This epic drama based on true events and real historical figures follows the lives of eight remarkable siblings throughout the turbulent times of the early 20th century, spanning the 1930s to include the Spanish Civil War, World War II and into the Cold War. In 1992, Atocha, is one of the last surviving siblings of her family, but through the apparatus of storytelling, she passes on family stories of her youth along with marking her siblings' achievements and struggles to her grandson, Luis who is visiting from the US during a summer trip to Spain. One of Atocha’s brothers, Jose del Castillo also known as “Teniente (Lieutenant) Castillo” was assassinated on July 12th, 1936. His murder sparked a series of events that led to the Spanish Civil War which most historians would argue was the first battle of World War II.
- 2 episódios
- Criado porLouie Canete
- Anos de atividade2 mil
- Episódios2
- ClassificaçãoLivre
- Site do podcast