College & Career Readiness Radio

T.J. Vari
College & Career Readiness Radio

College & Career Readiness Radio with T.J. Vari A podcast about all things career and college readiness. Brought to you by MaiaLearning.


  1. Disrupting the Status Quo in Education with Peter Hostrawser and Alli Dahl

    4 DE MAR.

    Disrupting the Status Quo in Education with Peter Hostrawser and Alli Dahl

    Our guests for this episode of College & Career Readiness Radio is Peter Hostrawser and Alli Dahl. Alli starts by talking about what it means to disrupt education, which she says is all about how to reach learners in the 21st century. Peter says that innovative schools are changing the narrative of what schools are and what they can provide for students. Don’t miss what Alli says about the work-based learning program that Jason Van Nus runs in Georgia. Peter says that “durable skills” should be taught “K through gray.” Alli tells listeners that the best school leaders are the ones who get out of the way of really innovative ideas, and they facilitate innovation by removing any red-tape. Peter talks about his admiration for Don Wettrick’s work, and Alli mentions Sylvester Chisom as someone who is really doing innovative things, including building houses as work-based learning. Alli says that all teachers need coaches, and we often need a precipitating event to get us out of our own way when it comes to change. Listen to her connection with skydiving. Peter tells listeners that LinkedIn is the space to go if they want to share or learn. Please connect with all of us there. He says that we should all be telling stories about the great things that are happening in our schools and classrooms, especially innovative teachers and CTE programs. Alli ends the show by saying that there’s no better way to invest in the community than to expose students to all of the wonderful things that are happening in it. “Get them out of the school and into local businesses and organizations.”

  2. Graduating from College Debt-Free with Jeannie Burlowski

    18 DE FEV.

    Graduating from College Debt-Free with Jeannie Burlowski

    Our guest for this episode of College & Career Readiness is Jeannie Burlowski. Jeannie starts off the episode with her passion for getting students through college without debt. She has been an academic strategist for the last 25 years. Don’t miss what she says about her clients who have $180K worth of debt with time left in school. Her advice for students and families is priceless–helping students to avoid loan debt. She tells listeners that a lot of what students are told about college is simply a lie. Jeannie says that her book is always being updated because she learns new ideas all the time for saving themselves from college debt. She’s a proponent of career assessments to help students learn more about what they want to do, and no one needs to go to a fancy school to have a happy life. Jeannie says that counselors are the lifeblood of the college and career readiness conversation, but they don’t have enough time to do that part of the job, which is why they need a tool. Jeannie suggests the use of MaiaLearning to help counselors accomplish this. Don’t miss the tips and tricks that she outlines for counselors to use with students and families to use at home, including career assessment and tuition assistance. You’ll want to hear what she says toward the end of the show about CLEPs exams and Modern States. Finally, go to for help with a debt-free experience. If you want to learn about a technology platform that Jeannie references during the show, book a demo with Book a time to discuss college and career readiness with the host of the show, Dr. T.J. Vari.

  3. College Access Is Easier than You Think with Cyekeia Lee

    4 DE FEV.

    College Access Is Easier than You Think with Cyekeia Lee

    Our guest for this episode of College & Career Readiness Radio is Cyekeia Lee. Cyekeia starts by explaining the work she does in 58 high schools with the Detroit College Access Network (DCAN). She wants to ensure that “despite zip codes, students get what they need.” DCAN does professional learning with school counselors so that they’re aware of opportunities for access to college and universities for their students. Cyekeia emphasizes the fact that school counselors are often pressed for time and their focus is not always on college and career readiness, which is why DCAN is working to equip them with the tips and tools to maximize their effectiveness. Cyekeia talked about FAFSA completion and students’ sense of the purpose of college. DCAN has goals around FAFSA completion in Detroit, and you can’t miss the strategies that they’re using to connect with the communities. Listen to what she says about the FAFSA Blitz. She mentions some of the barriers to FAFSA completion and what they’re doing to try to overcome them. Cyekeia discusses policy implications in terms of what they’re intending to do and some of the hurdles in place to achieving better outcomes. She calls for more policies that bring the counselor to student ratios down and that the ownership of college and career readiness can’t just be on the school counselor. Cyekeia talks about ways in which students can access funding beyond the FAFSA to support college attainment in an affordable fashion. Students should be looking for every dollar possible. She says that the work of DCAN, and even the schools, wouldn’t work without strong community ties and community engagement at every level. Don’t miss what she says about Graduate 313 and college students around the nation who are champions in this effort to get more students to access postsecondary education. She mentions the many resources for schools and parents at the National College Access Network website. Cyekeia ends by telling listeners that college access is easier than you think. We need to communicate a new message to students that everyone can go to college and there are avenues to make it possible for all students. If you want to learn about a technology platform that solves a ton of the problems that Cyekeia talks about in the show, book a demo with Book a time to discuss college and career readiness with the host of the show, Dr. T.J. Vari.

  4. Effective Technology Integration in Schools with Adam Welcome

    21 DE JAN.

    Effective Technology Integration in Schools with Adam Welcome

    Our guest for this episode of College & Career Readiness is Adam Welcome. Adam starts with the fact that technology is ubiquitous and every profession from a mechanic to a medical doctor uses it. That’s why it’s so important to learn by using technology tools in school. He tells listeners that technology use in schools has to be effective because it’s typically not effective in the home. He says that school leaders need to rethink how they run their school and the types of technological advancements that are available to students at least every 3-5 years because of the way that technology changes and evolves. Adam says that he hasn’t been totally impressed with the use of AI tools in schools yet, and we should stay tuned to more effective uses of it. He talks about a more student-centered approach being the future, and that the adults need to learn to get out of the way, especially with technology because the kids already know how to use tools that the teachers haven’t yet mastered. Adam tells a story about how his daughter used a technology tool in a way that he would never have thought to tell her to do. He says that technology use in the classroom has potential to be the ultimate differentiation strategy because every student can work at their own pace using platforms and learning tools. Although he’s an advocate for CTE, he thinks that CTE has a branding problem and that kids need more opportunities to explore careers that they might not know about. Adam mentions a number of new pathways that students can take in their postsecondary journey. He talks about LinkedIn as a place for students to learn about jobs, but he’s referring to the need for college and career exploration in schools. When it comes to college and career readiness, he recommends Inc. Magazine and Fast Company Magazine as resources that he uses to stay informed. Adam’s final message to all educators, especially those who say that they don’t have time is: “What can you get rid of that is not relevant anymore?” If you want to learn about a technology platform that solves a ton of the problems that Adam talks about in the show, book a demo with Book a time to discuss college and career readiness with the host of the show, Dr. T.J. Vari.

  5. Frameworks for Postsecondary Success with Bill DeBaun

    9 DE JAN.

    Frameworks for Postsecondary Success with Bill DeBaun

    Our guest for this podcast episode is Bill DeBaun from NCAN. Bill starts by telling us about the work of the National College Attainment Network (NCAN), including the conference in 2025. Bill says that districts and states can use frameworks of success to ensure that students are reaching their postsecondary goals. We must treat college and career exploration as a subject matter like any other subject in schools, including exploration, lesson plans, and curriculum resources, so that every student has equal access to the knowledge and experiences they need for postsecondary planning. Bill tells listeners about Tempe Union High School District in Arizona and their special scope and sequence for college and career awareness. One of the best outcomes of a framework that teaches students about colleges and universities is that it can provide information to students who might not otherwise have access, and it can dispel myths about who college is for. One thing that students can learn as they explore college options is an understanding of how financial aid works and college affordability. Bill explains that the cost of college has gone up, but there are still many different ways to make it affordable for students who want to go. Bill talks about the importance of making sure that students understand the completion rates at the colleges and universities where they want to apply so that they know the likelihood of actually graduating with a credential. Bill and T.J. discuss credentialing and the fact that lots of important credentials are only available at 2- and 4-year colleges despite the rhetoric around not having to attend college after high school. Bill explains the kind of data that schools are using to track postsecondary success after graduation, including the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC). Bill says that senior exit surveys are often not an accurate representation of postsecondary attainment, and districts are surprised when they compare their rates of acceptance and matriculation to real numbers from the NSC. He tells listeners that a better use of survey data is on the front end of the student experience, such as asking them early in K-12 what their interests are and then building programs based on that. Bill mentions FAFSA as a data point that schools can analyze because it’s a solid indicator that students are returning to college year-over-year. Bill recommends the book, Ready, Willing, and Able by Mandy Savitz-Romer and Suzanne M. Bouffard. Bill’s final message is that the “water’s edge” of the K-12 experience cannot be high school graduation. The investment that we’re making in our students must lead to more than walking across a stage.

  6. Learning How to Learn with Dr. Jennifer Winward


    Learning How to Learn with Dr. Jennifer Winward

    Our Guest for this episode is Dr. Jennifer Winward from Winward Academy. Jennifer starts with her number one tip for parents and students as they prepare for postsecondary success, which is to embrace mistakes. The best way to learn how to learn is to be open to learning from your mistakes. Jennifer discusses the benefits of skill formation, including the durable skills that were featured in Episode One of College & Career Readiness Radio. Don’t miss what she says about the risks associated with college scholarships. Jennifer provides guidance on exactly how students can learn from a test that they took in school versus just looking at the grade and moving on. Particular to the math classroom, Dr. Winward recommends that students be given an opportunity to make test corrections and earn their points back for doing so. The conversation dives into the field of neuroscience and tips and tricks that educators can use to help students with remembering and retaining information. Also, check out Powerful Teaching by Pooja Agarwal and Patrice Bain. Jennifer describes the power in chunking information so that students can remember it better. Dr. Winward is an expert in the SAT and ACT examination; she tells listeners about huge technical changes to the test format and content. Check out Sold a Story in connection with the conversation about vocabulary attainment. Jennifer calls to action that all educators embrace learning theory and learn more about what we know about how people learn. Learn more about college and career readiness tools at Book a time to discuss college and career readiness with the host, Dr. T.J. Vari.

  7. Executive Functioning Skills with Mitch Weathers


    Executive Functioning Skills with Mitch Weathers

    Our guest for this podcast episode is Mitch Weathers. Executive functioning skills are the transferable durable skills that students need to be successful in school and life, including organizational habits, time management, goal setting, self-regulation, and more. The two main reasons that schools leave these skills to chance is time and know-how. Especially in secondary schools, the focus is on content and not necessarily the skills to access the content. Mitch is on a mission to change that so that kids are better prepared for college, career, and life in general. Mitch talks about the science of teaching as another aspect of what continues to be missing in schools, and he ultimately recommends Powerful Classrooms by Patrice Bain. One of the most important things that teachers can do to set students up for success is to ensure a predictable routine from classroom-to-classroom and day-to-day. Mitch says that it’s as important for teachers to be talking about their routines as it is for them to discuss lesson planning and curriculum resources. When students have a predictable routine, they can focus their attention on learning and not use their cognitive load on managing the task at hand. Mitch describes the fact that we’re often preparing students for jobs that don’t exist yet, which is a major reason why they need executive functioning skills even over some of the other content that we teach in schools. He tells a story about one of his own kids who has 6 teachers per day and that they all require different routines and procedures in their classrooms. We discuss the movement toward developing a Portrait of a Graduate and how durable skills, like executive functions, fit right into that conversation. We discuss the Huberman Lab episode about Optimal Protocols for Studying and Learning. Check out Organized Binder to learn more about Mitch and his work that helps students with college and career readiness. Learn more about college and career readiness tools at Book a time to discuss college and career readiness with the host, Dr. T.J. Vari.



College & Career Readiness Radio with T.J. Vari A podcast about all things career and college readiness. Brought to you by MaiaLearning.

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