Box in the Basement
"Box in the Basement" is a compelling new podcast created by Arlene, a woman whose life was forever changed by a family tragedy. The unsolved murder of her Uncle Leon Laurales serves as the catalyst for this investigative series. Disturbed by the lackluster investigation and the mystery that still surrounds his case, Arlene dives deep into the details of her uncle's story, uncovering the many problems that plagued the investigation. Her journey doesn't stop there, as she expands her focus to other unsolved cases in Central Texas. Each episode of "Box in the Basement" promises to shed light on the overlooked and forgotten mysteries in her local community, hoping to find answers and justice for those who have been silenced.
Binge this show!
So much empathy and love has been put into the making of this podcast. I love the hosts and the story’s have been very well researched.
Passion for Justice
Arelene and Leah have a genuine passion for justice - and not only justice for Arlene's Uncle Leon, whose case you'll hear the first few episodes, but also justice for every victim of an unsolved murder or missing person's case. On another note, one of my favorite things, for whatever reason, is to hear someone's progress as they navigate their way through a passion project, especially when it's new territory for them. In just a short handfull of episodes, Arlene and Leah's story writing, narration, and production has progressed enviably. Proud to be friends with these intelligent and empathetic folks and am looking forward to many, many more episodes. A million stars.
Thank you
Sarah sent me 😊❤️
Great so far
Sarah from Voices for Justice sent me! Arlene seems like Sarah’s kindred spirit, caring so much about victims and justice. Arlene has a great voice but I love when Leah narrates.
- CreatorArlene, Leah, Bree
- Years Active2023 - 2024
- Episodes53
- RatingExplicit
- Copyright© 2024 Box in the Basement
- Show Website
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