The Grading Podcast

Sharona Krinsky and Robert Bosley
The Grading Podcast

Grading is an extremely important and largely unexamined piece of the classroom puzzle. In this weekly podcast, Sharona Krinsky and Robert Bosley, two long time classroom instructors from the K-12 and Higher Ed worlds, explore the nuts and bolts of grading student work. From looking at traditional grading practices to other types of grading such as alternative grading, equitable grading, ungrading, and more, join us as we and our guests provide the research, practices, and details needed to create a more effective grading practice that supports student learning and success. For more information, check out our website,

  1. قبل ٥ أيام

    85 - Instructor Beliefs and Their Role in the Classroom - with Dr. Patrick Morriss

    In this week's episode we welcome Dr. Patrick Morriss back to the pod to discuss how instructor beliefs, about our students, our subject areas, ourselves, impact our classrooms and drive the educational outcomes of our students. Links Please note - any books linked here are likely Amazon Associates links. Clicking on them and purchasing through them helps support the show. Thanks for your support! Episode 78 – Looking more at Proficiency Scales – Doing “Bee” Work: An Interview with Patrick MorrissThe Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America, by Richard RothsteinRace for Profit: How Banks and the Real Estate Industry Undermined Black Homeownership, by Keeanga-Yamahtta TaylorPoverty, by America, by Matthew DesmondRehumanizing Mathematics for Black, Indigenous, and Latinx Students, by Rochelle GutierrezArise: The Art of Transformational Coaching, by Elena AguilarVisible Learning: The Sequel: A Synthesis of Over 2,100 Meta-Analyses Relating to Achievement, by John HattieMathfest, by the MAA Resources The Center for Grading Reform - seeking to advance education in the United States by supporting effective grading reform at all levels through conferences, educational workshops, professional development, research and scholarship, influencing public policy, and community building. The Grading Conference - an annual, online conference exploring Alternative Grading in Higher Education & K-12. Some great resources to educate yourself about Alternative Grading: The Grading for Growth BlogThe Grading ConferenceThe Intentional Academia Blog Recommended Books on Alternative Grading: Grading for Growth, by Robert Talbert and David Clarka...

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  2. ١٩ شعبان

    84 - Standards Based Grading in Engineering, A Method for Focusing on Learning - an interview with Dr. Corin Bowen

    Description In this episode, Sharona and Bosley talk with Dr. Corin Bowen, an Engineering Education researcher and assistant professor in the Civil Engineering department at California State University Los Angeles. We talk about student motivation and engagement, the opportunities that standards-based grading has provided Dr. Bowen's students, and what it was link to come in to a course that had already been redesigned to use standards-based grading as a new instructor. Join us as we talk grading structures, critical pedagogy, the power of undergraduate instructional student assistants and so much else. Resources The Center for Grading Reform - seeking to advance education in the United States by supporting effective grading reform at all levels through conferences, educational workshops, professional development, research and scholarship, influencing public policy, and community building. The Grading Conference - an annual, online conference exploring Alternative Grading in Higher Education & K-12. Some great resources to educate yourself about Alternative Grading: The Grading for Growth BlogThe Grading ConferenceThe Intentional Academia Blog Recommended Books on Alternative Grading: Grading for Growth, by Robert Talbert and David ClarkSpecifications Grading, by Linda NilsenUndoing the Grade, by Jesse Stommel Follow us on Bluesky, Facebook and Instagram - @thegradingpod. To leave us a comment, please go to our website: and leave a comment on this episode's page. If you would like to be considered to be a guest on this show, please reach out using the Contact Us form on our website, All content of this podcast and website are solely the opinions of the hosts and guests and do not necessarily represent the views of California State University Los Angeles or the Los Angeles Unified School District. Music Country Rock performed by Lite Saturation, licensed under a a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer"...

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  3. ١٢ شعبان

    83 - Starting the Conversation About Grading with Others Before They Realize You Are Talking About Grading

    Join us as we explore small ways to open a conversation about grading with other people, without them necessarily realizing that its a conversation about grading. In this episode, Sharona and Bosley talk about 7 ways you can crack the door open on grading. Everything from using the four pillars to finding common ground and discussing why we teach. If we listen carefully, there are more ways than we realize to turn small moments of opportunity into larger conversations. Links Please note - any books linked here are likely Amazon Associates links. Clicking on them and purchasing through them helps support the show. Thanks for your support! Taking the Grading Conversation PublicWhen We Talk About Grading We Are Talking About PeopleUngrading, AI, and Feedback as Scholarly WorkThe End of Grades: An Afterward to Undoing the Grade Seven Opportunities to Open Up the Conversation About Grading Pick a PillarTalk About PurposeFind Common PrinciplesDiscuss What Will NOT ChangeThink About SystemsTalk About PeopleAsk Why We Teach Resources The Center for Grading Reform - seeking to advance education in the United States by supporting effective grading reform at all levels through conferences, educational workshops, professional development, research and scholarship, influencing public policy, and community building. The Grading Conference - an annual, online conference exploring Alternative Grading in Higher Education & K-12. Some great resources to educate yourself about Alternative Grading: The Grading for Growth BlogThe Grading ConferenceThe Intentional Academia Blog Recommended Books on Alternative Grading: Grading for Growth, by Robert Talbert and David ClarkSpecifications Grading, by Linda Nilsena...

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  4. ٦ شعبان

    82 - The Impact of Retakes - MORE results are in! Also, get ready for the 2025 Grading Conference!

    We're finally seeing some results from all the work that this community has been putting in! In this episode, Sharona and Bosley dive in to newly published research about the impact of "second-chance quizzes" on students' perceptions of self-determination. We also dive in to the impact of retakes on student success in Precalculus. Additionally, registration, volunteer opportunities, and abstract submissions are all available for the 2025 Grading Conference! Links Please note - any books linked here are likely Amazon Associates links. Clicking on them and purchasing through them helps support the show. Thanks for your support! Undergraduate STEM Students’Perceptions of Grading Practices Revealthat Quiz Retakes Positively ImpactDrivers of Self-determination by Tripp, B. et alNot All Limits are the Same from the Grading for Growth BlogEpisode 41 - Second Chance Grading: How Small, Gentle Approach to Changing Grading Led to Research Into Alt GradingEpisode 9 - Reassessment Carnivals: An Interview with Kate OwensEpisode 70 - A Reassessments Deep Dive with Beck PepplerIntentional Academia by Robert TalbertGetting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen Resources The Center for Grading Reform - seeking to advance education in the United States by supporting effective grading reform at all levels through conferences, educational workshops, professional development, research and scholarship, influencing public policy, and community building. The Grading Conference - an annual, online conference exploring Alternative Grading in Higher Education & K-12. Some great resources to educate yourself about Alternative Grading: The Grading for Growth BlogThe Grading ConferenceThe Intentional Academia Blog Recommended Books on Alternative Grading: Grading for Growth, by Robert Talbert and David Clarka...

    ٥٩ من الدقائق
  5. ٢٨ رجب

    81 - The role of DBER in researching the impact of Alternative Grading Practices, an interview with Dr. Jenny Momsen

    In this episode, Sharona and Bosley talk with Dr. Jenny Momsen, faculty member in the department of Biological Sciences at North Dakota State University and head of the Discipline-Based Education Research Ph.D. program. Jenny is one of the organizers of The Grading Conference and actively researches the impact of alternative grading on students ability to learn and integrate their knowledge about complex biological systems. Links Please note - any books linked here are likely Amazon Associates links. Clicking on them and purchasing through them helps support the show. Thanks for your support! Alternative Grading Practices in Undergraduate STEM Education: A Scoping ReviewImproving performance and retention in introductory biology with a utility-value intervention, by Canning et alIncreased Course Structure Improves Performance in Introductory Biology by Freeman et alDeveloping Resilient, Equity-Conscious TeachersGiving Marks that Indicate Progress - from the Grading for Growth Blog Resources The Center for Grading Reform - seeking to advance education in the United States by supporting effective grading reform at all levels through conferences, educational workshops, professional development, research and scholarship, influencing public policy, and community building. The Grading Conference - an annual, online conference exploring Alternative Grading in Higher Education & K-12. Some great resources to educate yourself about Alternative Grading: The Grading for Growth BlogThe Grading ConferenceThe Intentional Academia Blog Recommended Books on Alternative Grading: Grading for Growth, by Robert Talbert and David ClarkSpecifications Grading, by Linda Nilsena...

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  6. ٢١ رجب

    80: The Results are IN! Traditional Grading and Alternative Grading Went HEAD TO HEAD!!! What happened?

    In this episode, Sharona and Bosley share some of the top line results of a direct comparison between traditional grading and alternative grading. In a tightly coordinated course with many instructors, sections and students, half of the sections used traditional grading and half used alternative grading. This is a fascinating dive into what does "traditional" grading mean, and how do those impacts show up in the classroom. Please note - at the time of this recording we are still dealing with the ongoing fires in Los Angeles. If you are interested in helping, there are links before specifically for disaster relief. Links Links this week are just for supporting the LA fire efforts. A few recommended charities include: World Central Kitchen - California Relief EffortsWildfire Relief through the Pasadena Humane SocietyLos Angeles Regional Food Back - Disaster Relief Fund Resources The Center for Grading Reform - seeking to advance education in the United States by supporting effective grading reform at all levels through conferences, educational workshops, professional development, research and scholarship, influencing public policy, and community building. The Grading Conference - an annual, online conference exploring Alternative Grading in Higher Education & K-12. Some great resources to educate yourself about Alternative Grading: The Grading for Growth BlogThe Grading ConferenceThe Intentional Academia Blog Recommended Books on Alternative Grading: Grading for Growth, by Robert Talbert and David ClarkSpecifications Grading, by Linda Nilsena...

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  7. ١٤ رجب

    79 - Reaching Critical Mass: A Schoolwide Implementation of Alt Grading, How Feedback changes Student Interactions, and Other Tidbits from Phil Stringer

    In this episode, Sharona and Bosley have a wide-ranging conversation with Phil Stringer, Head of Mathematics at the Crofton House School in Vancouver, BC. From starting standards-based grading with AP Calculus BC to leading a schoolwide implementation of standards-based grading, Phil shares a variety of experiences and things he has learned through helping instructors switch to a standards-based grading model. Links Please note - any books linked here are likely Amazon Associates links. Clicking on them and purchasing through them helps support the show. Thanks for your support! Crofton House SchoolPhil Stringer, LinkedInMake It Stick, by Peter Brown and Henry RoedigerPacific Institute of Mathematical Sciences Resources The Center for Grading Reform - seeking to advance education in the United States by supporting effective grading reform at all levels through conferences, educational workshops, professional development, research and scholarship, influencing public policy, and community building. The Grading Conference - an annual, online conference exploring Alternative Grading in Higher Education & K-12. Some great resources to educate yourself about Alternative Grading: The Grading for Growth BlogThe Grading ConferenceThe Intentional Academia Blog Recommended Books on Alternative Grading: Grading for Growth, by Robert Talbert and David ClarkSpecifications Grading, by Linda NilsenUndoing the Grade, by Jesse Stommel Follow us on Bluesky, Facebook and Instagram - @thegradingpod. To leave us a comment, please go to our website: and leave a comment on this episode's page. If you would like to be considered to be a guest on this show, please reach out using the Contact Us form on our website, a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer"...

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  8. ٧ رجب

    78 - Looking more at Proficiency Scales - Doing "Bee" Work: An Interview with Patrick Morriss

    It has finally happened!! We have found an instructor who uses emoji's MORE than Sharona does!! Join us as we talk with Patrick Morriss, professor of Mathematics at Foothill College about his proficiency scales and grading system in Higher Ed Math. Links Please note - any books linked here are likely Amazon Associates links. Clicking on them and purchasing through them helps support the show. Thanks for your support! Patrick's Qualitative Grading SystemThe 5 Lemon Sheet - Daily Checkin Resources The Center for Grading Reform - seeking to advance education in the United States by supporting effective grading reform at all levels through conferences, educational workshops, professional development, research and scholarship, influencing public policy, and community building. The Grading Conference - an annual, online conference exploring Alternative Grading in Higher Education & K-12. Some great resources to educate yourself about Alternative Grading: The Grading for Growth BlogThe Grading ConferenceThe Intentional Academia Blog Recommended Books on Alternative Grading: Grading for Growth, by Robert Talbert and David ClarkSpecifications Grading, by Linda NilsenUndoing the Grade, by Jesse Stommel Follow us on Bluesky, Facebook and Instagram - @thegradingpod. To leave us a comment, please go to our website: and leave a comment on this episode's page. If you would like to be considered to be a guest on this show, please reach out using the Contact Us form on our website, All content of this podcast and website are solely the opinions of the hosts and guests and do not necessarily represent the views of California State University Los Angeles or the Los Angeles Unified School District. Music a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer"...

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التقييمات والمراجعات

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Grading is an extremely important and largely unexamined piece of the classroom puzzle. In this weekly podcast, Sharona Krinsky and Robert Bosley, two long time classroom instructors from the K-12 and Higher Ed worlds, explore the nuts and bolts of grading student work. From looking at traditional grading practices to other types of grading such as alternative grading, equitable grading, ungrading, and more, join us as we and our guests provide the research, practices, and details needed to create a more effective grading practice that supports student learning and success. For more information, check out our website,

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