In February 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine. Oil prices surged overnight – reaching their highest level since 2008. Was this short-term stress or a structural shift? How will current events reshape the global energy agenda?
To help us look beyond the fog of war, we sat down with Professor Paul Stevens – one of the brightest and clearest thinkers on the subject of energy economics. Together we make sense of this troubled energy market – and beyond.
Highgrade Media is a not-for-profit organisation that produces interviews and documentaries that identify, capture and disseminate analysis and insights in the field of natural resources and social progress.
Our mission is to provide open and free access to specialist knowledge and to disseminate good practice and innovation in this field. See for our portfolio of published material.
With support from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, through BGR.
- Podcast
- Publicado3 de maio de 2022 07:00 UTC
- Duração24min
- ClassificaçãoLivre