The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show

The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show. Clay Travis and Buck Sexton tackle the biggest stories in news, politics and current events with intelligence and humor. From the border crisis, to the madness of cancel culture and far-left missteps, Clay and Buck guide listeners through the latest headlines and hot topics with fun and entertaining conversations and opinions.
Hosts & Guests
Feb 3
Yes, I would like to order a Bernie Sanders with a side of onesies and a medium fruit flute
Talk about garbage
4d ago
In fairness I’ve only listen to ONE show (the one showing on the Ted Cruz feed). THAT BEING SAID: Absolutely RINO (Repub. In Name Only) garbage. I was hoping for Ted to make an appearance….. at 10 minutes left, NOPE. I stopped and started this review. I sincerely hope their other shows are better than this one. I ALSO hope they didn’t pay for a circulation fee to Ted Cruz …. Although the people enjoying his co-host are RINO (based on the co-host) so that may be the case.
35 - 45 mins per hour
Feb 21
I thought this was a political talk show. Travis turns it to sports to often. Losing interest in this podcast.
Check out Portsmouth Naval Hospital
Jan 31
Love your podcast and commentary ! A recent harrowing experience at Portsmouth Naval Medical hospital . Retired Air Force husband . Major heart attack , happened while told a 5 hour wait with heart pains , young man checking us in had very broken English so the communication wasn’t clear and difficult to understand . The waiting room was horrific and disgusting . I can’t imagine what the rest of the hospital looks like . Please ask Sec Hegseth to look at that major hospital for the military in Portsmouth VA. Thank god husband was transported to a local heart hospital and surgery there from local cardiologist saved his life . The attitude that our military deserves these horrible conditions is shameful . This place use to be decent and was shocked to see the mess and decline . Thank you
- Channel
- CreatorPremiere Networks
- Years Active2020 - 2025
- Episodes2K
- RatingClean
- Copyright2025 iHeartMedia, Inc. © Any use of this intellectual property for text and data mining or computational analysis including as training material for artificial intelligence systems is strictly prohibited without express written consent from iHeartMedia
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