598 episodes

There are great masters such as Emerson, Plato and many Asian Masters (Lao Tzu) who are convinced that if mankind lived life according to the principles of nature, then we would be at peace with ourselves and with each other. It’s a philosophy not uncommon in the ways of the East but has yet to be fully grasped by the western world. I am hoping this modern way of presenting this ancient theme will resonate with you, irrespective of your cultural or religious background. If you are an inspired, openhearted professional who wants contentment more often, please enjoy this podcast.


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There are great masters such as Emerson, Plato and many Asian Masters (Lao Tzu) who are convinced that if mankind lived life according to the principles of nature, then we would be at peace with ourselves and with each other. It’s a philosophy not uncommon in the ways of the East but has yet to be fully grasped by the western world. I am hoping this modern way of presenting this ancient theme will resonate with you, irrespective of your cultural or religious background. If you are an inspired, openhearted professional who wants contentment more often, please enjoy this podcast.

    Innerwealth Coaching - Four Levels of Human Being

    Innerwealth Coaching - Four Levels of Human Being


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    • 1 min
    Elevate Your Life: A Step-by-Step Guide to The Emotional Shower and Beginning Innerwealth Coaching

    Elevate Your Life: A Step-by-Step Guide to The Emotional Shower and Beginning Innerwealth Coaching

    Here are five practical exercises to implement the teachings from the transcript:

    Daily Emotional Shower: Start and end your day with an emotional shower. Take a few minutes each morning to reflect on the previous day's events, expressing gratitude for positive experiences and acknowledging areas for improvement. Similarly, before bed, review your day, focusing on finding balance and closure, ensuring you land your "aeroplane" smoothly.

    Gratitude Journaling: Keep a gratitude journal where you write down at least three things you're thankful for each day. This practice fosters a mindset of positivity and appreciation, helping you maintain alignment with your goals and values.

    Evolve Your Bastard Exercise: Set aside time each day to engage in self-reflection using the evolve your bastard exercise. Identify one positive aspect of yourself or your experiences, then explore its drawbacks and benefits. This exercise promotes self-awareness and personal growth, allowing you to evolve into a better version of yourself.

    Daily Check-In: Establish a daily routine to check in with yourself, assessing your alignment with your goals and values. Ask yourself whether you're on track, inspired, or inspiring. Use this check-in as an opportunity to course-correct and realign yourself with your aspirations.

    Adversity Reflection: When faced with challenges or setbacks, practice reframing them as opportunities for growth. Use the discard form to explore the drawbacks and benefits of the situation, focusing on finding lessons learned and silver linings. This exercise cultivates resilience and empowers you to navigate obstacles with grace and optimism.

    By incorporating these exercises into your daily routine, you can effectively implement the teachings from the transcript and embark on a journey of personal growth and transformation.


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    • 8 min
    Mastering Mind Noise: Strategies for Laser Beam Focus

    Mastering Mind Noise: Strategies for Laser Beam Focus

    Introduction: Understanding the Nature of Mind Noise

    In our quest for clarity and focus, we often find ourselves grappling with what psychologists term as "mind noise." This cacophony of worry, introspection, anger, and confusion can hinder our ability to manifest our goals effectively. However, beneath the surface of this mental turmoil lies the potential for laser beam focus – a state where thoughts are directed with precision towards desired outcomes. In this discourse, we explore the dynamics of mind noise and unveil strategies to harness its energy towards productive ends.

    The Nature of Mind Noise: A Constant Mental Buzz

    As human beings, our minds are incessantly active, generating a continuous stream of thoughts. While some of these thoughts propel us towards our aspirations, others lead us into the labyrinth of mind noise. Mind noise manifests when our thoughts become fragmented, wandering from one idea to another without purpose or direction. This state often gives rise to feelings of confusion, frustration, and uncertainty, signaling an imbalance in our mental landscape.

    Transforming Confusion into Clarity: The Power of Laser Beam Focus

    At its core, mind noise represents diffused thinking, akin to scattering energy across a wide spectrum. Conversely, laser beam focus embodies concentrated mental energy, directed towards a specific goal or outcome. The key challenge lies in transitioning from the former to the latter – from confusion to clarity, from uncertainty to conviction.

    Strategies for Cultivating Laser Beam Focus

    Engage in Purposeful Activity: An idle mind is fertile ground for mind noise to flourish. To counteract this, engage in activities that stimulate your intellect and align with your goals. Whether it's pursuing a hobby, learning a new skill, or undertaking meaningful work, channeling your energy towards purposeful endeavors helps silence the noise within.

    Seek Guidance and Mentorship: Stubbornness often fuels mind noise, as we cling to rigid patterns of thinking in search of solutions. To break free from this mental deadlock, enlist the support of a coach or mentor. Their external perspective can offer invaluable insights and help navigate through the maze of confusion.

    Embrace Decision-making Simplification: When faced with indecision, limit your options to two clear alternatives. By constraining the choice set, you compel yourself to weigh the pros and cons with greater clarity. Create a mental framework or list of considerations for each option, enabling a more rational and focused decision-making process.

    Embrace Ambivalence as a Path to Clarity: Contrary to conventional wisdom, ambivalence can serve as a stepping stone towards clarity. Rather than rushing into decisions fueled by enthusiasm or passion, adopt a balanced perspective that acknowledges both the benefits and drawbacks of each option. From this neutral vantage point, you can make informed choices that align with your long-term objectives.

    Conclusion: Embracing the Journey Towards Clarity

    In the pursuit of laser beam focus, mastering mind noise is both an art and a science. By cultivating awareness of our thought patterns and employing strategic interventions, we can gradually silence the mental chatter and steer our minds towards clarity and purpose. Remember, the path to mastery may be riddled with challenges, but with patience, perseverance, and a willingness to embrace ambivalence, we can transcend mind noise and unlock our true potential.

    About the Author

    Chris is a seasoned executive coach and mentor, specializing in guiding individuals towards clarity and purpose in their personal and professional lives. With a wealth of experience in psychology and human behavior, Chris brings a unique perspective to the realm of self-leadership and mental wellness. Connect with Chris to embark on a transformative journey towards laser beam focus and fulfillment.


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    • 7 min
    Maintaining Momentum: How to Stay Inspired Throughout the Day

    Maintaining Momentum: How to Stay Inspired Throughout the Day


    As an entrepreneur driven by inspiration and purpose, maintaining momentum throughout the day can be a challenge. In this transcript, we delve into the strategies used by a seasoned entrepreneur to stay inspired and productive, even when faced with mundane tasks and distractions.

    The Challenge of Coming Down from the High Road:

    Starting the day at 5 am with coaching sessions or creative work is invigorating for many, but transitioning from these productive moments to mundane tasks can be jarring. The speaker likens this transition to landing a plane, requiring time and effort to take off again.

    The Importance of Mindful Transitions:

    To minimize the impact of transitioning from high-energy tasks to mundane ones, the speaker emphasizes the importance of mindful transitions. They prioritize alone time for reflection and recharge, preferring solitude in nature over superficial interactions.

    Linking or Sinking:

    The concept of "linking or sinking" is introduced as a strategy to infuse purpose into mundane tasks. By connecting everyday activities like hanging out laundry to their larger purpose, the speaker maintains a sense of inspiration and momentum throughout the day.

    Practicing Mindfulness in Action:

    Every action, no matter how seemingly insignificant, becomes an opportunity for mindfulness and purposeful living. From descending the stairs mindfully to stretching while completing household chores, the speaker demonstrates how to infuse every moment with intentionality.

    Resisting the Temptation to Land the Plane:

    It's easy to get derailed by distractions or frustrations, but the speaker emphasizes the importance of resisting this temptation. Staying airborne, metaphorically speaking, allows for sustained productivity and self-respect.

    Balancing Priorities and Boundaries:

    Maintaining momentum doesn't mean ignoring all interruptions or responsibilities. The speaker acknowledges the need to reevaluate priorities when faced with numerous distractions, but emphasizes the importance of setting boundaries to protect one's inspiration and focus.


    In the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship, staying inspired and productive is a constant challenge. However, by adopting mindful transitions, infusing purpose into every action, and setting boundaries to protect their momentum, entrepreneurs can navigate the daily ups and downs with grace and determination. As the speaker concludes, maintaining momentum is not just about productivity—it's about self-respect, long-term success, and staying true to one's purpose.


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    • 8 min
    The Impact of Parental Unfulfillment on Children: A Call to Live Authentically

    The Impact of Parental Unfulfillment on Children: A Call to Live Authentically


    In the intricate web of family dynamics, few factors weigh as heavily on a child's emotional development as the fulfillment, or lack thereof, in their parents' lives. In this insightful discourse, we delve into the profound implications of parental inspiration and purpose on the growth and well-being of children. Chris, our guide in this exploration, illuminates the crucial role of living authentically and pursuing personal vision in nurturing resilient and fulfilled families.

    The Unlived Life of the Parent: A Catalyst for Child's Challenges

    Chris begins by articulating a fundamental truth: nothing affects a child more profoundly than witnessing their parent lead an uninspired existence. He astutely observes that many challenges faced by children, ranging from eating disorders to behavioral issues, can often be traced back to parents who have deferred their own dreams and aspirations. Through living vicariously through their children, these parents inadvertently pass on a legacy of unfulfilled potential, perpetuating a cycle of emotional discord.

    The Seduction of Vicarious Living

    In a world rife with complexities and uncertainties, it's all too easy for parents to succumb to the allure of investing solely in their children's aspirations. Chris highlights the seductive nature of this approach, wherein the immediacy of parental duties eclipses the pursuit of personal fulfillment. Yet, he admonishes that such a path ultimately leads to the detriment of both parent and child, as the unresolved yearnings of the former reverberate through the latter's struggles.

    Priorities and Purpose: The Path to Authentic Parenthood

    Central to Chris's message is the imperative for parents to reclaim their agency and embrace a life of purpose and vision. He advocates for the cultivation of individual aspirations, emphasizing that true fulfillment lies not in sacrificing one's dreams for familial obligations but in aligning personal goals with parental responsibilities. Through disciplined prioritization and a steadfast commitment to self-realization, parents can chart a course that empowers both themselves and their children.

    Navigating the Challenges of Parenthood

    Chris acknowledges the inherent challenges of parenthood, recognizing that the journey toward self-actualization may entail hardships and sacrifices. However, he posits that these tribulations are a necessary crucible for personal growth, instilling resilience and fortitude in both parent and child. By fostering an environment where authenticity reigns supreme, parents can equip their children with the tools necessary to navigate life's myriad obstacles with grace and resilience.

    Conclusion: Embracing the Hard Road of Authentic Living

    In bidding farewell, Chris leaves us with a poignant reminder: the path to authentic living is fraught with challenges, yet it is also replete with opportunities for profound transformation. By embracing their unique journey and reframing their perceptions of success, parents can catalyze a ripple effect of empowerment and fulfillment that reverberates through generations. As we navigate the complexities of familial relationships, let us heed Chris's wisdom and embark on the hard road of authentic living, knowing that therein lies the true essence of parenthood.

    With gratitude and inspiration,


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    • 5 min
    Embracing Empowerment: My Journey from Motivation to Inspiration

    Embracing Empowerment: My Journey from Motivation to Inspiration


    In my quest for personal and professional fulfillment, I've come to realize the profound distinction between motivation and inspiration. Recently, I engaged in a thought-provoking conversation where I delved deep into this concept, uncovering its transformative potential in shaping our approach to life and work. Join me as I reflect on this enlightening dialogue and share my insights on moving from a reactive state to one driven by intentional action.

    Discovering the Essence of Motivation vs. Inspiration

    As I pondered the nuances between motivation and inspiration, a fundamental truth emerged. While motivation often relies on external stimuli to elicit responses, inspiration ignites a proactive engagement with our goals and aspirations. It became clear to me that relying solely on external rewards or incentives to drive our actions can lead to a superficial and fleeting sense of fulfillment.

    Navigating the Pitfalls of External Motivation

    Drawing from personal experiences and observations, I recognized the pervasive influence of external motivators in our daily lives. Whether it's the promise of monetary gain, societal validation, or material rewards, these carrots often tempt us into compliance, steering us away from authentic expression and self-discovery. However, I've come to understand the inherent limitations of this approach, particularly in managing expectations and fostering genuine trust and fulfillment.

    Empowering Myself through Self-Direction

    In my journey towards empowerment, I've embraced a paradigm shift towards self-directed inspiration. By cultivating a deep understanding of reality and aligning with my intrinsic vision and purpose, I've reclaimed agency over my choices and aspirations. Rather than being swayed by external pressures or societal norms, I've learned to trust my inner compass and chart a course that resonates with my authentic self.

    The VIP Process: Cultivating Personal Accountability

    Central to my transformative journey has been the adoption of the VIP (Vision, Inspiration, Purpose) process—a daily practice of self-assessment and accountability across various life domains. This empowering ritual has allowed me to transcend the need for external validation or motivation, as I take ownership of my growth and progress. By proactively aligning my actions with my values and aspirations, I've cultivated a profound sense of purpose and fulfillment in all aspects of my life.

    Conclusion: Embracing Empowerment in Action

    As I conclude this introspective journey, I am reminded of the power inherent in embracing empowerment in action. No longer do I seek external validation or motivation to fuel my endeavors. Instead, I embody inspiration from within, driven by a deep sense of purpose and self-awareness. Work, once perceived as a means to an end, has become a platform for personal growth, contribution, and authentic expression.

    Closing Thoughts

    My journey from motivation to inspiration has been nothing short of transformative. Through introspection, self-discovery, and a commitment to personal accountability, I've unlocked a reservoir of inner strength and resilience. As I continue to navigate life's complexities, I do so with clarity, purpose, and unwavering resolve. May my reflections serve as a beacon of inspiration for those on a similar path, guiding them towards a life fueled by passion, authenticity, and profound self-discovery.


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    • 10 min

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