Conversations with Buddy

Buddy Puckett
Conversations with Buddy

Welcome to Conversations with Buddy, where you will hear the stories of everyday people fighting through life’s challenges for meaning and purpose. From fear to faith, struggles to success, trials, and tribulations to triumph and victory. Where did they muster the courage to overcome and where does their hope come from? What is the lesson life has taught each of these people who share their stories and then be willing to share it with the world?

  1. 11H AGO

    Ep. 137 David Brown - Men! Pay Attention!

    David Brown in not just a guy I know, but a longtime friend of 45+ years!  He shares his upbringing, growing up Catholic… and the feeling something was missing as a young man!  But in 1984, he gave his life to Jesus Christ! “Iron sharpens iron, So one man sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17 As David talks about in the podcast, knowing and accepting Jesus as your Savior, does not mean you never sin anymore… but it does mean you can humbly come to the throne of Grace and confess your sins and thank God for HIS forgiveness and incredible Mercy! He has experienced a lot of life, which includes playing basketball in high school, going into the Navy, getting married, having kids, golfing, operating a business and now… being the OG (grandparent)! Sounds pretty cool! 😎 To connect with David and learn more about faith, family, finance or Farmers Insurance, you can find him on Facebook or reach out to him by going to: #Jesusfollower #faith #familyman #FarmersInsurance #insuranceagent #golflover #OG #CrookCrook _ _ _ For more stories like this, go to: If you or someone you know want to be on the podcast, please reach out to me on Instagram @conversationswithbuddy or text me at 503-851-8031.  _ _ _ About Buddy Puckett:Buddy Puckett has been in the mortgage and finance space and mentoring men for over 25 years.  A mentoring opportunity all started when he first began in the mortgage industry in 1998, when he began to mentor a younger guy who happened to be married.  This person was not making great choices and it was sadly affecting his marriage.  We all are 1 decision away from something really dumb, so accountability became something Buddy knew he needed as well.  Buddy’s wife, Shawn, suggested he start a podcast in 2022 to share the stories of people who have struggled,failed, overcame by realizing the life of love, joy and peace is only available through a relationship with Jesus Christ!  “Jesus said to him, ’I am the way, and the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me’.” John 14:6

    1h 23m
  2. MAR 21

    Ep. 136 Jaffet Jefferson (Part 2) - Three sentences to reframe reality!

    Jaffet and I have enjoyed deep conversations and this episode will prove to be no different.  He’s a deep thinker, similar to Jordan Peterson, with lots of questions about life, consciousness and walking in God’s truth!   He admits that he struggles with this stuff… just like the rest of us!  🙏 The hope is that this will encourage you, the listener, to walk through Jaffet’s “Three sentence framework” to simply get you back on track to following God and being an obedient Christ follower that benefits you, your family, your community and the world!  1. Find truth 2. Have faith  3. Act it out in love  #Jesusfollower #3sentenceframework #truthfaithlove _ _ _ For more stories like this, go to: If you or someone you know want to be on the podcast, please reach out to me on Instagram @conversationswithbuddy or text me at 503-851-8031.  _ _ _ About Buddy Puckett:Buddy Puckett has been in the mortgage and finance space and mentoring men for over 25 years.  A mentoring opportunity all started when he first began in the mortgage industry in 1998, when he began to mentor a younger guy who happened to be married.  This person was not making great choices and it was sadly affecting his marriage.  We all are 1 decision away from something really dumb, so accountability became something Buddy knew he needed as well.  Buddy’s wife, Shawn, suggested he start a podcast in 2022 to share the stories of people who have struggled,failed, overcame by realizing the life of love, joy and peace is only available through a relationship with Jesus Christ!  “Jesus said to him, ’I am the way, and the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me’.” John 14:6

    57 min
  3. MAR 14

    Ep. 135 Arjay Mendiola - You belong!

    Arjay talks about life… being adopted, his track and field identity and his view of God before and after accepting Jesus Christ as his Savior! Life without Christ and feeling like he did not belong led to confusion and ultimately an attempt at suicide.  Arjay was very open and transparent about his personal life…  reach out to him through social media and hear his story! The Good News… God continues to pursue each one of us, not wanting anyone to perish, but to have eternal life with Him in heaven! The encouragement is that God can still save you, no matter what you have done in the past!  You are never too far gone! “If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.” Romans 10:9-10 #Jesusfollower #youbelong #realestste #Xmarksthespot #romansroad _ _ _ For more stories like this, go to: If you or someone you know want to be on the podcast, please reach out to me on Instagram @conversationswithbuddy or text me at 503-851-8031.  _ _ _ About Buddy Puckett:Buddy Puckett has been in the mortgage and finance space and mentoring men for over 25 years.  A mentoring opportunity all started when he first began in the mortgage industry in 1998, when he began to mentor a younger guy who happened to be married.  This person was not making great choices and it was sadly affecting his marriage.  We all are 1 decision away from something really dumb, so accountability became something Buddy knew he needed as well.  Buddy’s wife, Shawn, suggested he start a podcast in 2022 to share the stories of people who have struggled,failed, overcame by realizing the life of love, joy and peace is only available through a relationship with Jesus Christ!  “Jesus said to him, ’I am the way, and the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me’.” John 14:6

    1h 12m
  4. MAR 7

    Ep. 134 Matthew Miller (Part 2) - Listen to the Spirit!

    This is a great podcast with Matthew!  This is part 2 of his journey in this life!  Make sure and go back to also listen to our first conversation in Episode 97. Learning to lean on the Holy Spirit who desires to produce fruit in each of our lives is the topic of our conversation! Question…. • How is God working in your life? • Have you accepted the free gift of    ETERNAL LIFE that only Jesus Christ    can provide?  • Will you trust in HIM today and begin to    follow HIM for the rest of your life? The Holy Spirit will be your helper and guide! “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control; against such things there is no law.”Galatians 5:22-23 #Jesusfollower #familyman #HolySpirit #believer _ _ _ For more stories like this, go to: If you or someone you know want to be on the podcast, please reach out to me on Instagram @conversationswithbuddy or text me at 503-851-8031.  _ _ _ About Buddy Puckett:Buddy Puckett has been in the mortgage and finance space and mentoring men for over 25 years.  A mentoring opportunity all started when he first began in the mortgage industry in 1998, when he began to mentor a younger guy who happened to be married.  This person was not making great choices and it was sadly affecting his marriage.  We all are 1 decision away from something really dumb, so accountability became something Buddy knew he needed as well.  Buddy’s wife, Shawn, suggested he start a podcast in 2022 to share the stories of people who have struggled,failed, overcame by realizing the life of love, joy and peace is only available through a relationship with Jesus Christ!  “Jesus said to him, ’I am the way, and the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me’.” John 14:6

    1h 4m
  5. FEB 28

    Ep. 133 Zak Stone - Never give up even if your arm is almost ripped off!

    Zak shares his life growing up with awesome parents, his amazing marriage, awesome kids, outdoors, hunting, wakeboarding, photography and so much more! Referred by a mutual friend, Billy Botieff…. 🙌 A near death experience while down in Florida became a wake up call for Zak… Make every day count! You never know when it’s your last one!!! Reach out to Zak and consider hiring him for your photography needs… go to: For more Zak Stone YouTube footage: Wake skate and Wake board highlights Orlando Watersports Complex Mt. Jefferson Time Lapse Hanging above the clouds in Oregon #Jesusfollower #familyman #outdoors #photography #wakeboarder _ _ _ For more stories like this, go to: If you or someone you know want to be on the podcast, please reach out to me on Instagram @conversationswithbuddy or text me at 503-851-8031.  _ _ _ About Buddy Puckett:Buddy Puckett has been in the mortgage and finance space and mentoring men for over 25 years.  A mentoring opportunity all started when he first began in the mortgage industry in 1998, when he began to mentor a younger guy who happened to be married.  This person was not making great choices and it was sadly affecting his marriage.  We all are 1 decision away from something really dumb, so accountability became something Buddy knew he needed as well.  Buddy’s wife, Shawn, suggested he start a podcast in 2022 to share the stories of people who have struggled,failed, overcame by realizing the life of love, joy and peace is only available through a relationship with Jesus Christ!  “Jesus said to him, ’I am the way, and the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me’.” John 14:6

    52 min
  6. FEB 21

    Ep. 132 Gary Wallace - Concern for the body of Christ!

    Gary shares his life, marriage, kids, ministry and being semi-retired…  Concern for the body of Christ:Easy believismFalse teachingLack of discernmentLack of knowledge.  Romans 6:6-11 dead to sin, alive to God 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 reconciled to be ambassadors Christ...  Colossians 2:6-9 firmly rooted with gratitude Ephesians 4:11-16 no longer children tossed by false doctrine, Christian maturity, building up of the body. Interests: Gospel MusicJesus movement era or what some would call early Christian rockClassic Rock. Most anything before 1980 Love for old trucks and classic cars. Working with my hands, fixing things or restoring old things.  Not big into any sports.  Career in sheet metal fabrication and welding. Started my business in 2012. Now semi-retired Ministry involvement: Small group bible studiesSenior saintsCounseling (in training)  Connect with Gary and grow in your walk with Jesus! #Jesusfollower #discipleship #Biblicalcounseling _ _ _ For more stories like this, go to: If you or someone you know want to be on the podcast, please reach out to me on Instagram @conversationswithbuddy or text me at 503-851-8031.  _ _ _ About Buddy Puckett:Buddy Puckett has been in the mortgage and finance space and mentoring men for over 25 years.  A mentoring opportunity all started when he first began in the mortgage industry in 1998, when he began to mentor a younger guy who happened to be married.  This person was not making great choices and it was sadly affecting his marriage.  We all are 1 decision away from something really dumb, so accountability became something Buddy knew he needed as well.  Buddy’s wife, Shawn, suggested he start a podcast in 2022 to share the stories of people who have struggled,failed, overcame by realizing the life of love, joy and peace is only available through a relationship with Jesus Christ!  “Jesus said to him, ’I am the way, and the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me’.” John 14:6

    1h 1m
  7. FEB 14

    Ep. 131 Brandon McElroy - Unfortunate beginnings don’t define you!

    Great conversation with Brandon!  Growing up without his real dad in the house and his deep desire to have a father figure in his life… he did grow up with a younger brother and a loving mom! Thank God for moms! God does provide opportunities and in this episode you will hear how his Grandpa also played a major role in his life! I appreciate the transparency Brandon has in this episode.  Though it all, he’s not bitter or angry, but grateful…  Maybe God was the Father figure all along? Brandon is a husband and a father to his son!  Brandon made the decision long ago to be a loving and intentional dad.  Follow them on social media and see for yourself! To connect with Brandon, you can message him through IG/FB or give him a call on his cell at (503) 877-7853. #Jesusfollower #discipleship #fatherhood #PiInsurance _ _ _ For more stories like this, go to: If you or someone you know want to be on the podcast, please reach out to me on Instagram @conversationswithbuddy or text me at 503-851-8031.  _ _ _ About Buddy Puckett:Buddy Puckett has been in the mortgage and finance space and mentoring men for over 25 years.  A mentoring opportunity all started when he first began in the mortgage industry in 1998, when he began to mentor a younger guy who happened to be married.  This person was not making great choices and it was sadly affecting his marriage.  We all are 1 decision away from something really dumb, so accountability became something Buddy knew he needed as well.  Buddy’s wife, Shawn, suggested he start a podcast in 2022 to share the stories of people who have struggled,failed, overcame by realizing the life of love, joy and peace is only available through a relationship with Jesus Christ!  “Jesus said to him, ’I am the way, and the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me’.” John 14:6

    58 min
  8. FEB 7

    Ep. 130 Cary Solmi - To Lean on God!

    Cary shares his life growing up with a great family in Southern Oregon and without the hope of Jesus… but God was calling him all along like He does all of us and eventually came to faith in his late 20’s! His story is profound because God is always putting someone in our life to share the Good News of Jesus!  Listen to Cary’s story to hear who God was using to lead him to a relationship with Christ. (Who is God using in your life to share the Good News?) Connect with Cary through social media to learn more about his story. He will influence and challenge you to consider making Jesus your Lord and Savior! 🙏 #Jesusfollower #CampAgape #Sales #Cryptocurrency #conversationswithbuddy _ _ _ For more stories like this, go to: If you or someone you know want to be on the podcast, please reach out to me on Instagram @conversationswithbuddy or text me at 503-851-8031.  _ _ _ About Buddy Puckett:Buddy Puckett has been in the mortgage and finance space and mentoring men for over 25 years.  A mentoring opportunity all started when he first began in the mortgage industry in 1998, when he began to mentor a younger guy who happened to be married.  This person was not making great choices and it was sadly affecting his marriage.  We all are 1 decision away from something really dumb, so accountability became something Buddy knew he needed as well.  Buddy’s wife, Shawn, suggested he start a podcast in 2022 to share the stories of people who have struggled,failed, overcame by realizing the life of love, joy and peace is only available through a relationship with Jesus Christ!  “Jesus said to him, ’I am the way, and the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me’.” John 14:6

    1h 5m
out of 5
24 Ratings


Welcome to Conversations with Buddy, where you will hear the stories of everyday people fighting through life’s challenges for meaning and purpose. From fear to faith, struggles to success, trials, and tribulations to triumph and victory. Where did they muster the courage to overcome and where does their hope come from? What is the lesson life has taught each of these people who share their stories and then be willing to share it with the world?

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