Hosts & Guests
Pretty good
I love it, the one thing that I think is bad is that they only talk about the EPL and UCL. Talk about Bundes, Serie A, LaLiga, and even that Mickey Mouse league Ligue 1.
Good - though a bit narrow and parochial!
Jan 2
Appreciate the show, and the very knowledgeable hosts. This said, they use a fairly narrow prism, probably due to the need to pick for a US audience - a bit obsessed with just a few teams, a little too opinionated and the hosts tend to pile on on the poorly performing team of the day, and are a bit too chummy with a nostalgic 1990s old player vibe. Would love to see more voices and a more diverse set of themes
burley is dense
burley’s new word is facet. it used to be rhetoric. absolutely unlistenable. poor sap. can’t handle criticism. his dress sense is hilariously bad. mutton dressed as lamb.
Was today a paid commercial for Madrid TV? I know you have la liga rights but jeez that was hard listening