Deep Questions with Cal Newport

Cal Newport is a computer science professor and a New York Times bestselling author who writes about the impact of technology on society, and the struggle to work and live deeply in a world increasingly mired in digital distractions. On this podcast, he answers questions from his readers and offers advice about cultivating focus, productivity, and meaning amidst the noise that pervades our lives.
Hôtes et personnes invitées
So useful
6 févr.
When I feel overwhelmed I love listening to Cal Newport and getting ideas for rethinking the way I work and the structure I need.
This show used to be cool
-5 j
Is it for everyone?
First off, I appreciate Cal’s work and I don’t think it’s bad to repeat yourself if you keep thinking up new ways to reframe and he does. As a woman listening to a podcast there is often a tipping point where the voices, references, questions, answers, quotes, and subject material tip so heavily to the side of men and men’s voices and opinions and lives that it doesn’t feel relatable. If it’s for everyone, can you try to be aware of when you are bro-ing out? As an interviewer I’d love to hear Cal really dive into details of what a guest is saying, but with more insights into their perspective and experiences and less about book sales (and less about Cal’s book sales…in an interview of someone else). I don’t know what your editing process is like, but sometimes you can go ahead and tell those personal stories to a guest to put them at ease and relate, but take some of it out in post especially if it’s again, just talking about your own book sales. Also, lol that how-to-mom episode. Get a good handyman and um, my job as a mom is 25-30 hours a week (I get to fit my work and intellectual life around my family and my spouse’s job and not the other way around) so your 1 thing a day was cute.
Deep Questions is the ONLY podcast i listen to religiously. Cal’s wisdom has truly enriched my life in a deep way. I’m forever grateful🙏🏼
À propos
- CréationCal Newport
- Années d’activité2020 - 2025
- Épisodes349
- ClassificationTous publics
- Copyright© 2024 Deep Questions with Cal Newport
- Site web de l’émission
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