability to manage 26. how you think and speak to or about yourself is louder than what anyone else says to you 27. building anything on your own is going to take much longer than just attaching yourself to what already exists but its worth it 28. consult multiple sources don't take advice from anyone you don't consider aspirational, inspirational 29. GATEKEEP your time, energy and body 30. be hot & have fun








