AMA | How To STOP Asking For Permission To Feel, Heal + Live Your Best Life

Wellness + Wisdom | Episode 695
Wellness + Wisdom Podcast Host and Wellness Force Media CEO, Josh Trent, shares three ways of how we ask for permission and why we've been conditioned to need a permission slip from others.
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Listen To Episode 695 As Josh Trent Answers Your Questions [02:30] Are You Still Asking For A Permission Slip?
I love that movie, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Have you ever seen that? There's many versions. Yeah, I've seen the one with Johnny Depp. That's my favorite. Such a good one.
What I loved in that was this metaphor of the golden ticket. You remember the young boy who won the golden ticket and he was impoverished and he went to the factory and out of all the people, Willy Wonka chose him to be the guaranteed running CEO of the Chocolate Factory.
And I thought it was such a cool story because I'm like, wow, that's such a beautiful metaphor.
All of us are looking at some point in our journey for the golden ticket. We're all looking for this permission slip to let our light shine, to be gold, basically, to be first for ourselves.
And I think why we connect with this movie so much, not only that it follows the hero's journey is in Star Wars and Indiana Jones, and basically every movie ever is based on Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey, separation, initiation and return.
But I love this metaphor as a jumping-off point for our AMA today, because I think about why that story of the chocolate factory is so inspiring.
It's because you see a young boy who is in and in pain and he is gifted this external ticket that allows him to share the love and the humility and just the softness and the pureness that was in his heart.
That's why he beat the other children in the movie, because he was so pure and he just wanted so much to share his love of chocolate or whatever our thing is that I believe that's how we really ask for permission.
There's 3 ways I think we ask for permission. And let me know if you can relate to this.
Are you in your life currently so overloaded and so stressed that you feel like you're waiting for the golden ticket?
You feel like you're waiting for someone or something or something else to come in and give you that deep breath of love in your heart and give you the validation of your external circumstance, giving you what you think you need before you actually reorganize yourself because it works backwards, y'all.
And we talked about this on so many shows. Gosh, Mar, I feel like it's the last 5 shows we've put out that this same concept of you reorganize yourself, you do the healing within yourself, and then the world reorganizes itself around you.
Yet, because of our training and because we intellectualize permission and empowerment, we tend to wait for something outside of ourselves to give us permission to go and to grow and to do the thing regardless what's around us.
I can relate to this. I was $80, 000 in debt when I started this podcast. I put my mom in a mental home. I broke up with a woman I thought I was going to be with, and I was having health issues, and I got fired from a safe corporate job. It was like 5 uppercuts all at once.
It was not exactly the proving ground, the perfect place for me to start a podcast. But I did it anyways, I gave myself permission. And this is really what I want to explore today.
There's 3 ways that I think we allow permission in our life. Number 1, we give ourselves permission, either through joy or pain, because we just love ourselves and trust ourselves, and believe in ourselves enough to do the thing that our soul wants us to do.
The second way that we ask for permission, which is unfortunately too much, is that we ask others around us who we think are better than us, or who we think have the golden ticket or the answer, we want the permission slip from them.
Remember when you're in school, Mar, and you'd have to like raise your hand to go to the bathroom, and you get a little permission slip to go to the bathroom?
Or if you're late to class, or if you went to the doc, you get what's called a permission slip. Do you remember that back in the day? Same thing in Czechoslovakia, you get permission slips?
Not exactly. Like, if you wanted to go to the bathroom, you would just raise your hand and they would send you to the bathroom. You don't need a ticket, you just go.
Isn't that crazy? You have to ask for permission, right? And I get that, because my son tries to delay bedtime for like 3 hours. So at some point I'm like, okay, let's just go to bed. Schools have to do the same thing.
But we ask for permission so much because we don't have the agency of choice or of trust. We haven't built that through life experience yet.
And then the third way, really that's honestly the most important way, which is piggyback of number 2, is to get permission from God. To get permission from God.
I am not a religious man per se, but I really love parts of the Bible. And Mark 11:24 in the Bible says, therefore I say unto you, whatever things ye so desire when ye pray, believe that ye receive them and ye shall have them.
And we learned in the episode with Daniele Kathryn Hage, that there's a piece of that that's missing. And we'll link this in the show notes today for our episode with Daniele. It was really amazing.
The most misunderstood phrase from Mark 11:24 is, in alignment with God's will. So thank God and praise you if you've received it and share with God what you're willing to do upon receiving your prayer that you're going to be of service for and humbly ask if it is in God's will that this transpires.
You can see the missing piece here, right? And this is what people get wrong about the LOA is they're like, I want the money, I want the car.
They're looking for their outside experience to change before they believe that they have it, before they act as if they are embodied in their prayer.
So 3 ways we ask for permission.
Number 1, we love ourselves enough to develop the courage to give ourselves permission.
Number 2, which so many people fall into, we ask our teachers, society, school, people we think are better than us for permission.
And then really most importantly, number 3, we get permission from God. We get permission from God only by having time in solitude and in prayer and in being still enough to know that we are being granted our dream and granted our desires by God, because we have shared with God and ourselves what we're gonna do to be of service once we get the permission slip us to do the thing we wanna do.
So, there are 1 of these 3 that I think you can relate to...
[24:40] The Journey to Liberation
I feel like the greatest gift we can give is to liberate ourselves. That's what the Liberated Life tribe is all about.
And so if you're listening to this, if you're feeling this, and you want to have conversations like this, head over to and sign up for waiting list because we're launching this community in 2025.
You know, liberation, it only comes from giving yourself permission and a connection to a higher power.
I've never met, to quote Paul Chek again, it's hard to find an atheist in a foxhole because as soon as people are confronted with their death, they all of a sudden have a connection to God.
They're all of a sudden humbled enough to reach out to something outside of them.
And so if all of us can give ourselves permission, hav
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