Armstrong & Getty On Demand
The official, On-Demand podcast of The Armstrong & Getty Show! Accept no substitutes!
Hosts & Guests
IMHO—THE SHOW IS TOTALLY WORTH IT, even with the ads. Do the podcast, and use Siri to skip ahead.
Mar 16
They’ve been in my life since about 1999 or so. Let’s face it, any long time listener has an affinity for them, because we know them, we know their life story, and yes there may be things that are annoying at times. (for example, I don’t like their sexual innuendos that get over the top of times) But the show is 95% awesome and their conversation is almost always great stuff. Their conservative views are a breath of fresh air and they are hilarious in the process. Regarding those occasional annoying things such as ads or inappropriate language, it’s so easy to deal with. HEY SIRI, SKIP AHEAD 2 MINUTES. If you go too far, say “hey Siri go back 20 seconds.” You get the point .
Set your fast forward to 5 min.
Commercials are out of control. 5 min commercials every 5 min on some episodes. I have been listening for many years and the inflation rate of commercials is too dam high. Jack and Joe, please listen to a few of your podcasts, and tell me you like it.
Losing Patience
Feb 28
I love these guys but now days listening to the live program is almost impossible. I instead do the podcast. Still, it seems like I’m spending more and more time fast forwarding through the endless commercials. I know they have to generate revenue but please!
Love the show, hate the ads
Been listening for 15 years. The ads on the podcast are absurd. I think it’s apple, not A&G, but it’s strangling the enjoyment from the experience. Then add in their ads for simply safe and sports betting and it makes half the runtime advertisements. It needs to be better.
everyone complaining about the ads is correct. It’s insane. There’s more ads on the podcast than the radio show has! And they are all in Spanish or products for women. Whoever places them is ripping these guys off bigly
The slap
I’m just glad they stopped crying about slapping the food from their mouth
Best Podcast out there!!
Has WAY too many ads on the podcast. I only get about 20 minutes of actual content and the rest is ads. On another note, it’s great non bias Truthful happenings of what’s really going on in this world. Plus they are hilarious! Amongst a lot of serious stuff they still make me laugh out loud!
We bought our house and beautiful eastern Tennessee in 2016 with the plan to move out of California when our kids were done with school. We made that move last October and I can truly say that the only things I miss from California are some friends and the A&G show. So happy to be able to listen via the podcast!
Hook you with humor, appall you with bigotry
Total bigots who hook you with the humor. They’re actually funny. Great chemistry. Stick around long enough and you’ll see the true bigotry. Waste of my time.
Jack and Joe make my day!
I have been listening for 23 years and I can’t imagine my day without them. The only way I want to find out the news. They’re honest, measured and hilarious!!!
- Channel
- CreatoriHeartPodcasts
- Years Active2017 - 2025
- Episodes2K
- RatingExplicit
- Copyright2025 iHeartMedia, Inc. © Any use of this intellectual property for text and data mining or computational analysis including as training material for artificial intelligence systems is strictly prohibited without express written consent from iHeartMedia
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