25 min

103. A Self-Compassion Practice: Essential to Successful Weight Loss and Emotional Health and Wellbeing Health Bite

    • Nutrition

Leave Health Bite a Feedback.Click This Link.Have you done something recently that you really wish you hadn't done? Did you get upset and hard on yourself over the thought that you could’ve done things differently? As humans, we are imperfect by nature. We are bound to make mistakes again and again. Setbacks are inevitable; insecurities are always around. But really, that doesn’t mean that it’s the end of your journey towards achieving your goal. Being hard on ourselves for things t...

Leave Health Bite a Feedback.Click This Link.Have you done something recently that you really wish you hadn't done? Did you get upset and hard on yourself over the thought that you could’ve done things differently? As humans, we are imperfect by nature. We are bound to make mistakes again and again. Setbacks are inevitable; insecurities are always around. But really, that doesn’t mean that it’s the end of your journey towards achieving your goal. Being hard on ourselves for things t...

25 min