"When we're not afraid, we take very different actions in the world." -- Megan Macdonald Who would you be if you totally trusted Life? What would you create? How would you go about your day, stand, walk and talk? If you felt autonomous, provided for, and had everything you needed within you, how would that change your outlook? Our conversation about the ancient practice of Shivambu -- otherwise known as urine therapy -- continues with guests Megan Macdonald and Charlotte Gowdy. Today we dive deeper into the vibrational effects of this practice on the subtle aspect of our nature. The spiritual benefits of taking in your own essence. Which translates to deeper self-love, self-acceptance, trust, and confidence. I don’t know how to account for it – though undoubtedly some day we will be able to – but Shivambu does something wonderful in your energy field. It makes you fearless. There’s something woo-woo in there. Not to mention all the thousands of known elements that balance your body, mind and emotions from moment to moment. Didja know Big Pharma and the cosmetics industry know all about your quantum elixir? And that they’d prefer you NOT to know? You already ARE everything you’re seeking. Once you get this, no one will be able to sell you anything. No one will be able to frighten you into compliance. Once you really, truly know that everything is within, and FEEL it… you’re remembering the Truth. About Our Guests Megan Macdonald brings together self-healing methods and a background in the academic study of ritual and belief. She has seen the most profound changes in her own health through two methods in particular: the Self-Healing Dalian Method and Shivambhu or Urine Therapy. She has a PhD in the ‘Performance of Belief’ from Queen Mary, University of London and is a published author. She deals in taboo, exploring the unconscious and teaching the tools that lead to deep health in every aspect of life. In between yoga and knitting, she can be found swimming in the waters off the east coast of Canada. It was curiosity about her own chronic pain as a teenager that led Megan to investigate over 20 healing modalities. Shivambhu and the Dalian Method are the two most powerful methods she’s found to improve physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. These have also led to the biggest shifts in her clients. Megan offers her Personal Alchemy course throughout the year – guiding people through Shivambhu practices, daily habits for health, including fasting and cleansing. Since 2014 she has been working with individuals and groups, both in-person and online, to promote well-being, health, and raising consciousness. Megan is passionate about teaching Shivambhu with humour and fun! To connect with Megan: Instagram: @expansionhealing Facebook Charlotte Gowdy has trained extensively in the realms of sexuality and spirituality, through the lenses of Tantra, Taoism and Kundalini yoga. She is a certified Kundalini Yoga Instructor and an international teacher of clowning, improvisation and playfulness. She is a published poet, campfire fiddler, cold-water swimmer and a wild-woman who is living her dream life. She splits her time between the French Alps and a sea-side cottage on the East coast of Canada. Coming out of a wonderful 25-year career as a theatre actor and director, including seasons at Shaw Festival, Stratford Festival, and Canadian Stage, Charlotte has had the good fortune of teaching and coaching at colleges and universities across the globe, including in North America, Europe and South America. As a personal trainer in physical embodiment and spiritual evolution, Charlotte is passionate about helping people connect with their innate power through the conscious activation, cultivation and upward channelling of their creative, life-force energy. Life is a gift. Tout est possible! To Connect with Charlotte: Find her on Facebook: @CharlotteGowdy Email: charlottegowdy@gmail.com *MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: The information provided on the site is for educational purposes only and does not substitute for professional medical advice. Consult a medical professional or healthcare provider if you seek medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment. Claire Lautier, Megan Macdonald, and Charlotte Gowdy are not liable for risks or issues associated with using or acting upon the information in this podcast.* ___________________________________________________________________________________ Bonus Links! As a Spiritual Coach, Certified Life Mastery Consultant, and Certified Teacher of Kundalini Yoga, I provide impactful, transformational coaching through a variety of powerful programs.Work with me. Learn The 3 Biggest Mistakes Most Artists Make That Sabotage Success, Impact and Livelihood (and how to avoid them)! Newsletter Signup Submit your questions for Q&A: https://www.clairelautier.com/q-a-page Follow me on social:InstagramFacebook