Episode 95: When preparing to fund your kid’s college, debt is not the only way!

Do you cringe at the thought of funding your kid's college? Today's episode with Kara Walker highlights why and how this does not have to be the only way!
Kara Walker graduated from college debt-free, and is now on a quest to help other students do the same with her podcast, "Money and Mental Peace," and her upcoming course "The Debt-Free College Blueprint"!
She is a twenty-something Christian entrepreneur, amateur snowboarder, and recovering
over-achiever. Kara enjoys goal-setting, budgeting, and living a debt-free lifestyle, and wants to help YOU do the same!
To check out Kara’s podcast, MONEY AND MENTAL PEACE, please CLICK HERE!
For more info on Kara’s course, The Debt Free College Blueprint, CLICK HERE!!
Download my free Parenting in the Digital Age Resource guide! CLICK HERE or go to this link: https://www.dollydenson.com/digitalresources and be sure to opt in to my email list to be the first to know when my Be THAT Mom Movement Method course, your toolkit and roadmap for all things digital when raising kids today, is released!!
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FREE DOWNLOAD: Digital Resources
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Full Transcription:
Speaker 1 (00:00):
So besides navigating all the digital things with our kiddos, another thing that ranks way up there in terms of stress is trying to figure out how to fund our kids' college education. Well, if you have been of the mindset that debt and college education must go hand in hand today's episode is going to give you some tips and tools to where that maybe may not have to be the case. Stay tuned.
Speaker 2 (00:28):
Welcome to your source for tips, tools, and support to help you be that mom that is tuned in and proactive for yourself, your family, and for the wild ride of raising kids in this digital age, inspired by a mother's love with a relatable real life. Proud to be that mom FLA. This is the be that mom movement with your host, Dolly Denson.
Speaker 1 (00:53):
Hey friends, did you hear there is an app that will transform the safety of your kids' smartphone and technology use. It is my favorite way to sleep easy at night and have peace of mind because it is monitoring my kids' activity online without me being in their business. It is the bark app and yes, bark like a dog bark bark bark. It tells you when there's something that you need to be concerned about starting at a small fee each month, you can protect your whole family across all devices. Get connected with bark today. Use code, be that mom for 20% off your subscription for life and get a seven day free trial to check it out. So welcome back to another episode of the be that mom movement podcast today's episode is going to be a special one. I'm bringing to you with a special guest that I think is gonna provide you with a lot of good information as you go forward into the college years and all of that with your kiddos, and really give you some pointers for thinking through things before they get to that college age.
Speaker 1 (01:50):
So this recording is being done in a different location than my normal one. So please forgive me if there's any background noise, but thank you for being here. Let me just real quick introduce Kara and then I will bring her on and we will get started. So Kara is, uh, graduate of college where she managed to graduate debt free and is now on a quest to help other students do the same with her podcast. Podcast is named money and mental piece. She also has an upcoming course called the debt free college blueprint. She's a 20 something Christian entrepreneur in amateur snowboarder and recovering overachiever. She also enjoys goal setting, budgeting and living a debt free lifestyle and wants to help you do the same. So I hope that you will check out the podcast in its entirety today and then check out her podcast and her upcoming course that is being released as we speak, and definitely use all the tools that she shares.
Speaker 1 (02:50):
Cuz I think this is really valuable stuff. And I will say as the parent of three kids with two of them now through college, I definitely do it. Didn't do
- Show
- PublishedJuly 4, 2022 at 12:00 PM UTC
- Length38 min
- RatingClean