35 min

Ep 2: Psychosis in the age of paranoia w/ Geoffrey Mak Self Conscious

    • Social Sciences

Are we living through a time of mass psychosis? With misinformation running rampant in our media and the uncovering of  mass surveillance by governments and tech companies, the line between being paranoid and appropriately suspicious is less clear than ever. Can paranoia ever be a gift, or is it always destructive? In his new collection of essays, Mean Boys, Geoffrey Mak writes about what it's like to experience our era of post-truth politics and culture while living with psychosis. He also delves into nightlife, addiction, queerness, growing up in a  Chinese immigrant family, Christianity, and much more.

Geoff's book, Mean Boys: https://www.bloomsbury.com/us/mean-boys-9781635577952/

Geoff's New Yorker piece: https://www.newyorker.com/culture/the-weekend-essay/the-unholy-son

Self Conscious Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/selfconsciouspod/

Self Conscious Patreon: patreon.com/SelfConsciousPod

Are we living through a time of mass psychosis? With misinformation running rampant in our media and the uncovering of  mass surveillance by governments and tech companies, the line between being paranoid and appropriately suspicious is less clear than ever. Can paranoia ever be a gift, or is it always destructive? In his new collection of essays, Mean Boys, Geoffrey Mak writes about what it's like to experience our era of post-truth politics and culture while living with psychosis. He also delves into nightlife, addiction, queerness, growing up in a  Chinese immigrant family, Christianity, and much more.

Geoff's book, Mean Boys: https://www.bloomsbury.com/us/mean-boys-9781635577952/

Geoff's New Yorker piece: https://www.newyorker.com/culture/the-weekend-essay/the-unholy-son

Self Conscious Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/selfconsciouspod/

Self Conscious Patreon: patreon.com/SelfConsciousPod

35 min