Slow Burn

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Slow Burn illuminates America’s most consequential moments, making sense of the past to better understand the present. Through archival tape and first-person interviews, the series uncovers the surprising events and little-known characters lurking within the biggest stories of our time. Want more Slow Burn? Join Slate Plus to unlock full, ad-free access to Slow Burn and your other favorite Slate podcasts. You can subscribe directly from the Slow Burn show page on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Or, visit to get access wherever you listen. Season 10: The Rise of Fox News How a cable news channel became a cultural and political force—and how a whole bunch of people rose up to try and stop it. Season 9: Gays Against Briggs A nationwide moral panic, a California legislator who rode the anti-gay wave, and the LGBTQ+ people who stepped up and came out to try and stop him. Season 8: Becoming Justice Thomas Where Clarence Thomas came from, how he rose to power, and how he’s brought the rest of us along with him, whether we like it or not. Winner of the Podcast of the Year at the 2024 Ambies Awards. Season 7: Roe v. Wade The women who fought for legal abortion, the activists who pushed back, and the justices who thought they could solve the issue for good. Winner of Apple Podcasts Show of the Year in 2022. Season 6: The L.A. Riots How decades of police brutality, a broken justice system, and a video tape set off six days of unrest in Los Angeles. Season 5: The Road to the Iraq War Eighteen months after 9/11, the United States invaded a country that had nothing to do with the attacks. Who’s to blame? And was there any way to stop it? Season 4: David Duke America’s most famous white supremacist came within a runoff of controlling Louisiana. How did David Duke rise to power? And what did it take to stop him? Season 3: Biggie and Tupac How is it that two of the most famous performers in the world were murdered within a year of each other—and their killings were never solved? Season 2: The Clinton Impeachment A reexamination of the scandals that nearly destroyed the 42nd president and forever changed the life of a former White House intern. Season 1: Watergate What did it feel like to live through the scandal that brought down President Nixon?
مقاطع ترويجية
برامج تتضمن ميزات الاشتراك
المضيفون والضيوف
Please continue this through present day
٢٢ يناير
Excellent retrospective on how Fox planted the seeds to become the behemoth it is today and how “mainstream” media has cowered and capitulated in its wake. Please continue this series into present day - reporting on this is more important than ever!!
Rise of Fox News
قبل يومين
I think you are very biased against FoxNews.
Episode 5 Sound Issue
١٣ يناير
Long time Slow Burn fan. However episode 5 of this installment has audio issues involving double layered and (sometimes) unsynchronized vocal tracks.
A Fascinating Telling of the History of Fox
I am old enough to have lived through all of this history, and yet hearing it told through the people working at Fox in its early days is blowing my mind. At first, I was worried that thinking about politics during the election would stress me out, but I’m finding it’s just…explaining a lot. Anyway, it’s riveting.
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