Becoming Wiser

Dr. Robert A. Rohm
Becoming Wiser

Becoming Wiser helps you discover more about yourself and others, and improve your knowledge, skills, and results, in the areas of finance, business, health, family, relationships, and spirituality. Join Dr. Robert A. Rohm, author and world-renowned public speaker, as he shares stories involving his experiences and lessons learned in a good-spirited, positive, and fun way.

  1. 2 DAYS AGO

    The Three Keys to Unlocking a Fulfilling Life

    You might not realize it, but there are three things happening in your brain all the time, influencing everything you do. These three elements determine how you think, feel, and act, shaping your entire experience of life. Most people go through life unaware of them, but once you understand what they are and how to work with them, everything changes. Hi, I’m Dr. Robert Rohm, and in my latest podcast episode, I break down the three crucial parts of your brain that you need to master to live a more joyful, successful, and fulfilling life. It took me years to figure this out, but I’m sharing it with you in the hopes it saves you some of the struggle. Here’s what you’ll learn: * Mind: This is your thought processor. It shapes how you interpret everything in life. If you’re thinking positive, constructive thoughts, your experience of life improves dramatically. * Emotions: Your feelings follow your thoughts. Whatever you’re thinking, your emotions will follow suit. Learn how to better manage your emotional responses, and you’ll feel more in control and less reactive to the world around you. * Will: This is the decider. It’s the part of your brain that takes what you think and feel, and makes the final call. The key? Learning to make wise decisions, regardless of how you might feel in the moment. When you understand how these three work together, it becomes much easier to make choices that align with the life you want to live. This episode dives into practical examples that will help you not only grasp these concepts, but put them to use immediately. It’s about recognizing that you are in control. You may not always control your circumstances, but you can control how you think, feel, and decide to respond. Why Should You Listen? By mastering the connection between your mind, emotions, and will, you’ll: * Improve how you handle tough situations. * Make better decisions that lead to better outcomes. * Find more joy in everyday life by feeling more in control. * Learn to stop reacting based purely on emotions and start making choices that support the life you want. This episode isn’t just about understanding these three elements—it’s about putting them to work for you. Whether you’re feeling stuck, frustrated, or just curious how to take your personal growth to the next level, this conversation will give you the tools to create lasting change. So, take a few minutes to tune in. Your mind, your emotions, and your future self will thank you for it. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

    38 min
  2. 4 DAYS AGO

    Three Simple Keys to Lasting Joy

    Discover why chasing happiness isn't enough and learn how to cultivate lasting joy in your life. Dr. Robert Rohm shares his profound insights into how joy differs from happiness and provides three transformative principles that will change how you view life's challenges. Whether you’re dealing with financial struggles, health issues, or relationship problems, this podcast offers a fresh, empowering perspective. Listen in to understand why joy can be your constant companion, even when happiness seems fleeting. Here are five key takeaways from the session that I think are worth keeping in mind: * Happiness vs. Joy Happiness is linked to our external happenings, but joy is deeper and independent of circumstances. * God is in Control Even when life seems chaotic, the settled assurance that God is in control can bring us immense joy. * Everything Will Be Alright Hold on to the quiet confidence that, ultimately, things will work out, even in stormy times. * Determined Choice to Praise Joy comes from a conscious decision to praise and trust in God's larger plan, even when we can't see the full picture. * Attitude of Gratitude Embracing joy can inadvertently lead to greater happiness. It's all about giving God time to work and keeping that gratitude flowing. Dr. Robert A. Rohm is a well-known speaker, author, and expert in the fields of communication, leadership, and personality assessment. He is the founder of Personality Insights, Inc., a company that provides resources and training programs to help individuals and organizations improve communication and build positive relationships. Dr. Rohm has authored several books, including "Positive Personality Profiles" and "Taking Flight!: Master the DISC Styles to Transform Your Career, Your Relationships, Your Life". He is also a sought-after speaker and has conducted training sessions and seminars for businesses, schools, and organizations across the world. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

    17 min
  3. OCT 9

    Your Greatest Strength Lies in Your Words

    What if the key to better relationships and personal growth lies in the words you use every day? In my new podcast episode, we explore the incredible power of our speech. Together, we'll learn strategies to speak positively, avoid unnecessary conflicts, and bring out the best in ourselves and others. I invite you to listen and discover how mastering your words can make a real difference. Key Takeaways: * Your Words Are Your Most Powerful Asset: The way you speak defines who you are and can greatly impact others. * Words Can Build Up or Tear Down: Positive words encourage and uplift, while negative words can hurt and destroy. * Practice Makes Perfect: Using words wisely is a daily effort that requires constant attention and practice. * It's Accessible to Everyone: Speaking kindly doesn't cost anything and is something anyone can do. * Three Strategies to Control Your Speech: * Let it go this one time. * Ask yourself if you'd say something if you weren't there. * Consider if you'd hold your tongue for a big reward. * Restraint Is Valuable: Holding back harsh words can be more rewarding than you think. * Personal Growth Through Words: Being mindful of your speech can improve your relationships and character. * Positive Communication Is Key: Even when correcting someone, do it with kindness. * 24-Hour Challenge: For the next day, only speak positive words or stay silent. * Small Changes Make a Big Difference: Adjusting how you speak can transform your life and those around you. Dr. Robert A. Rohm is a well-known speaker, author, and expert in the fields of communication, leadership, and personality assessment. He is the founder of Personality Insights, Inc., a company that provides resources and training programs to help individuals and organizations improve communication and build positive relationships. Dr. Rohm has authored several books, including "Positive Personality Profiles" and "Taking Flight!: Master the DISC Styles to Transform Your Career, Your Relationships, Your Life". He is also a sought-after speaker and has conducted training sessions and seminars for businesses, schools, and organizations across the world. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

    17 min
  4. OCT 2

    What if Confusion Wasn’t a Setback, But Your Biggest Opportunity?

    Embrace the power of confusion as a gateway to deeper understanding. Discover how admitting when you’re confused is actually the key to greater wisdom and success. By the end of the episode, you’ll learn how to ask the right questions, gain clarity on things that stump you, and turn your challenges into opportunities to teach and lead others. Expect to leave this episode with practical insights on how to navigate new information with confidence and clarity. Key Points: * Tevye from Fiddler on the Roof demonstrates conflicting viewpoints and the importance of clarity. * Dr. Rohm shares his personal journey from confusion to understanding. * Two ways of being blessed: by confusion and by learning to teach what once confused him. * Encouragement not to feel ashamed if you don’t understand something immediately. * Importance of seeking help when confused in any area of life. * Examples of personal misunderstandings, from 4th-grade reading to business terms like "revenues." * The value of understanding new vocabulary, systems, and personality styles in different environments. * Story of learning the meaning behind abbreviations like "LBS" for pounds. * Why it's okay to ask for clarity when you're confused. * The power of communication and breaking down complex concepts into understandable terms. * Encouragement to become a communicator, not just an educator. * The podcast encourages bravery in admitting confusion and seeking clarity. Dr. Robert A. Rohm is a well-known speaker, author, and expert in the fields of communication, leadership, and personality assessment. He is the founder of Personality Insights, Inc., a company that provides resources and training programs to help individuals and organizations improve communication and build positive relationships. Dr. Rohm has authored several books, including "Positive Personality Profiles" and "Taking Flight!: Master the DISC Styles to Transform Your Career, Your Relationships, Your Life". He is also a sought-after speaker and has conducted training sessions and seminars for businesses, schools, and organizations across the world. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

    17 min
  5. SEP 25

    Master the 4-Part Formula for Memorable Stories

    Discover the four essential steps that are at the heart of every great story. Whether you’re watching a movie, reading a novel, or thinking of writing one yourself, these steps will give you the tools to recognize and appreciate how stories unfold. You’ll also gain a new perspective on famous films like The Sound of Music and Rocky as we explore their structure. By the end, you’ll be able to understand stories on a deeper level, and who knows, you may even be inspired to create your own! Show Notes * Understanding the 4 key steps to every great story * How these steps apply to movies, books, and even writing your own * Insights Dr. Rohm learned from a close friend and applied for over 30 years * Examples from The Sound of Music and Rocky to highlight these storytelling principles * Biblical parallels with the Easter story and the life of Jesus * How understanding these 4 steps can help you appreciate stories better or even create your own * Practical advice on recognizing these steps in any narrative, making you a more insightful reader or moviegoer Dr. Robert A. Rohm is a well-known speaker, author, and expert in the fields of communication, leadership, and personality assessment. He is the founder of Personality Insights, Inc., a company that provides resources and training programs to help individuals and organizations improve communication and build positive relationships. Dr. Rohm has authored several books, including "Positive Personality Profiles" and "Taking Flight!: Master the DISC Styles to Transform Your Career, Your Relationships, Your Life". He is also a sought-after speaker and has conducted training sessions and seminars for businesses, schools, and organizations across the world. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

    17 min
  6. SEP 18

    Conquer Your Fear of Public Speaking

    Overcoming the Fear of Public Speaking: A Journey from Kindergarten to Confidence Join an Upcoming Speakers Boot Camp: 5 Key Points of the Podcast Episode: * Overcoming the Fear of Public Speaking: Dr. Robert Rohm discusses how public speaking is one of the most common fears, comparable to the fear of being burned by fire, and offers insights on how to conquer this anxiety. * The Power of Having Something to Say: He emphasizes that effective public speaking starts with standing up and sharing a meaningful message, highlighting that the message's importance surpasses any personal apprehensions. * The Message Over the Messenger: Through a compelling story from his college days, Dr. Rohm illustrates that delivering crucial information is more important than worrying about how one is perceived by the audience. * Understanding Personality Styles Enhances Communication: By explaining the DISC model of human behavior, he shows how recognizing different personality types can improve communication and make public speaking more effective. * Public Speaking Skills Can Be Learned and Improved: Dr. Rohm introduces his Speakers Boot Camp as an opportunity for anyone to develop and refine their public speaking abilities, reinforcing that these skills are essential and attainable for personal and professional growth. In most surveys, the two biggest fears people have are being burned to death by fire and public speaking. Can you imagine that? The thought of standing up in front of others scares folks almost as much as the idea of being caught in a fire. Well, I won't be tackling how to escape a fire today, but I do want to help you overcome the fear of public speaking. Hi, I'm Dr. Robert Rohm. I've been speaking for close to 70 years now. My first experience was at my kindergarten graduation back in 1954. I was the master of ceremonies, dressed in a white tuxedo, welcoming everyone and introducing our play, "Goldilocks and the Three Bears." I still remember that moment vividly. Looking back, I realize my teachers must have noticed that I loved to talk. They gave me the chance to stand up and speak, and that simple act set the stage for the rest of my life. Over the years, I've learned that public speaking is less about talent and more about having something to say. I once taught a class of fourth graders this simple lesson: the secret to effective speaking is to stand up and speak. It sounds obvious, but it's true. The best speakers are those who have something to say and aren't afraid to say it. I also remember a story from my college days that changed my perspective on public speaking forever. My speech teacher, Dr. Seymour, told us about walking past a friend's house at 2 a.m. and noticing it was on fire. He asked us what kind of friend would he be if he didn't do everything possible to alert them. The point was clear: when you have an important message, it's your duty to share it, no matter how nervous you might feel. The message is more important than the messenger. Understanding different personality styles has also been key in my journey. Some people are outgoing and task-oriented, others are reserved and people-oriented. Knowing your own style and how to communicate with others can make a huge difference in how your message is received. That's why I'm passionate about our Speakers Boot Camp. We hold it twice a year in Atlanta, Georgia. It's a three-day event where we help people from all walks of life become confident, effective speakers. We have a team of coaches representing different personality styles who provide personalized feedback. Even Warren Buffett has said that public speaking is one of the most valuable skills you can learn. It's not just about speaking to large crowds; it's about communicating your message effectively in any situation. So, whether you're a teacher, a business professional, or someone who simply wants to share their story, I invite you to consider taking this step. Over

    18 min
  7. SEP 4

    Purpose-Driven Leadership: Insights from a Chick-fil-A Success Story

    Chris Darley, owner/operator at Chick-fil-A shares invaluable lessons on leadership, the power of understanding personality types, and the importance of slowing down to connect with your true purpose. By the end of this episode, you'll have a deeper understanding of how to lead with intention, mentor effectively, and cultivate a thriving work environment. Key Points: * Chris Darley's journey from a 16-year-old Chick-fil-A employee to owner/operator * Importance of purpose in career decisions * Application of DISC model in hiring and team management * Leadership development and delegation strategies * Insights into mentoring younger generations and instilling a strong work ethic * The value of slowing down to find purpose and meaning Dr. Robert A. Rohm is a well-known speaker, author, and expert in the fields of communication, leadership, and personality assessment. He is the founder of Personality Insights, Inc., a company that provides resources and training programs to help individuals and organizations improve communication and build positive relationships. Dr. Rohm has authored several books, including "Positive Personality Profiles" and "Taking Flight!: Master the DISC Styles to Transform Your Career, Your Relationships, Your Life". He is also a sought-after speaker and has conducted training sessions and seminars for businesses, schools, and organizations across the world. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

    39 min
out of 5
33 Ratings


Becoming Wiser helps you discover more about yourself and others, and improve your knowledge, skills, and results, in the areas of finance, business, health, family, relationships, and spirituality. Join Dr. Robert A. Rohm, author and world-renowned public speaker, as he shares stories involving his experiences and lessons learned in a good-spirited, positive, and fun way.

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