36 episodes


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更多資訊 - https://englishisland.pse.is/eislandmagazine

Chatterbox Island English Podcast English Island

    • Education
    • 4.3 • 3 Ratings


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Anchor - https://anchor.fm/chatterboxislandenglish

YouTube - https://bit.ly/3ea3KJT

English Island 英語島雜誌臉書粉專 - https://www.facebook.com/Eisland.tw

更多資訊 - https://englishisland.pse.is/eislandmagazine

    最終集 SEASON FINALE:Thank you, and until next time.

    最終集 SEASON FINALE:Thank you, and until next time.

    It started out as an experiment, and now this podcast has audiences all over the world. Thank you so much for listening to this podcast and staying with me along this journey. 

    “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” -Mahatma Gandhi

    Thank you, and until next time.


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    Spotify - https://spoti.fi/2x5GM68

    Google Podcasts - https://reurl.cc/O1qaqy

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    SoundOn - https://bit.ly/2JpGai0

    Anchor - https://anchor.fm/chatterboxislandenglish

    YouTube - https://bit.ly/3ea3KJT

    English Island 英語島雜誌臉書粉專 - https://www.facebook.com/Eisland.tw

    Visit our website for more information - https://englishisland.pse.is/eislandmagazine

    Check out our monthly magazine! - https://www.eisland.com.tw/P1.php?


    【Podcast 關鍵字】

    finale (n.) 結尾;終場

    initially (adv.) 起初;最初

    start from scratch (phr.) 從零開始

    subtitle (n.) 字幕

    in response to (phr.) 回應

    defeat the purpose (phr.) 違背目的

    overall (adj.) 整體的

    comprehension (n.) 理解

    believe it or not (phr.) 信不信由你

    memorize (v.) 記住

    tutoring (n.) 輔導

    catch up with (phr.) 跟上

    dub (v.) 配音

    switch (v.) 轉換

    incorporate (v.) 合併;包含

    tedious (adj.) 乏味的

    learning curve (n.) 學習曲線

    tough (adj.) 艱難地

    get the hang of something (phr.) 熟悉某事物的用法

    certificate (n.) 證書


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/chatterboxislandenglish/message

    • 10 min
    S2EP25. 社交尷尬症上身?7招讓你更有自信!(+最終集Q&A問題蒐集中!)|How to Deal with Social Awkwardness? (+Submit Your Questions for the Final Ep!)

    S2EP25. 社交尷尬症上身?7招讓你更有自信!(+最終集Q&A問題蒐集中!)|How to Deal with Social Awkwardness? (+Submit Your Questions for the Final Ep!)

    Are you struggling with small talk to strangers or coworkers? Do you often find yourself being awkward among a group of people? Social awkwardness is not something we can overcome easily, but that's okay! Researchers have found out that socially awkward people are often great listeners and can dive deep into conversations!

    In this episode, we're gonna talk about social awkwardness and how to deal with it if necessary.


    Listen to our podcast on:

    Apple Podcasts - https://apple.co/2vq872z

    Spotify - https://spoti.fi/2x5GM68

    Google Podcasts - https://reurl.cc/O1qaqy

    KKBOX - https://bit.ly/2FMDlpZ

    SoundOn - https://bit.ly/2JpGai0

    Anchor - https://anchor.fm/chatterboxislandenglish

    YouTube - https://bit.ly/3ea3KJT

    English Island 英語島雜誌臉書粉專 - https://www.facebook.com/Eisland.tw

    Visit our Website for more information - https://englishisland.pse.is/eislandmagazine

    英語島雜誌1月號/2021第86期 - 30秒決戰Small Talk

    學習更多small talk技巧! - https://englishisland.pse.is/englishweekly

    Leave me a comment or ask me anything! - closed


    【Podcast 關鍵字】

    absence (n.) 缺席

    socially (adv.) 社交方面的

    awkward (adj.) 令人尷尬的

    unavoidable (adj.) 無法避免的

    social setting (n.) 社交環境

    awkwardness (n.) 尷尬

    desire (n.) 渴望;希望

    threatened (v.) 受到威脅的

    result from (phr.) 因…而發生

    cue (n.) 提示;暗示

    engage (v.) 從事;吸引住

    off (adj.) 無禮的;冷漠的

    work one’s way into (phr.) 逐步進入

    introverted (adj.) 內向的

    navigate (v.) 確定…的方向

    struggle (v.) 掙扎;搏鬥

    small talk (n.) 短暫聊天

    mindset (n.) 心態

    self-conscious (adj.) 侷促不安的;不自在的

    judge (v.) 評斷

    socialize (v.) 交際;社交

    impress (v.) 留下深刻的印象

    interact (v.) 互動

    subconsciously (adv.) 下意識地

    consciously (adv.) 有意識地

    trait (n.) 特徵

    oftentimes (adv.) 經常地

    pause (n.) 暫停;停頓

    finance (n.) 經濟狀況

    physically (adv.) 身體上的

    internally (adv.) 內在地

    breathing (n.) 呼吸

    externally (adv.) 外在地

    obvious (adj.) 明顯的

    introvert (n.) 內向的人

    right on the spot (phr.) 當下;立即

    conversational (adj.) 交談的;對話式的

    announcement (n.) 預告;宣布


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    • 12 min
    S2EP24. 疫情之下,遠距戀愛如何求生?|How to Survive a Long-Distance Relationship During a Global Pandemic?

    S2EP24. 疫情之下,遠距戀愛如何求生?|How to Survive a Long-Distance Relationship During a Global Pandemic?

    Have you ever been in a long-distance relationship? Not being able to meet with each other face to face regularly is often the most difficult part of a long-distance relationship. However, studies have shown that couples who are not in the same place are MORE IN LOVE than those who live nearby or together.

    In this episode, we're gonna talk about some interesting findings of long-distance relationships, and we'll also have a SPECIAL GUEST share her experience of being in a long-distance relationship!


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    Apple Podcasts - https://apple.co/2vq872z

    Spotify - https://spoti.fi/2x5GM68

    Google Podcasts - https://reurl.cc/O1qaqy

    KKBOX - https://bit.ly/2FMDlpZ

    SoundOn - https://bit.ly/2JpGai0

    Anchor - https://anchor.fm/chatterboxislandenglish

    YouTube - https://bit.ly/3ea3KJT

    RadioRepublic - https://bit.ly/2Wq44P7

    Breaker - https://bit.ly/2IQzcz7

    English Island 英語島雜誌臉書粉專 - https://www.facebook.com/Eisland.tw

    Visit our Website for more Information - https://englishisland.pse.is/eislandmagazine


    【Podcast 關鍵字】

    long-distance relationship (n.) 遠距離戀愛

    pandemic (n.) 大規模流行病

    minor (adj.) 次要的

    lockdown (n.) 封鎖

    grocery (n.) 食品雜貨

    light-hearted (adj.) 心情輕鬆的

    maintain (v.) 維持

    on a regular basis (phr.) 定期

    unpredictable (adj.) 無法預測的

    casual (adj.) 隨意的

    intimacy (v.) 親密關係

    dynamic (n.) 動力

    co-located (adj.) 共處在一地

    guarantee (n.) 保證

    paradoxical (adj.) 矛盾的

    tend to (phr.) 傾向於

    settle down (phr.) 定居;安頓

    chance (n.) 機率

    factor (n.) 因素

    paradox (n.) 悖論;矛盾

    idealize (v.) 把…理想化

    significant other (n.) 另一半;重要他人

    imagination (n.) 想像力

    fill in (phr.) 填補

    interact (v.) 互動

    in real time (phr.) 即時的

    eventually (adv.) 最終

    in terms of (phr.) 根據;以…來說

    regardless (adv.) 無論

    various (adj.) 各式各樣的

    handwriting (n.) 手寫;筆跡

    stream (v.) 用串流影音播放

    routine (adj.) 例行的

    check-in (n.) 取得聯繫

    spontaneous (adj.) 即興的

    on and off (phr.) 斷斷續續

    commit (v.) 承諾;保證

    drift apart (phr.) 漸行漸遠

    co-worker (n.) 同事

    specific (adj.) 特定的

    task (n.) 工作;任務

    time difference (n.) 時差

    for now (adv.) 目前

    postpone (v.) 延期

    in the long term (phr.) 從長遠的角度來說

    tone (n.) 聲調

    seldom (adv.) 很少地

    trigger (v.) 觸發

    spicy (adj.) 辣的

    optimistic (adj.) 樂觀的

    appropriate (adj.) 合適的;恰當的

    differ (v.) 不同

    golden rule (n.) 黃金準則;重要的原則

    consensus (n.) 共識

    secure (adj.) 安全的

    tangible (adj.) 有形的;實質的


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    • 13 min
    S2EP23. 超實用整理工具?子彈日記到底是什麼?|What Is a Bullet Journal?

    S2EP23. 超實用整理工具?子彈日記到底是什麼?|What Is a Bullet Journal?

    Have you heard of "bullet journaling"? Why are so many people obsessed with it? Is it really that useful?

    In this episode, we're gonna talk about the tips on bullet journaling, and whether or not you should start one!


    Listen to our podcast on:

    Apple Podcasts - https://apple.co/2vq872z

    Spotify - https://spoti.fi/2x5GM68

    Google Podcasts - https://reurl.cc/O1qaqy

    KKBOX - https://bit.ly/2FMDlpZ

    SoundOn - https://bit.ly/2JpGai0

    Anchor - https://anchor.fm/chatterboxislandenglish

    YouTube - https://bit.ly/3ea3KJT

    RadioRepublic - https://bit.ly/2Wq44P7

    Breaker - https://bit.ly/2IQzcz7

    English Island 英語島雜誌臉書粉專 - https://www.facebook.com/Eisland.tw

    Visit our Website for more Information - https://englishisland.pse.is/eislandmagazine


    【Podcast 關鍵字】

    method (n.) 方法

    organization (n.) 安排;配置

    upcoming (adj.) 即將來臨的

    task (n.) 工作;任務

    habit tracker (n.) 習慣追蹤器

    log (n.) 日誌

    personalized (adj.) 個人化的

    system (n.) 系統

    customize (v.) 訂製

    format (n.) 格式

    index (n.) 索引

    rapid logging (n.) 快速紀錄

    symbol (n.) 符號

    indicate (v.) 表示

    dot (n.) 點

    bullet (n.) 彈頭

    cross (n.) 叉叉

    arrow (n.) 箭頭

    reschedule (v.) 改期;延後

    cross something out (phr.) 把…劃掉

    status (n.) 狀態

    template (n.) 模板

    spread (n.) 版面

    open-source (adj.) 開放資源的;開放源碼的

    productivity (n.) 生產力

    pros and cons (n.) 利弊

    aesthetics (n.) 美學;美感

    minimum (n.) 最低限度

    gradually (adv.) 逐漸地

    practicality (n.) 實用性

    artistic (adj.) 藝術的

    outlet (n.) 出口

    de-pressure (v.) 舒壓

    in advance (adv.) 提前

    flexible (adj.) 彈性的

    casual (adj.) 隨性的

    packed (adj.) 滿的

    stationery (n.) 文具

    washi tape (n.) 紙膠帶

    brush pen (n.) 水彩筆;毛筆

    water color (n.) 水彩

    artsy (adj.) 附庸風雅的;浮華的

    slack off (phr.) 怠惰

    skip (v.) 跳過

    presentable (adj.) 體面的;像樣的

    on top of something (phr.) 除此之外

    planner (n.) 記事本

    layout (n.) 設計;佈局

    therapeutic (adj.) 有療效的

    dedicated (adj.) 專用的

    doodling (n.) 塗鴉

    combine (v.) 結合


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    • 11 min
    S2EP22. 網路隱私能吃嗎?你的個資比你想像得值錢!|Why Your Online Privacy Matters More Than You Think

    S2EP22. 網路隱私能吃嗎?你的個資比你想像得值錢!|Why Your Online Privacy Matters More Than You Think

    Have you ever clicked on an ad on social media, and for the next weeks or months, you just kept on getting similar ads over and over on the Internet? Maybe it's time to keep an eye on your online data and privacy settings!

    In this episode, we're gonna discuss the importance of online privacy, the infamous Facebook-Cambridge Analytica scandal, and how to better protect your personal information online!


    Listen to our podcast on:

    Apple Podcasts - https://apple.co/2vq872z

    Spotify - https://spoti.fi/2x5GM68

    Google Podcasts - https://reurl.cc/O1qaqy

    KKBOX - https://bit.ly/2FMDlpZ

    SoundOn - https://bit.ly/2JpGai0

    Anchor - https://anchor.fm/chatterboxislandenglish

    YouTube - https://bit.ly/3ea3KJT

    RadioRepublic - https://bit.ly/2Wq44P7

    Breaker - https://bit.ly/2IQzcz7

    English Island 英語島雜誌臉書粉專 - https://www.facebook.com/Eisland.tw

    Visit our Website for more Information - https://englishisland.pse.is/eislandmagazine


    【Podcast 關鍵字】

    Online privacy (n.) 網路隱私

    browser (n.) 瀏覽器

    feed (n.) 消息來源

    inbox (n.) 收件匣

    creepy (adj.) 令人毛骨悚然的

    track (v.) 追蹤

    merge (v.) 整合

    virtual (adj.) 虛擬的

    physical (adj.) 實體的

    access (n.) 存取

    destination (n.) 目的地

    data (n.) 資料

    advertise (v.) 投放廣告

    effectively (adv.) 有效地

    merchandise (n.) 商品

    intrusion (n.) 入侵

    shift (v.) 轉移

    form (v.) 形塑

    infamous (adj.) 惡名昭彰的

    Analytica (n.) 分析實驗室

    academic (adj.) 學術的

    purpose (n.) 目的

    respondent (n.) 回答者

    leak (v.) 洩漏

    acquire (v.) 取得

    analytical (adj.) 分析的

    assistance (n.) 協助

    fine (v.) 罰錢

    violation (n.) 違反

    spark (v.) 引發

    perspective (n.) 觀點

    benefit (n.) 利益

    two-factor authentication (n.) 雙重認證

    neglect (v.) 忽略

    verification code (n.) 驗證碼

    encrypted (adj.) 加密過的

    end-to-end (adj.) 端對端

    Internet server (n.) 網路伺服器

    transmit (v.) 發送;傳遞

    fishy (adj.) 可疑的

    personalization (n.) 個人化

    built-in (adj.) 內建的

    expert (n.) 專家

    invasive (adj.) 侵入性的

    block (v.) 封鎖

    pop-up (adj.) 彈出的

    offer (v.) 提供

    advanced (adj.) 進階的

    incognito (adj.) 匿名的

    mode (n.) 模式

    consent (n.) 同意

    sponsored (adj.) 贊助的

    freak someone out (phr.) 嚇到某人


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    • 12 min
    Book Review #1. 「老大哥」的終極監控時代:《1984》|Big Brother is Watching You!

    Book Review #1. 「老大哥」的終極監控時代:《1984》|Big Brother is Watching You!

    Have you ever watched "The Hunger Games" movie franchise? Or have you read any dystopian fiction? 1984 by George Orwell is one of the most classic dystopian fiction of all time.

    In this episode, we're gonna dive into the world of 1984 and see what's so fascinating yet horrifying about this dystopian social science fiction.


    Mentioned Quotes:

    "To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which canceled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again, and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself—that was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word—doublethink—involved the use of doublethink."

    "If one is to rule and to continue ruling, one must be able to dislocate the sense of reality. For the secret of rulership is to combine a belief in one's own infallibility with the power to learn from past mistakes."

    "Those who control the present, control the past, and those who control the past, control the future."


    【Podcast 關鍵字】 

    non-fiction (n.) 非虛構作品

    fiction (n.) 虛構小說

    sprinkle (v.) 撒

    bullet point (n.) 要點

    ramble (v.) 閒談

    dystopia (n.) 反烏托邦

    utopia (n.) 烏托邦

    dehumanized (adj.) 去人性化的

    tyrannical (adj.) 專制的

    adapt into (phr.) 改編成

    imagined (adj.) 想像的

    superstate (n.) 超級國家

    totalitarian (adj.) 極權主義的

    protagonist (n.) 主角

    ministry (n.) 部;內閣

    ration (v.) 配給

    distribution (n.) 分配

    goods (n.) 貨物

    domestic (adj.) 國內的

    identify (v.) 辨識

    monitor (v.) 監控

    torture (v.) 折磨;拷打

    convert (v.) 轉變

    inner (adj.) 內部的/outer (adj.) 外部的

    propaganda (n.) 政治宣傳

    prole (n.) 窮人;無產者

    poverty (n.) 貧窮

    narrative (v.) 陳述

    relevant (adj.) 相關的

    Newspeak (n.) 新語(大洋國官方語言)

    purpose (n.) 目的

    reduce (v.) 減少

    capacity (n.) 理解能力

    limit (v.) 限制

    lack (n.) 缺少

    telescreen (n.) 電幕(具電視及遠端監視功能的螢幕)

    antique (n.) 古董

    rebellion (n.) 反抗

    thoughtcriminal (n.) 思想犯

    unknown (adj.) 不知名的

    affair (n.) 情事

    forbid (v.) 禁止

    reproduction (n.) 生育

    underground (adj.) 地下的

    claim (v.) 聲稱

    philosophy (n.) 哲學

    slavery (n.) 奴隸制度

    capture (v.) 抓捕

    patriotism (n.) 愛國心

    manipulate (v.) 操縱

    imprison (v.) 監禁

    re-educate (v.) 再教育

    practice (v.) 實踐

    doublethink (n.) 雙重思想

    self-deceive (n.) 自我欺騙

    truthfulness (n.) 真實性

    simultaneously (adv.) 同時地

    cancel out (phr.) 抵銷

    contradictory (adj.) 矛盾的

    repudiate (v.) 否認

    morality (n.) 道德

    lay claim to (phr.) 宣稱有

    guardian (n.) 守護者

    promptly (adv.) 立刻地

    subtlety (n.) 奧妙之處

    consciously (adv.) 自覺地

    induce (v.) 促使;誘導

    unconsciousness (n.) 無意識

    hypnosis (n.) 催眠

    slogan (n.) 口號;標語

    be concerned with (phr.) 與…有關

    starvation (n.) 飢荒

    interrogation (n.) 審訊

    rule (v.) 統治

    dislocate (v.) 擾亂

    rulership (n.) 統治權

    combine (v.) 結合

    infallibility (n.) 無誤;絕對正確

    adjust (v.) 調整

    alter (v.) 改變

    favor (n.) 受惠

    contradict (v.) 抵觸

    depict (v.) 描寫

    dictatorship (n.) 獨裁

    totalitarianism (n.) 極權主義


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    • 21 min

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AL user ,

Thank you

List vocabularies below is really useful and appreciate ,please continue this good podcast🤩

暱稱110 ,


and and and 太多and 了 待改進

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