1 hr 4 min

81 | The Walt Disney of Superconnectors- Eric Sullivan, CEO of Thumos B2B Community Builder Show (formerly Chief Executive Connector)

    • Marketing

Eric Sullivan is my favorite kind of person to speak with (as you'll quickly find out in this episode.)He's a superconnector of superconnectors. He's a visionary of visionaries. He's overcome dyslexia and substance abuse to create a fascinating company, Thumos, that is creating the category of Mechanized Market Development- a category that fits neatly into what I need to do to design my category of Relationship Scaling.We had a deep, exciting conversation about growth, leadership, the i...

Eric Sullivan is my favorite kind of person to speak with (as you'll quickly find out in this episode.)He's a superconnector of superconnectors. He's a visionary of visionaries. He's overcome dyslexia and substance abuse to create a fascinating company, Thumos, that is creating the category of Mechanized Market Development- a category that fits neatly into what I need to do to design my category of Relationship Scaling.We had a deep, exciting conversation about growth, leadership, the i...

1 hr 4 min