Charges with Rex Chapman

Charges with Rex Chapman takes its audience on a journey through some of the most fascinating scandals that have rocked the world of sports – from brawls to betting to bribery, and everything in between. Hosted by Chapman, an NBA and Twitter legend, each episode centers around an interview with a famous athlete who ran afoul of the law. We’ll relive their rise to fame as well as their fall from grace – and hear their side of the events that changed their lives forever. Created by Portal A & CTRL Media Produced by DBPodcasts Executive Producers: Steve Nash, Ezra Holland, Brandon Kraines, Nate Houghteling & Todd Barrish
Hosts & Guests
Bring it back!
Mar 4
This show was great, wish some new episodes would come out.
Conor O’keefe Over Girffiend Katie Dylan Mueller
New York
Life changing
Listening to brutal honesty from Rex has made me a stronger, more honest man. WANT to encourage season 2!!!!
Not a good podcast. Rather listen to someone who isn’t such a uneducated doofus.
This was awful
This guy is the worst. His podcasts are lame, his voice is annoying. He def says the “N” word in private. He’s awful. I listened to his other awful podcast. That stunk too. His Twitter has to be written by someone else. This guy is the worst, the absolute worst.
Listened to a few episodes.
Lost me when I went back to episode 1 and heard him bragging about taking responsibility for getting people kicked off of twitter because of different political views.
Junkies Spouting Junk
Sadly, this fat, drug addled mug shot of Rex Chapman represents the peak of his life. His only talent is stealing the online content produced by others. Otherwise, he's a bigot and a failed basketball player who has no real insight.
Please don’t stop this podcast. I’m learning still, to learn and develop and deal with my problems. Every week I lean on this podcast. Just to feel normal. I have so much love to give for this podcast. The openness of Rex and all the guests. Personal issues and challenges…. I couldn’t be more thankful. Thank you Rex!!!! You’ve been a life changer to me…please please please continue! I’m begging you and this is a die hard C.A.R.D.S. Fan. You’re truly an inspiration and I love you for it and I’ve never even seen you. 41 year old man struggling with the daily.
Love it
Love it
Child molestor
Just a monstrous piece of human garbage
- Channel
- CreatoriHeartPodcasts
- Years Active2K
- Episodes21
- RatingExplicit
- Copyright2025 iHeartMedia, Inc. © Any use of this intellectual property for text and data mining or computational analysis including as training material for artificial intelligence systems is strictly prohibited without express written consent from iHeartMedia
- Show Website
- ProvideriHeartMedia + Entertainment, Inc
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